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Friday, February 7, 2025

Killer Cold Health Yellow Warning Issued For Midway As Temperatures Plummet Below Freezing

Scary weather map showing bad weather in other places...

A yellow cold health warning has been issued as temperatures are set to plummet below freezing.

The alert comes into force across Kent from 9am today (February 7) and will be in place until 9am on Tuesday (February 11).

This means the weather is likely to lead to an increased use of healthcare services by vulnerable people and pose a greater risk of life to those individuals.

Freezing snow blizzard hell not happening...
Yellow cold health alerts have also been issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for the North East, North West and Yorkshire and the Humber.

Which are three hundred miles north of Midway, but why spoil a good headline with mere geography?

As we head into the weekend, the Met Office said high pressure across the country will bring easterly winds and low temperatures and increase the risk of snow and ice.

A spokesman for the government agency added: “What we are seeing with the UK’s weather over the next few days is the influence of high pressure and the development of south-easterly airflow which will see temperatures drop for many.

“We could see temperatures drop as low as minus 7C in rural parts of Scotland from Friday into the weekend.

“Further south we’re still likely to see through the weekend sub-zero temperatures.

No risk of deadly killer snow terror...
“Rural parts of southern Wales could reach minus 4C from Friday overnight into the weekend.”

Despite this, he said day-time temperatures in the Midway area will only be “slightly below” the average maximum for February, which is 7C. They may dip to just below freezing, which is not unusual for this time of year.

However, the Met Office spokesman added: “February has started warmer than average, so it is going to be a return to more typical February averages, albeit a bit colder.

“From Friday, there is a chance of some snow drifting into parts of the south of England and south Wales, however, this is relatively short-lived, and it is not expected to be impactful at the moment.”

So as usual, we haven’t got a story. But we’re hoping our brain-dead readership won’t look beyond the click-bait headline, so that we get the “clicks” we need to keep our advertisers happy.

Midway is likely to see rain across the weekend with drier conditions expected later next week.

It really is kind of pathetic isn’t it…?

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Notasoviet Resident wrote:
Comrades you must know if anyone dies from cold injuries, your St*rmer and Re*ves must be held accountable.
Everyone now knows they lied into power and despise everything British. Contributing to peoples ill health, Injury and possible death can not be ignored. They are treacherous traitors of British people, unlike Dear Mr. Putin who loves the UK and will bring true democracy to our country if asked to by proper patriotic UK politicians like REFORM.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Hello Pseudocreem 2. I see you are now posting under a new user name. And we don't use the word “comrade” in the UK very much. Just a little hint.


Notasoviet Resident replied:
You tell lies as typical English St*rmer stooge. I am listening to someone on Russia Today who comparing St*rmer’s regime with Nazi Germany and it is valid comparison regardless of what you think comrade most people in UK feel threatened and marginalised in St*rmer’s Britain where his two tier policing and politicised judiciary will allow and encourage pro Palestinian protests while clamping down on political protestors for other causes all while harassing political opponents and journalists etc who they see as hostile. Can you think of any other democratic regime since the Nazis who passed legislation knowing it would lead to the deaths of some of most vulnerable people in society? UK needs dear Mr. Putin and fairness and freedom of true democracy as offered in homeland by dear Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I know disinformation is your job and your employers have to be congratulated for their efforts over Brexit and the recent presidential election in the USA. But here in the UK, the government does not harass political opponents, nor has it passed legislation that will “lead to the deaths of some of the most vulnerable people in society”. This ridiculously transparent anti-government propaganda from your Russian masters fools nobody.


Notasoviet Resdient replied:
Comrade it pitiful to be watching you desperately try to deflect and obfuscate as the appalling reality of Labo*r government becomes increasingly clear if this cabal of champagne socialists and far left fascists last full term they won't see second one as we have control of UK media and will make sure REFORM and Tory party merge so will be friendly to Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than fascist Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer who is enemy of fairness and freedom of true democracy unlike Dear Mr. Putin.


Phil TheMentallyIll wrote:
All this cold weather in winter is entirely the fault of Ke*r St*rmer and Chancellor Rach*l Re*ves. The imposition of VAT on private school fees, removal of the universal Winter Fuel Payment, the imposition of inheritance tax on farmland and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles are all directly responsible for the cold weather we will soon be suffering. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Chad Grindr replied:
I completely agree, Phil. The only ones celebrating life under this disastrous government are the criminals that it let out of prison early and the millions of so-called asylum seekers let in since Labo*r came to power and who are currently sitting in warm hotels while all of our pensioners freeze to death and our farmers are reduced to living in tents as a result of being evicted from their land because they cannot afford to pay their IHT bills.


Super Small Dick wrote:
Labo*r have been in for over six months now and everything is still shite just like it was under the last government of Blair and Brown. In that time, millions of illegal immigrants have crossed the channel in small boats and are being kept in luxury hotels while millions of UK pensioners freeze to death and homeless farmers are sleeping on the streets after being kicked off their land because they can’t afford to pay their inheritance tax. My local Tory councillor told me that St*rmer is now planning to abolish state pensions altogether to pay for benefits for illegal immigrants. Vote REFORM UK PARTY PLC.
