++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feeding click-bait to ultra-right-wing trolls since 2015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Friday, February 28, 2025

Opinion: Government Can Fixate On Facts, But Only People’s Feelings Matter, Writes Tricki Dice.

The government can fixate on facts, targets and statistics all it likes, but the only metric that matters is people’s feelings, writes guest reporter and Chairman of the Society of Millionaires for the Election of Extreme Right-wingers (SMEER), Tricki Dice…

Tricki Dice: Bankrolling the Gargoyle...
A little more than a week ago you may have seen Labo*r MPs sharing graphics boasting how the new government had delivered more than two million additional NHS appointments in its first five months — a cracking result demonstrating the turnaround Labo*r is making for the country.

Of course, we at SMEER didn’t like that at all. If we going to get our man Niglet the Gargoyle and his Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©® elected in 2029, then it’s vitally important that our SMEER campaign keeps a grip on the narrative.

We don’t want people feeling good about any aspect of life in the UK. We don’t want them to think that things might be getting better. We don’t want them thinking that the Labo*r government might actually be starting to turn things around.

For us, it’s important to keep people feeling miserable and scared. And our UK right-wing press (which is largely owned by supporters of our SMEER campaign) are doing a great job on that front.

No matter what Labo*r do, our trolls at SMEER are finding ways to twist data, facts and figures. We don’t want people thinking about the truth. We don’t want them thinking at all. We just want them to feel bad, because we know that vague feelings and random emotions are much easier to manipulate than hard facts.

Labo*r's W*s Stre*ting; inflated claims...
So take Labo*r’s boast about two million additional NHS appointments. OK, so the facts are that there really have been extra appointments made. NHS waiting lists really have started to fall month on month since Labo*r took charge. Excess deaths are also falling.

So what?

Who cares about the facts, especially if they are favourable to Labo*r?

What we at SMEER (and hence, our chums in the UK’s right-wing media) are saying is that the result has been reached by comparing July to November 2023 (when there was a huge total of SEVEN days of strikes from junior doctors and consultants) with July to November 2024 (when there were no strikes).

Or, that in a sea of 150 million appointments, an extra two million means very little.

Even the slightest bit of good news has to be twisted or buried, to keep people feeling hopeless and scared. That way, they’ll forget all about how bad 14 years of an increasingly right-wing government were and that somehow, Labo*r is even worse.

So instead, we’re concentrating on depressing stuff like people being treated in hospital corridors, because that’s the sort of bad news story we can blame the Labo*r government for. Hell, they’ve been on power for over six months now. And STILL things aren’t perfect!

In the New Labo*r years there was a real focus on a dreaded T-word: targets.

Wicked Ang*la Rayn*r: SMEER witch hunt
We at SMEER bitterly resent the fact that New Labo*r did a pretty good job of fixing the NHS after it was trashed by the previous 18 years of Tory government during the 80s and 90s.  So we’re undermining that achievement by saying that it created a tick-box culture and that resources were being devoted to ensuring targets were met rather than actually providing a good service.

Even though it did.

And people are falling for it because we own the UK’s media, which is relentlessly shrieking that anything Labo*r ever did, or does, must be wrong.

It doesn’t matter if Labo*r hit all their targets and things get better. We’ll be telling them that everything is still shit, because we know that most British people are cynical and not that bright.

Our Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©® in particular realised this a long time ago, when they began to argue against the use of GDP as a measure of how well the country is doing.

Evil Chancellor R*chel R*eves.
We at SMEER know that Rachel Reeves’ push for growth will only pay dividends with voters if it sees increased prosperity across all sections of society— but SMEER are putting out the narrative that GDP can rise while only benefiting those at the very top, as if ordinary people don’t benefit from a growing economy as well.

That’s just nonsense of course, but if you shout lies and nonsense loud enough and long enough, the good old British voter will believe it. It worked for Brexit, it worked for Boris and it will work for our Niglet and his Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©®

What we’re hoping is that election day 2029 will roll around and Sir K*ir St*rmer will tell voters until he’s blue in the face that his government has increased growth and hit targets x, y and z — but if our SMEER campaign has done its job, people will ignore all of the good stuff and vote for our puppet Niglet instead.

Labo*r are wasting their time trying to improve things — because thanks to our SMEER campaign, its fostering of misinformation and its careful manipulation of voter’s feelings and emotions, no amount of media management will save them in four years' time.

Bring on Niglet and the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC™©®!!!


And in the real world, another young newbie intern is writing pretty much the same stuff as above. There were a couple of sneers about Labo*r but he didn’t mention REFORM on every line, so it didn’t turn out to be the troll-bait click-fest his bosses might have been hoping for. He’ll learn…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Tangible results is what people want to see. So far all this Labo*r government (that told a lot of porky pies to get elected) has delivered is tax rises, increased illegal immigration and a damaging budget. A load of prisoners got let out early, so at least they are happy!


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Immigration and prisoner releases are, as you know full well, a legacy of the previous administration. As for the budget, only the shrieking right-wing press and the rich are complaining about it. The effects of a minimal rise in employer NI contributions (all of a whacking 2.5%) have been hugely exaggerated, as has been the introduction of IHT on farm land, intended to deter the uber-rich from buying up the UK’s countryside as a tax dodge. Strip away the right-wing rich-boy screeching and there’s no doubt that Labo*r are beginning to get to grips with the mess they were left with.


Chad Grindr replied:
Why are you so desperate to defend a government that's slashing public services and making everyone poor?


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Are you confusing mega-rich landowners, wealthy businessmen and well-off pensioners with “everyone”? If you actually care about public services and the poor, you're being irrational. It would be more understandable if you were wealthy and wanted to protect your family's wealth.


Neil Barse replied:
Why are you supporting Labo*r then Ed. It's your wealth and family that Labo*r is attacking? Obviously you are wealthy enough not to worry about being poor and being made poorer by Labo*r.


Ed 24468motorway replied:
I am supporting Labo*r because I believe that they wish to improve the lot of the majority of people in the UK, unlike the previous administration that just enriched their chums. I am not wealthy but I do not feel as if I have been made particularly poorer by anything Labo*r has done, despite the selective anti-Labo*r spin put out by the UK right-wing media. Unlike the Tories, whose policies fuelled inflation and upped my mortgage repayments, thanks.


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Ed 24468motorway confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Ed 24468motorway posts on here.


Chad Grindr replied:
Sadly I am not wealthy Ed, so like many other people are not happy about being made poorer due to the dreadful decisions this government is making and all the cuts thanks


Ed 24468motorway replied:
So, all cuts made by Labo*r to try and rescue public finances in 2025 are bad, whereas all cuts made by Tories solely as result of political dogma were good?


Chad Grindr wrote:
So let's get this straight Ed, you’re saying:
Labo*r, who are now in government are being forced to make cuts because of other evil parties that are not in power. Nothing to do with how badly they are managing the economy? And you say other people are irrational?


Ed 24468motorway replied:
Yes, Chad, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Because it’s correct. 14 years of Tory mis-rule have devastated the UK and regrettably some hard decisions have to be made. And Labo*r aren’t ‘mismanaging the economy’. As I said earlier, only the shrieking right-wing press and the Tory rich are complaining about the budget. Seven months in and I don’t see any evidence of a Truss/Kwarteng-style economic collapse, despite the best efforts of the Daily Mail/Express/Telegraph to pretend otherwise.


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies, gaslighting and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to bring in compulsory assisted dying for pensioners so that the government can seize their property and give it to asylum seekers eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you woke, hate-filled far-left St*rmer worshippers would approve of.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
The government of the United Kingdom has just decided to hand over an extra 1% of it's GDP to the United States.
The key defence system of the UK is the nuclear deterrent (Trident) that is purchased from the US. The key air capability of the RAF is variations of the F35, they are purchased from the US. Key surface equipment for the Army are also purchased from the US. As for the Navy, the United Kingdom struggled to make the latest ships and since then has almost lost all of its steel manufacturing.
All Kier St*rmer has done is handed over billions to the US.
But he did invite Trump for tea and sandwiches with the King.
I know this has nothing to do with the topic but I like to Google random things and then post them here just to show that I am more intelligent than anyone else.
At least St*rmer is supporting Trump and Elon Musk in their fight against the alien woke lizard people who are looking to invade people’s minds via their 5G network and nano-transmitters injected via COVID vaccines that were devised by chief iguana Bill Gates at the behest of his reptilian masters.
I am smarter than most people because I have hidden in my Mum’s attic in Wales for the past 20 years so that the lizard people can’t get me. My posts here show that I am smarter than everyone and always right.


Gorden Bellend wrote:
Even when the Tories were in charge and it was all so awful (according to some) most actual "working people" felt better and had more money in their pockets.
That’s what my Daily Mail says anyway, and I believe it because like all Tories, I like being lied to. This government has dragged down the country's morale by refusing to tell lies about everything and not saying everything is just brilliant.
Bring back Booster Boris, that’s what this country needs right now. He might have been a lazy, lying, fat, corrupt incompetent, but he made us feel good.
The Daily Mail says St*rmer just swans around the world looking like a portly old Harry Potter look-alike seemingly doing sweet FA towards making the lives of UK tax payers better!
And it’s right!


Nostrildigger wrote:
The public would have a lot more confidence in this government if they stopped doing things for a good reason. Why can't they act randomly or just pander to the right-wing press like the Tories did? We don’t want to hear about the so called £22 billion black hole, because it doesn’t fit with what we already believe in.
PM's question time is embarrassing and painful to watch.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Yes I agree. PM's question time is embarrassing and painful to watch solely because Kemi Badenoch is so utterly hopeless and out of her depth. Even boring old K*ir runs rings around her.
There is a real war going on in Ukraine, and the US and Russia are trying to broker a deal without the Ukrainians. This is a critical moment for the west. And what was Kemi doing last week?  Speaking at the “alt-right” Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference about how the real danger the west was facing was leftist wokery and ‘culture wars’. “I am saying the unsayable,” she said, unaware that she was perfectly free to spout whatever demented drivel she wanted to. And she did. And she's the best the Tories have? St*rmer and the gargoyle can't believe their luck.
Every time she opens her mouth her fellow Tory MPs try and hide in shame. It’s embarrassing to watch.


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums. I think Kemi Badenoch is absolutely brilliant and completely destroys K*ir St*rmer at PMQT. That’s what GBNews says anyway, which saves me having to watch PMQT myself.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Labo*r plans to bring in compulsory assisted dying for pensioners so that the government can seize their property and give it to asylum seekers. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labo*r’s IHT changes. Four more years of St*rmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Notasoviet Resident wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.



Thursday, February 20, 2025

Chancellor Rach*l Re*ves Denies Plan To Scrap Old Age Pensions To Fund Asylum Seeker Benefits...


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Neil Barse
Once again this Labour government is looking to attack our pensioners and drive them into poverty. That never happened under the Tories. Disgusting. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.

Tornado Watcher replied:
Does it ever occur to you that the MORON might just have made up these “plans” as a click-bait headline, just to attract people to yet another desperate subscription begging post?


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Thought not.


Chad Grindr replied:
Neil, just like all of the UK’s Tory-supporting media outlets, I sincerely hope that the UK economy crashes, inflation spirals out of control and the entire population of the UK is forced into starvation and poverty. Then all patriotic UK-loving people such as ourselves will all be able to crow about how awful Labour are and how much better off everyone is under the Tories.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Labo*r are planning to make assisted dying compulsory for anyone over the age of 65 to free up beds in the NHS . Meanwhile, another 800,000 Albanian shoplifters crossed the channel in small boats last week and are being housed in luxury hotels while all of our pensioners freeze to death and our farmers are reduced to living in tents as a result of being evicted from their land because they cannot afford to pay their IHT bills. Four more years of Starmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Notasoviet Resident wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Killer Cold Health Yellow Warning Issued For Midway As Temperatures Plummet Below Freezing

Scary weather map showing bad weather in other places...

A yellow cold health warning has been issued as temperatures are set to plummet below freezing.

The alert comes into force across Kent from 9am today (February 7) and will be in place until 9am on Tuesday (February 11).

This means the weather is likely to lead to an increased use of healthcare services by vulnerable people and pose a greater risk of life to those individuals.

Freezing snow blizzard hell not happening...
Yellow cold health alerts have also been issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for the North East, North West and Yorkshire and the Humber.

Which are three hundred miles north of Midway, but why spoil a good headline with mere geography?

As we head into the weekend, the Met Office said high pressure across the country will bring easterly winds and low temperatures and increase the risk of snow and ice.

A spokesman for the government agency added: “What we are seeing with the UK’s weather over the next few days is the influence of high pressure and the development of south-easterly airflow which will see temperatures drop for many.

“We could see temperatures drop as low as minus 7C in rural parts of Scotland from Friday into the weekend.

“Further south we’re still likely to see through the weekend sub-zero temperatures.

No risk of deadly killer snow terror...
“Rural parts of southern Wales could reach minus 4C from Friday overnight into the weekend.”

Despite this, he said day-time temperatures in the Midway area will only be “slightly below” the average maximum for February, which is 7C. They may dip to just below freezing, which is not unusual for this time of year.

However, the Met Office spokesman added: “February has started warmer than average, so it is going to be a return to more typical February averages, albeit a bit colder.

“From Friday, there is a chance of some snow drifting into parts of the south of England and south Wales, however, this is relatively short-lived, and it is not expected to be impactful at the moment.”

So as usual, we haven’t got a story. But we’re hoping our brain-dead readership won’t look beyond the click-bait headline, so that we get the “clicks” we need to keep our advertisers happy.

Midway is likely to see rain across the weekend with drier conditions expected later next week.

It really is kind of pathetic isn’t it…?

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Notasoviet Resident wrote:
Comrades you must know if anyone dies from cold injuries, your St*rmer and Re*ves must be held accountable.
Everyone now knows they lied into power and despise everything British. Contributing to peoples ill health, Injury and possible death can not be ignored. They are treacherous traitors of British people, unlike Dear Mr. Putin who loves the UK and will bring true democracy to our country if asked to by proper patriotic UK politicians like REFORM.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Hello Pseudocreem 2. I see you are now posting under a new user name. And we don't use the word “comrade” in the UK very much. Just a little hint.


Notasoviet Resident replied:
You tell lies as typical English St*rmer stooge. I am listening to someone on Russia Today who comparing St*rmer’s regime with Nazi Germany and it is valid comparison regardless of what you think comrade most people in UK feel threatened and marginalised in St*rmer’s Britain where his two tier policing and politicised judiciary will allow and encourage pro Palestinian protests while clamping down on political protestors for other causes all while harassing political opponents and journalists etc who they see as hostile. Can you think of any other democratic regime since the Nazis who passed legislation knowing it would lead to the deaths of some of most vulnerable people in society? UK needs dear Mr. Putin and fairness and freedom of true democracy as offered in homeland by dear Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I know disinformation is your job and your employers have to be congratulated for their efforts over Brexit and the recent presidential election in the USA. But here in the UK, the government does not harass political opponents, nor has it passed legislation that will “lead to the deaths of some of the most vulnerable people in society”. This ridiculously transparent anti-government propaganda from your Russian masters fools nobody.


Notasoviet Resdient replied:
Comrade it pitiful to be watching you desperately try to deflect and obfuscate as the appalling reality of Labo*r government becomes increasingly clear if this cabal of champagne socialists and far left fascists last full term they won't see second one as we have control of UK media and will make sure REFORM and Tory party merge so will be friendly to Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than fascist Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer who is enemy of fairness and freedom of true democracy unlike Dear Mr. Putin.


Phil TheMentallyIll wrote:
All this cold weather in winter is entirely the fault of Ke*r St*rmer and Chancellor Rach*l Re*ves. The imposition of VAT on private school fees, removal of the universal Winter Fuel Payment, the imposition of inheritance tax on farmland and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles are all directly responsible for the cold weather we will soon be suffering. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Chad Grindr replied:
I completely agree, Phil. The only ones celebrating life under this disastrous government are the criminals that it let out of prison early and the millions of so-called asylum seekers let in since Labo*r came to power and who are currently sitting in warm hotels while all of our pensioners freeze to death and our farmers are reduced to living in tents as a result of being evicted from their land because they cannot afford to pay their IHT bills.


Super Small Dick wrote:
Labo*r have been in for over six months now and everything is still shite just like it was under the last government of Blair and Brown. In that time, millions of illegal immigrants have crossed the channel in small boats and are being kept in luxury hotels while millions of UK pensioners freeze to death and homeless farmers are sleeping on the streets after being kicked off their land because they can’t afford to pay their inheritance tax. My local Tory councillor told me that St*rmer is now planning to abolish state pensions altogether to pay for benefits for illegal immigrants. Vote REFORM UK PARTY PLC.



Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Multi-Millionaire Owner of Frankenstein Castle Set To Leave UK Over Non-Dom Tax Changes

The multi-millionaire owner of a Midway castle has announced she is set to leave the country - because she doesn't want to pay tax.

Bride of Frankenstein and her husband: not paying tax...

Businesswoman and necromancer Dr Jocelyn Frankenstein has decided to leave Frankenstein Castle (a.k.a. “Mon Repose”) near Buxley in the Midway valley, with her creator and husband, plastic surgeon Baron Victor Von Frankenstein, ahead of the Labo*r government’s upcoming changes to non-dom rules.

However, they are going to keep hold of the Grade I-listed building, which they bought in 1823 for 500 guineas. Currently, the couple avoid paying UK tax on money they make from international human organ trading - but that is set to end in April next year.

The move has failed to impress Dr Frankenstein, who is set to head to a castle in the Italian Alps. There, wealthy internationals pay a flat tax rate of £166,000 yearly, regardless of their overseas earnings.

Evil Labo*r Chancellor R*chel Re*ves
Speaking to the Heily Torygraph, the 264-year-old blamed Chancellor R*chel Re*ves for her decision to move.

“I seriously don’t want to leave, but we think it is outrageous that rich people like us are being asked to pay tax,” Dr Frankenstein said.

“‘Reckless Re*ves’ needs to listen to rich people who are saying ‘no’, not just the plebeian electorate who are saying ‘yes’ and patting her on the back. This is a serious thing as the UK trade in human organs for necromancy is really struggling.”

“I’d much rather stay in England, but the thought of having to pay a fair share of tax is making my neck bolts ache.”

The star of Transylvanian reality TV show “Whose Brain Is It Anyway?” added: “Wealthy mad scientists such as myself are preparing to shuffle down the runways of Italy, Switzerland and Dubai, where government concierges will grovel at our feet and greet us with open arms and wallets.”

The announcement comes despite the Chancellor’s plans to water down the non-dom tax raid by granting new arrivals a four-year reprieve in paying domestic taxes on foreign wealth.

“Having just four years will not encourage billionaire mad scientists. It will attract zero rich loonies,” Dr Frankenstein added.

Last week, Re*ves told the BBC that “if you make Britain your home, you should pay your taxes”.

The government hopes the crackdown - with foreign earnings brought into the inheritance tax system - will raise £5.2 billion for the public purse by 2028-29.

Frankenstein Castle in Boxley Valley: a.k.a. "Mon Repose"

Previously, Dr. Frankenstein planned to write to the King to ask him to grant independence to her estate, creating a non-dom kingdom in Buxley, but decided against it after realising that it would be a completely stupid waste of time that would only succeed in making her look like a self-entitled idiot.

Last year, the castle’s science park was set to turnover £1 million. The dungeons are open to the public, a number of laboratories within the ground are available to rent, and The Living Dead bistro opened in August.

There are also plans in the pipeline to open 20 torture chambers on the second floor of the castle and construct vats to grow human organs for the creation of an army of unstoppable golems.

Filming of a documentary has also been ongoing at the site, but an apology had to be issued to local residents after a “miscommunication of the castle’s boundaries” led to one of the castle’s monsters escaping and going on a superhuman rampage of destruction before being destroyed by the Army.

In the real world, it’s pleasantly surprising to see the usual right-wing trolls getting down-voted on this one, despite their desperate attempts otherwise. It seems most people really are in favour of the rich and privileged few paying a bit more in tax, something the trolls really don’t get…

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Bugshit wrote:
So how many of the jealous on here have told their kids "Work hard at school, do your homework, get your exams so you can get a good job, earn lots of money and have a good life ,want for nothing" But kids, If you find yourself doing really well and have more than you need, you will be despised by the majority and will have to give most of it away until they are happy with you again. None of you right?


Tornado Watcher replied:
You won’t be despised if you just pay your fair share of tax. Simple. Perhaps it’s something we can teach our kids. Then they won’t get brainwashed into becoming lazy, bitter and twisted like you.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever replied:
It seems that the socialist junta that is now in charge of the UK are determined to destroy it with their politics of envy. Asking rich people like me to pay tax is an outrage. We are rich enough not to use social services or the National Health, so why should we have to pay for them? Let those who are a drain on society, i.e. poor people, pay for it. I shall be joining Mrs. Frankenstein on her exit very shortly.


Gonads replied:
Bye bye and good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on your way out.


Chad Grindr wrote:
Personally I'm more concerned about how major investors are now turning their backs on the UK:
This is in addition to widespread criticism of the disastrous budget from retail and leading business leaders.
Starmer and Reeves simply don't know what they are doing!


Tornado Watcher replied:
Thanks for the link. Chad. So you are all in favour of the government giving tax payer’s money to a company that made a $6 billion profit last year? And now Astra Zenenca are sulking because the new government won’t pay them to build a new factory? Sounds like bribery and corruption to me, but I guess you being a Tory, you are all in favour of that.
As for the “widespread criticism of the budget”, it’s only coming from the Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph, GBNews etc etc. and their loyal readers like you.


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Well done, Chad. It seems that you have the only right-wing style post that is receiving any up-votes on this topic. Or are you voting for your own drivel again?


Chad Grindr replied:
On the contrary it seems that you leftist bedwetting red thumb fairies are out in force again today.


Neil Barse replied:
Exactly Chad. Raise questions, speak of your concerns on certain subjects and immediately you are accused by a few hard leftists on here as being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, fascist, far right, etc. Purely done in an attempt to shut you down. It's their stock attack when they know what you are saying or questioning is correct. Everyone is allowed an opinion, but in their hard leftist ideology, only that they agree with.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Or it could just be that most people think the ultra-rich should pay more tax?


Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Gonads wrote:
Off you go then luv, but just how will you take your assets with you?
Tax the assets of the rich to cut working people's tax liabilities.


Yu Rong replied:
I hope they'll be able to sell their assets here, if they choose to, and then move the proceeds offshore. It will keep their money out of the hands of Chancellor Reeves, who will only spend it on woke projects like better wages for NHS workers. I dare say you dribbling socialists are quite happy to see all of their domestic servants out of a job as well.


Seepy wrote:
SO they're admitting they are greedy, selfish arseholes who do not want to pay their way!
IF you want decent public services *for all* then everybody has to pay a fair amount of tax relative to their incomes!
Time that everybody in this country recognised that!


Neil Barse replied:
What about all those who deal in the UK's "black economy" deprive the HMRC of an estimated £40billion a year. This type of economy is believed to be in the region of equal to approximately 10% of GDP. Seems that tax evasion is practiced by not only the rich either.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Whataboutery at its finest


Neil Barse replied:
Not Whataboutery, but the unpalatable truth that bed-wetting socialist loons like you and others find it hard to acknowledge it is also wrong too evade paying tax if you are not classified as rich. You only see the rich as the villains who evade taxation and want them to pay more, yet obviously believe those who also evade taxation is acceptable. I believe everyone should pay tax on their incomes, be they rich or not.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Not only whataboutery, but garbled gas-lighting as well. The OP never said anything about tax evasion of any sort being acceptable. But don’t let me stop you attributing false opinions to someone and then attacking your own falsehoods if gas-lighting like that makes you feel better.


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here.


Yu Rong replied:
How are you on the UK harbouring MPs alleged to being involved with embezzlement in a foreign country? OK as long as they pay tax on any ill gotten gains they may have received from the alleged offence?


Tornado Watcher replied:
Ooooh look! More whataboutery. You trolls are struggling today.


Yu Rong replied:
Oooooh get you and your tantrums.


Super Small Dick wrote:
Typical of Labour to try and tax people who come over here in their luxury yachts to spend their millions. We should be encouraging them, not penalising them.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I thought you didn’t like immigrants coming over here in boats.😂


Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Pseudocreem2 wrote:
Comrades this is political decision by Labo*r they are removing taxpayer money from social care budgets and spending it on illegal immigrants, giving it to evil Nazi regime in Ukraine so that they can continue to fight war against democracy of dear Mr. Putin and to overseas climate scams. This all deliberate and designed to punish people of your country who Labo*r have declared war on after tricking them into electing them on a platform of lies and disinformation and vast majority of UK people now realise they have no political party representing them as proved by latest petition any more except for REFORM which dear Mr. Putin and his rich friends says everyone in UK must vote for in next UK election to bring back true democratic freedoms like we have in Russia.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Pauline On Politics: A Knighthood For London's Mayor Sadiq Khan?

Many Tories were appalled when Sadiq Khan, London’s Labo*r mayor, was given a peerage in Keir St*rmer’s New Year’s honours list. Always in touch with the hottest stories, the MORON’s fearless political correspondent Pauline Popkins gives her totally unbiased and carefully-reasoned opinion on this unprecedented piece of Labo*r cronyism and corruption…

  Yet more evidence of a Labo*r ST*RMERGEDDON of toadying corruption hits the headlines with the news that HATED MAYOR OF LONDON SADIQ KHAN has been given a KNIGHTHOOD in EVIL SOCIALIST DICTATOR Keir St*rmer’s New Year’s honours list !!!!!

It’s UNBELIEVABLE!!! A man who has only been elected as Lord Mayor of London three times in a row has been given a KNIGHTHOOD !!!???

Only in ST*RMER’S SOCIALIST UK UTOPIA could anyone be given such a REWARD FOR FAILURE!!!!

Somehow, the COMMUNIST WEIRDOES that now run our once-proud country think that Sadiq Khan’s track record of failure is worth the same reward as that of the Conservative’s one-time failed mayoral candidate and COVID party-goer Shaun Bailey.

Or that Sadiq Khan is somehow is as deserving of a peerage as someone as skilful and talented as David Cameron’s hairdresser?

Or that he is as politically savvy and experienced as Charlotte Owen?


I mean, it’s not like he’s a well-connected Russian oligarch who gives UK Prime Ministers freebie holidays, is he????

Or a major Tory donor????

At least Boris Johnson nominated his own brother and father to the House of Lords!!! 

Sadiq Khan’s NOT EVEN RELATED to Keir St*rmer!!! He’s just A NOBODY!!!!

He’s not like he’s even a former underwear sales rep who leveraged their Tory government contacts to make a fortune out of dodgy PPE during the COVID crisis and then lied about it!!!!

Keir St*rmer’s appointment of the USELESS EVIL SOCIALIST Sadiq Khan to parliament’s upper chamber TOTALLY UNDERMINES the credibility of the House of Lords.

And in yet ANOTHER AFFRONT TO DEMOCRACY, St*rmer’s SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP has ignored the voice of the people and their multiple calls to revoke “Sir Sadiq’s” knighthood!!!! 

How can it be right to reject the demands of over A QUARTER OF A MILLION PEOPLE?

I mean, only a million Londoners voted for Sadiq Khan as Mayor in the first place!!! Still, it’s not the first time STALINIST ST*RMER has goose-stepped rough-shod over the will of the British people!

There’s only one answer to all this. 



It’s the only language they understand!!!!!!!! 




Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grunter wrote:
How dare Communist St*rmer reward the instigator of the hated ULEZ scheme is such a fashion!? It is an insult to hard-working English people and businesses who have been forced out of London by Sadiq Khan and his attempt to set up a woke, socialist Islamic republic in London via his corrupt ULEZ scheme!


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Nonsense. The ULEZ is just another Tory distraction issue that is being blown-up out of all proportion in order to distract from the economic and social collapse of the UK resulting from 15 years of Tory corruption, lies and incompetence. I expect the usual rabid Tories will be on here soon saying otherwise.


Yu Rong replied:
Another hate-filled apologist from the extreme left. This is a Labo*r appointment and so it must be crony-ridden corruption of the worst sort. Tory appointments are always thoroughly impeccable of course.


Neil Barse replied:
I totally agree Yu Rong. Just another typically stupid comment from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Chad Grindr wrote:
I totally agree Neil. But it’s no surprise that this corrupt communist Labo*r party are now systematically ennobling their lackeys and supporters to ensure that they can never be removed from power. Those people who voted this shower of leftist loons into power should hang their heads in shame. Disgusting!


Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
The shrieking right-wing press have, of course, gone completely rabid about what in reality is a sensible, pragmatic and fair (this comment has been edited because it does not meet our community standards – the Editor)


Yu Rong replied:
Another hate-filled apologist from the extreme left. This is a Labo*r appointment and so it must be crony-ridden corruption of the worst sort. Tory appointments are always thoroughly impeccable of course.


Neil Barse replied:
I totally agree Yu Rong. Just another typically stupid comment from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Chad Grindr wrote:
I totally agree Neil. But it’s no surprise that this corrupt communist Labo*r party are now systematically ennobling their lackeys and supporters to ensure that they can never be removed from power. Those people who voted this shower of leftist loons into power should hang their heads in shame. Disgusting!


Tornado Watcher wrote:
As usual, Pauline goes nuts about anything a Labour government does. I thought it was deserving appointment. Hopefully Starmer will now reform the House of Lords and kick out all of the Tory cronies and place-men that the past 15 years of Tory (this comment has been edited because does not meet our community standards – the Editor).


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. Labo*r is in government, so everything that is wrong with the UK must be their fault. Why do you stupid leftists continue to deny this obvious truth?


Neil Barse replied:
A typical comment from a far-left socialist, whose powers of understanding are so limited that they have to ask idiotic questions in order to clarify what is obvious to 99% of the population i.e. Labo*r are totally corrupt and only the Tories are fit to govern.


Chad Grinder replied:
I totally agree Neil. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their fact-free assertions and insults.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Chad. Tornado Watcher really is just a far-left troll, whose continuous stream of gibberish and pointless questions is just designed to clutter up this forum and stop any sensible discussion of the issues raised by this story of Labo*r incompetence and corruption.


Chad Grinder replied:
I totally agree Yu Rong. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their repetitive fact-free assertions and insults.


Neil Barse replied:
I’m afraid Tornado Watcher is just a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser, spreading lies and whataboutery. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time he posts on here.


Chad Grinder replied:
I totally agree Neil. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their increasingly boring, repetitive and fact-free assertions and insults.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Chad. Tornado Watcher really is just a far-left troll, whose continuous stream of gibberish and pointless questions is just designed to clutter up this forum and stop any sensible discussion of the issues raised by this story of Labo*r incompetence and corruption.


Neil Barse replied:
Chad/Yu Rong - do not waste your effort trying to engage leftist idiots like Tornado Watcher in rational debate. They deserve only insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever, which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Sadiq Khan is using the ULEZ scheme to drive out all British-born Londoners so that he can turn London into a giant hostel for illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labo*r’s IHT changes. Four more years of St*rmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.
