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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Chattingham North MP Resigns After St*rmer Labo*r Corruption Exposed

A Midway MP has made history by becoming the fastest to flounce out in a huff after a general election by resigning from the Labo*r party today.

In a damning open letter to the Prime Minister, Chattingham North MP Rosie Waffle cited evil Sir K*ir St*rmer’s “cruel and unnecessary” policies and also the freebies row engulfing him and his party as the reasons for her resignation.

MP Rosie Waffle: off in a huff...
She attacked the Labo*r leader for the “staggering hypocrisy” of accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of pounds while scrapping winter fuel payments.

This was an issue that Ms. Waffle felt so strongly about, she couldn’t even be bothered to turn up in Parliament to vote for Conservatives’ motion to block the bill for winter fuel payment changes.

“Er, this was because I was being paid to be interviewed by right-wing news outlet UnHerdOf, to explain why I was planning to leave the Labour Party because of their scrapping of winter fuel payments…” mumbled Rosie.

In her resignation letter, she wrote: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. You’re behaving just like Boris Johnson and his cronies, but the right-wing press isn’t going to give you the easy ride it gave them, is it?”

“You’ll be giving out £50 million PPE contracts and peerages to your chums next!”  

The former nail-care assistant went on: “Since we booted those sleazy, greedy and just plain evil Tory bastards out in July after 14 years of corruption, sleaze, cruelty and incompetence, the revelations of your hypocrisy have been staggering and increasingly outrageous. I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues that you have made us all appear to be just as bad as those Tory arseholes. Thanks to you, the right-wing press and their idiot pensioner readership are all over us.”.

“How dare you take our longed-for victory, the electorate's sacred and precious trust, and throw it back in their individual faces and the faces of dedicated and hardworking Lab*ur MPs?”

Keir Starmer: Freebie suits and glasses "not unusual..."
“You are obviously as comfortable with your own hypocrisy and I am with mine. After all, I didn’t resign from the Lab*ur party until after I’d got voted in for another five years, did I? And no, I bloody well won’t be resigning and forcing a by-election. I’m not going to chuck away a sitting MP’s salary and expenses for the next five years, am I?”

“What’s good enough for you is good enough for me. I’ve already signed a juicy contract to appear on UnHerdOf and GBNews and rest assured I’ll be slagging you and your Red Tory Party off as much as I can...”

Ms. Waffle is now in her third term representing Chattingham North after first taking the seat in 2017.

Most recently, in July, she won by a majority of 8,000.

She says she will now stand as an independent, adding: "I hope to be able to return to the party in the future, when it resembles the party I love, i.e. REFORM."


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Yu Rong wrote:

Now we are seeing the true face of Labour, a party completely dominated by corruption, cronyism and incompetence, utterly unlike the brilliant Tory administration hounded out by the BBC and the UK’s overwhelmingly left-wing media. And Rosie Waffle is just as big a hypocrite as “Two Tier Free Gear” St*rmer, taking party funds to get re-elected before resigning from the party just a few weeks later. Labo*r are already reduced to fighting each other like rats in a sack, an unedifying spectacle that you never saw with the united Tories.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

A “brilliant Tory administration” that never fought amongst themselves like rats in a sack? Are you for real? Just where were you in the 14 years before the last election?


Yu Rong replied:

Unlike you, GMM, I get my political information from one of the few UK sources not contaminated with the usual leftist disinformation and bile – The Daily Mail. I wouldn’t expect a Guardian-reading pillock like you to recognise the unfolding disaster that this country’s misguided electorate has foisted upon all of us in the UK.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Thanks you for answering my question, Yu Rong. You clearly aren’t for real. With a reply like that, you can only be a Tory or REFORM troll.


Yu Rong replied:

How does it go? Oh yes. You far left excuser. In fact, a far left extremism excuser.


Ancient Arseolian wrote:

I'd expected to have to wait the full term for Lab*ur to be back in opposition. It seems likely that it's not going to take that long. Not since the last incoming Government 14 years ago have we seen such avarice and incompetence in such a short time - not to mention the many and varied skeletons in “two-tier free-gear” socialist Sir Keir’s many cupboards. The breaking news stories over the coming months will be painful and full of cringe.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:

Sir K*ir St*rmer’s leadership is beginning to grow on me. When Labo*r was elected, I feared that the foul socialist winds of change were going to blow away the rule by wealth and privilege that has served this country – or at least, me – so very well for the past forty years.
Now it seems that it really is just business as usual, for which I and my prosperous friends are profoundly grateful for. Contrary to my dire expectations, it is clear that Chancellor Reeves fully understands the basic rule that taxes are only to be paid by poor people. Good for her and long may that continue.
Inconsequential losers such as Rosie Waffle are welcome to flounce out of government and into well-deserved obscurity. She will not be missed.


Wankenator 2 wrote:

Rosie has duped Chattingham. She didn't bother turning up to vote against removing the fuel allowance. Then she resigns the Labo*r whip after taking party funds. Typical Labo*r hypocrite!


Truth Twister replied:

576 voted either for or against the motion meaning that 74 did not vote either way so why single her out? Diane Abbott did not vote either so where is your criticism of her?


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Er, could it be anything to do with the fact that this article is about Rosie Waffle, not Diane Abbott – who hasn’t resigned from Labour...yet?


Chad Grindr replied:

You are clearly a leftist loon, GMM. You expose yourself every day as a bitter, hate filled Far-Left anti-British antagonist troll. Ke*r St*rmer should be imprisoned for his blatant corruption. You should be made to share a cell with him, along with 10% of the British Civil Service, as it looks like you both share the same ideology.


Yu Rong replied:

As usual GMM, you completely miss the point. The point is that anything Labour does is bad, whilst anything the Tories do is good. Your consistent failure to acknowledge this basic fact underlines your stupidity as a leftist hater of the UK.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Pregnancy blues getting you down, Yu Rong? Heard from Neil Barse lately?


Yu Rong replied:

No. He’s a bastard and now I hate him more than I hate you. But rest assured, I will hunt him down and make him face up to his parental responsibilities if it’s the last thing I do.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Best of luck with that. Shafting folk and avoiding the consequences are what Tories do best…


Neil Barse replied:

A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Super Small Dick wrote:

Meanwhile another 300 small boats packed with millions of illegal immigrants arrived on our shores yesterday. St*rmer has been in office for nearly three months now and everything is still shite and still the boats keep coming. Time for another general election. St*rmer OUT!!!


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:

Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.
