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Friday, February 28, 2025

Opinion: Government Can Fixate On Facts, But Only People’s Feelings Matter, Writes Tricki Dice.

The government can fixate on facts, targets and statistics all it likes, but the only metric that matters is people’s feelings, writes guest reporter and Chairman of the Society of Millionaires for the Election of Extreme Right-wingers (SMEER), Tricki Dice…

Tricki Dice: Bankrolling the Gargoyle...
A little more than a week ago you may have seen Labo*r MPs sharing graphics boasting how the new government had delivered more than two million additional NHS appointments in its first five months — a cracking result demonstrating the turnaround Labo*r is making for the country.

Of course, we at SMEER didn’t like that at all. If we going to get our man Niglet the Gargoyle and his Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©® elected in 2029, then it’s vitally important that our SMEER campaign keeps a grip on the narrative.

We don’t want people feeling good about any aspect of life in the UK. We don’t want them to think that things might be getting better. We don’t want them thinking that the Labo*r government might actually be starting to turn things around.

For us, it’s important to keep people feeling miserable and scared. And our UK right-wing press (which is largely owned by supporters of our SMEER campaign) are doing a great job on that front.

No matter what Labo*r do, our trolls at SMEER are finding ways to twist data, facts and figures. We don’t want people thinking about the truth. We don’t want them thinking at all. We just want them to feel bad, because we know that vague feelings and random emotions are much easier to manipulate than hard facts.

Labo*r's W*s Stre*ting; inflated claims...
So take Labo*r’s boast about two million additional NHS appointments. OK, so the facts are that there really have been extra appointments made. NHS waiting lists really have started to fall month on month since Labo*r took charge. Excess deaths are also falling.

So what?

Who cares about the facts, especially if they are favourable to Labo*r?

What we at SMEER (and hence, our chums in the UK’s right-wing media) are saying is that the result has been reached by comparing July to November 2023 (when there was a huge total of SEVEN days of strikes from junior doctors and consultants) with July to November 2024 (when there were no strikes).

Or, that in a sea of 150 million appointments, an extra two million means very little.

Even the slightest bit of good news has to be twisted or buried, to keep people feeling hopeless and scared. That way, they’ll forget all about how bad 14 years of an increasingly right-wing government were and that somehow, Labo*r is even worse.

So instead, we’re concentrating on depressing stuff like people being treated in hospital corridors, because that’s the sort of bad news story we can blame the Labo*r government for. Hell, they’ve been on power for over six months now. And STILL things aren’t perfect!

In the New Labo*r years there was a real focus on a dreaded T-word: targets.

Wicked Ang*la Rayn*r: SMEER witch hunt
We at SMEER bitterly resent the fact that New Labo*r did a pretty good job of fixing the NHS after it was trashed by the previous 18 years of Tory government during the 80s and 90s.  So we’re undermining that achievement by saying that it created a tick-box culture and that resources were being devoted to ensuring targets were met rather than actually providing a good service.

Even though it did.

And people are falling for it because we own the UK’s media, which is relentlessly shrieking that anything Labo*r ever did, or does, must be wrong.

It doesn’t matter if Labo*r hit all their targets and things get better. We’ll be telling them that everything is still shit, because we know that most British people are cynical and not that bright.

Our Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©® in particular realised this a long time ago, when they began to argue against the use of GDP as a measure of how well the country is doing.

Evil Chancellor R*chel R*eves.
We at SMEER know that Rachel Reeves’ push for growth will only pay dividends with voters if it sees increased prosperity across all sections of society— but SMEER are putting out the narrative that GDP can rise while only benefiting those at the very top, as if ordinary people don’t benefit from a growing economy as well.

That’s just nonsense of course, but if you shout lies and nonsense loud enough and long enough, the good old British voter will believe it. It worked for Brexit, it worked for Boris and it will work for our Niglet and his Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©®

What we’re hoping is that election day 2029 will roll around and Sir K*ir St*rmer will tell voters until he’s blue in the face that his government has increased growth and hit targets x, y and z — but if our SMEER campaign has done its job, people will ignore all of the good stuff and vote for our puppet Niglet instead.

Labo*r are wasting their time trying to improve things — because thanks to our SMEER campaign, its fostering of misinformation and its careful manipulation of voter’s feelings and emotions, no amount of media management will save them in four years' time.

Bring on Niglet and the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©®!!!


And in the real world, another young newbie intern is writing pretty much the same stuff as above. There were a couple of sneers about Labo*r but he didn’t mention REFORM on every line, so it didn’t turn out to be the troll-bait click-fest his bosses might have been hoping for. He’ll learn…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Tangible results is what people want to see. So far all this Labo*r government (that told a lot of porky pies to get elected) has delivered is tax rises, increased illegal immigration and a damaging budget. A load of prisoners got let out early, so at least they are happy!


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Immigration and prisoner releases are, as you know full well, a legacy of the previous administration. As for the budget, only the shrieking right-wing press and the rich are complaining about it. The effects of a minimal rise in employer NI contributions (all of a whacking 2.5%) have been hugely exaggerated, as has been the introduction of IHT on farm land, intended to deter the uber-rich from buying up the UK’s countryside as a tax dodge. Strip away the right-wing rich-boy screeching and there’s no doubt that Labo*r are beginning to get to grips with the mess they were left with.


Chad Grindr replied:
Why are you so desperate to defend a government that's slashing public services and making everyone poor?


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Are you confusing mega-rich landowners, wealthy businessmen and well-off pensioners with “everyone”? If you actually care about public services and the poor, you're being irrational. It would be more understandable if you were wealthy and wanted to protect your family's wealth.


Neil Barse replied:
Why are you supporting Labo*r then Ed. It's your wealth and family that Labo*r is attacking? Obviously you are wealthy enough not to worry about being poor and being made poorer by Labo*r.


Ed 24468motorway replied:
I am supporting Labo*r because I believe that they wish to improve the lot of the majority of people in the UK, unlike the previous administration that just enriched their chums. I am not wealthy but I do not feel as if I have been made particularly poorer by anything Labo*r has done, despite the selective anti-Labo*r spin put out by the UK right-wing media. Unlike the Tories, whose policies fuelled inflation and upped my mortgage repayments, thanks.


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Ed 24468motorway confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Ed 24468motorway posts on here.


Chad Grindr replied:
Sadly I am not wealthy Ed, so like many other people are not happy about being made poorer due to the dreadful decisions this government is making and all the cuts thanks


Ed 24468motorway replied:
So, all cuts made by Labo*r to try and rescue public finances in 2025 are bad, whereas all cuts made by Tories solely as result of political dogma were good?


Chad Grindr wrote:
So let's get this straight Ed, you’re saying:
Labo*r, who are now in government are being forced to make cuts because of other evil parties that are not in power. Nothing to do with how badly they are managing the economy? And you say other people are irrational?


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Yes, Chad, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Because it’s correct. 14 years of Tory mis-rule have devastated the UK and regrettably some hard decisions have to be made. And Labo*r aren’t ‘mismanaging the economy’. As I said earlier, only the shrieking right-wing press and the Tory rich are complaining about the budget. Seven months in and I don’t see any evidence of a Truss/Kwarteng-style economic collapse, despite the best efforts of the Daily Mail/Express/Telegraph to pretend otherwise.


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies, gaslighting and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to bring in compulsory assisted dying for pensioners so that the government can seize their property and give it to asylum seekers eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you woke, hate-filled far-left St*rmer worshippers would approve of.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
The government of the United Kingdom has just decided to hand over an extra 1% of it's GDP to the United States.
The key defence system of the UK is the nuclear deterrent (Trident) that is purchased from the US. The key air capability of the RAF is variations of the F35, they are purchased from the US. Key surface equipment for the Army are also purchased from the US. As for the Navy, the United Kingdom struggled to make the latest ships and since then has almost lost all of its steel manufacturing.
All Kier St*rmer has done is handed over billions to the US.
But he did invite Trump for tea and sandwiches with the King.
I know this has nothing to do with the topic but I like to Google random things and then post them here just to show that I am more intelligent than anyone else.
At least St*rmer is supporting Trump and Elon Musk in their fight against the alien woke lizard people who are looking to invade people’s minds via their 5G network and nano-transmitters injected via COVID vaccines that were devised by chief iguana Bill Gates at the behest of his reptilian masters.
I am smarter than most people because I have hidden in my Mum’s attic in Wales for the past 20 years so that the lizard people can’t get me. My posts here show that I am smarter than everyone and always right.


Gorden Bellend wrote:
Even when the Tories were in charge and it was all so awful (according to some) most actual "working people" felt better and had more money in their pockets.
That’s what my Daily Mail says anyway, and I believe it because like all Tories, I like being lied to. This government has dragged down the country's morale by refusing to tell lies about everything and not saying everything is just brilliant.
Bring back Booster Boris, that’s what this country needs right now. He might have been a lazy, lying, fat, corrupt incompetent, but he made us feel good.
The Daily Mail says St*rmer just swans around the world looking like a portly old Harry Potter look-alike seemingly doing sweet FA towards making the lives of UK tax payers better!
And it’s right!


Nostrildigger wrote:
The public would have a lot more confidence in this government if they stopped doing things for a good reason. Why can't they act randomly or just pander to the right-wing press like the Tories did? We don’t want to hear about the so called £22 billion black hole, because it doesn’t fit with what we already believe in.
PM's question time is embarrassing and painful to watch.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Yes I agree. PM's question time is embarrassing and painful to watch solely because Kemi Badenoch is so utterly hopeless and out of her depth. Even boring old K*ir runs rings around her.
There is a real war going on in Ukraine, and the US and Russia are trying to broker a deal without the Ukrainians. This is a critical moment for the west. And what was Kemi doing last week?  Speaking at the “alt-right” Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference about how the real danger the west was facing was leftist wokery and ‘culture wars’. “I am saying the unsayable,” she said, unaware that she was perfectly free to spout whatever demented drivel she wanted to. And she did. And she's the best the Tories have? St*rmer and the gargoyle can't believe their luck.
Every time she opens her mouth her fellow Tory MPs try and hide in shame. It’s embarrassing to watch.


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums. I think Kemi Badenoch is absolutely brilliant and completely destroys K*ir St*rmer at PMQT. That’s what GBNews says anyway, which saves me having to watch PMQT myself.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Labo*r plans to bring in compulsory assisted dying for pensioners so that the government can seize their property and give it to asylum seekers. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labo*r’s IHT changes. Four more years of St*rmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Notasoviet Resident wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.
