++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feeding click-bait to ultra-right-wing trolls since 2015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Thursday, January 16, 2025

MT Weatherforks Confirms New Midway Boozer - At Heathen’s Midway Coast Holiday Park At Claptout-On-Sea

Our favourite Brexity pub giant Weatherforks has confirmed it is to open its latest boozer - at a Midway holiday park.

Fantastic Weatherforks newest Midway boozer; The Sunlit Uplands at Claptout-On-Sea...

The firm is extending its partnership with UK holiday firm Heathen - unveiling four new boozers at its parks.

And among them is the Midway Coast Holiday Park - formerly known as the Claptout Holiday Park – at Midway’s seaside resort of Claptout-On-Sea.

It will be welcoming the on-site Weatherforks, to be called The Sunlit Uplands. Heathen says it has invested around £1.3 million in the boozer.

Opening in March, other Weatherforks boozers will open in other British resort areas with a Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™® MP, such as Skankness, Great Footanmouth, South Doubledown and East Pillock. In total, Heathen says it’s invested £6.5m in its expansion of its partnership with the pub giant.

Heathen has pursued a significant investment in its parks over recent years - saying it has invested £100m during 2024.

Over the past 18 months, other significant investments at its Midway Coast park include a night rally centre for torchlight parades, a Weimar Cabaret bar and expanded arcade, as well as a new modern “Strength Through Joy” fitness camp.

Simon Palehorse, Heathen’s chief executive, said: “The opening of The Sunlit Uplands at Midway Coast reflects our ongoing efforts to grow and enhance our partnership with the Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™®. We look forward to bringing this immersive far-right experience to even more locations across the UK for old Tory or REFORM-voting UK PLC©™® Brexity, xenophobic pensioners who have lots of spending money and won’t travel abroad in case they might meet ‘forreners’.”

Sir Martin Timms, CEO and owner of MT Weatherforks, added: “Our pubs in the Midway area cater for Midway’s infamous population of shouty old Tory pensioners, binge-drinkers and other assorted clapped-out old fascists, and have proven to be a great success. We are confident that the four new pubs will be welcomed by the same demographic, i.e. long-term unemployables on benefits and obnoxious, well-off old Tories with pension money to spend.”

Midway’s fantastic Weatherforks boozers are already doing fantastic January deals on beer, with a pint of Symond’s Special Delight (a fruity and slightly nutty brew offering a good head) or Johnson Senior’s Wifebeater (a beer that really packs a punch at 6.2%) only costing a fantastic 99p.

As part of the planning permission, The Sunlit Uplands at Claptout-On-Sea will be open to holidaymakers and park home owners only.

“But we’ll soon leverage our scale, brow-beat the council and open up to everyone within the next twelve months,” said Sir Timms.

“You can bet your Brexit on that…”

In the real world, yet another desperate “swoon over ‘spoons” advertorial

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy. 

Phil Thementallyill wrote:
Another disaster for Midway as yet another local business is hit by Labo*r’s introduction of VAT on private school fees, inheritance tax changes for farmland, hikes in employer’s national insurance contributions, increases in the statutory minimum wage and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Grey Mondeo Man replied
How does a £1.6 million investment in a local business count as a disaster for Midway? Did you even read the article?


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. You are obviously a bitter, lonely, insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Phil Thementallyill wrote:
Yet again, the strong economic legacy left by the Tories, combined with the entrepreneurial stimulus provided by Brexit has attracted this invaluable £1.6 million investment in Midway’s local business community. However, I feel that it is doomed to failure as a result of Labo*r’s introduction of VAT on private school fees, inheritance tax changes for farmland, hikes in employer’s national insurance contributions, increases in the statutory minimum wage and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Auntie Nartsie replied:
I absolutely agree Phil. Like all true English patriots, I am praying for runaway inflation, the destruction of what’s left of British industry, the collapse of the UK’s banking system, the impoverishment of the whole country, societal disintegration, famine and mass civil disorder. Right-thinking, Union Jack-wavers like us will then be able to crow about how bad Ke*r St*rmer’s anti-British Labo*r government is, and how brilliant Tories like Liz Truss were.


Tornado Watcher replied:
So wanting your country to fail makes you a “true English patriot”? Just like the newspapers you read, you constantly condemn and undermine anything that a democratically-elected Labour government tries to do, just because it isn’t Tory. You wrap yourself in the Union Jack while hoping and praying for the destruction of the UK, just so that you can score a few political points. That’s just so typical of you UK-hating, far-right apologists.


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. You are obviously a bitter, lonely, insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, UK-hating, Guardian-reading pillock.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that all holiday camps are to be closed down and turned into luxury accommodation for the millions of illegal immigrants that cross the English Channel in small boats every week. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labour’s IHT changes. Four more years of Starmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.



Sunday, January 12, 2025

Stoatweed’s Farm Shop at Stoatweed Farm in Buxley preparing to close after 40 years

Stoatweed's Farm Shop (picture from Facebook)

A family-run farm shop is closing its doors after nearly 40 years in business.

Stoatweed’s Farm Shop at Stoatweed Farm in Buxley has sold locally produced food and drink since opening in 1985.

But now bosses say it is time to say goodbye as the shop prepares to close at the end of the month.

Angus Stoatweed: "heavy heart"
Announcing the news on social media the owner, Angus Stoatweed, said: “It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of our family-run farm shop.”

“Our proposed date for closure is Friday, January 31.”

“For the past 40 years, we have been dedicated to providing our community with the freshest, locally sourced cabbages, high-strength farm-produced cider and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, which the cabbages helped to create.”

“We are incredibly grateful to every one of our loyal customers who have supported us.”

“Thank you again for your support.”

The post did not disclose the reason for the decision to shut the shop and we were too lazy to contact them to ask as that would have involved actual journalism, which we don’t do.

The farm shop also sells Stoatweeds Old Headbanger, a cider which is also produced on the farm.

The news has come as a shock to the loyal local cabbage lovers and drunks, who have expressed their sadness at the closure.

One person commented to say: “Sad news. All the best for the future.”

Another said they would “miss the lovely ladies who staff the shop”, while another said they would miss the “cabbages and brussels sprouts from the farm”.

One long-standing customer said: “So very sad to be losing such a great farm shop, have been coming to you since we moved to the area 40 years ago.”

A local cider lover, Mrs U.I. said “Thas shome ve’y ve’ y shad newsh. Back to Tescosh for the Speshial Brew I supposh. I luv you yor my bes’ mate hic…”

The latest closure announcement comes in the same week that Bogle’s Farm Shop in Bogle Gusset, near Stroochester, shut its doors.

It had also been trading for more than 40 years.

Meanwhile, a butcher's at Himmler House Farm Shop in Cobblesdown has also closed.

A post on social media said the butchery side of the business “has not been financially viable for several years”.

More superb investigative journalism (i.e. looking at stuff on Facebook) from the real world…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Hope those affected by this sad news will be OK. However, all these farm shop closures are thoroughly worthwhile if they give us an opportunity to point out once again how awful this Labo*r government is and how much better off we would all be if the Tories were still in power.


Phil Thementallyill replied:
I agree that these closures are simply awful Chad. Fortunately, the majority of our UK news outlets are pumping out vast clouds of disinformation and negativity about L*bour’s economic policies and the financial markets are beginning to believe it all.
I, for one, will be absolutely delighted if the UK economy crashes. Then all true UK-loving patriots like us can blame Labo*r’s economic mismanagement for it.
All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Auntie Nartsie replied:
I absolutely agree Phil. Runaway inflation, the destruction of what’s left of British industry, the collapse of the UK’s banking system, the impoverishment of the whole country, societal disintegration, famine and mass civil disorder are all but a worthwhile price to pay, just so long as right-thinking, Union Jack-wavers like us can get to crow about how bad Ke*r St*rmer’s anti-British Labo*r government is, and how brilliant Tories like Liz Truss were.


Phil Thementallyill wrote:
These farm shop closures are all totally a direct result of the Labo*r government’s introduction of VAT on private school fees, inheritance tax changes for farmland, hikes in employer’s national insurance contributions, increases in the statutory minimum wage and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Phil. And has evil Labo*r chancellor Rach*l Re*ves even bothered to visit these affected farm shops? Huh, no chance! She’s too busy jet-setting around holding trade talks in China to bother with that sort of thing. No doubt picking up a load of freebies as well while she’s at it!


Super Small Dick wrote:
No doubt all these farm shops are being sold off to developers on the orders of wicked Labo*r housing minister Ang*la R*yner, so that millions of new homes can be built to be given free to the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed the channel in small boats and are being kept in luxury hotels while millions of UK pensioners freeze to death and homeless farmers are sleeping on the streets after being kicked off their land because they can’t afford to pay their inheritance tax. Another four years of this turgid drivel, then we can all vote REFORM UK PARTY PLC!


Angus Stoatweed wrote:
The reason I’m closing my farm shop for now is that me and the missus are both over 80 and we’re finding it all a bit too much. Hopefully it will re-open next year when our grandkids finish their agricultural degrees and help take the farm over with our son. If the MORON had bothered to ask us instead of just skimming stuff off Facebook, then we’d have told them that. Instead, it seems they’d rather let their pet trolls stir up a load of (this comment has been edited as it does not meet our community standards – The Editor).


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. You are obviously a bitter, lonely, insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades Labo*r used lies and disinformation to trick their way into power and have been attacking UK population ever since by doing things they had promised not to I cannot think of any other government in world which has passed legislation which they know will kill most vulnerable people in society like pensioners who will die if they withdrew the Winter Fuel Allowance now they are attacking poor millionaire farmers and billionaire rentier landowners like my wealthy friends from beloved Russia. Who will be next? The rest of the world is looking on with horror as political opponents and journalists in UK are thrown in jail for social media posts and journalists are threatened by St*rmer and bully boys of his regime what UK needs is fairness and freedom of true democracy as offered in homeland by dear Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer. UK is becoming known for totalitarian gangster politics and it is not a good look.


Friday, January 10, 2025

Beer Lovers Travel To Every Weatherforks Pub In Midway On 6-mile Challenge…

It’s been a few days since we last ran an advertorial for our favourite Brexity brilliant pub chain Weatherforks - as its owner, Brexit hero and multi-millionaire Sir Martin Timms, has just reminded us. So when we heard about a bunch of old drunks pub-crawling, we though it would be an excellent opportunity to plug every single one of the eight brilliant Weatherforks boozers in Midway…

Weatherforks: The Golden Jackboot at Rainingham

When a group of binge-drinking right-wing pensioners got thrown out of the Golden Jackboot in Rainingham last Saturday morning for being too punchy, sweary and obnoxious even for a Weatherforks pub, then they decided to see what the other brilliant Weatherforks boozers in Midway had to offer.

After reading how a MORON reporter had got totally hammered in The Rees-Mogg’s Head in Stroochester, they made it their mission to pub-crawl across the Midway area, calling in every brilliant Weatherforks boozer on the way.

Friends Sean O’Braincell, Bob Nartsie, Nick Ennithing and Sid Dreadful were there every unsteady step of the way and were even joined by some other fellow clapped-out old fascist thugs as news of their quest spread.

Nazi geriatrics: chucked out...
Explaining how the challenge materialised, Sean said: “We wuz just getting’ pissed on Weatherforks cheap beer like we always do onna Saturday mornin’, when some woke leftie came in wiv’ a copy of the Guardian unner ‘is arm. Can you Adam an’ Eve it?”

“Now we believe in free speech an’ all that, but we can’t ‘ave woke leftie nonces in our pub,” Sean explained, “so we started to give ‘im a good kickin’, like,”

“Anyway, he turned aht to be a bit tasty cos’ he kicked Sid inna fork, nutted Bob and laid aht Nick while I ‘id unner the table.”

“So the manager came over to us and said, like, if you old gits can’t ‘andle a woke leftie, then git your sorry arses outta my pub!”

Ejected from the Golden Jackboot, the four brown-shirted neo-Nazi geriatrics decided to use their bus passes to get around Midway’s other Weatherforks venues.

“We knew all Weatherforks are close to bus stops, just to make them easy for old pensioners like us to get to,” explained Bob Nartsie.

“So we got onna bus and went down the road to the Stormtroopers Arms. But it turned out they’d been tipped off about us and wouldn’t let us in.”

It was the same story at The Enoch Powell, The Griffin, The Moseley's Salute, The Jenrick’s Bung and The Robinson's Return.

Weatherforks: The Rees-Mogg's Head in Stroochester...

“Not that we were that bothered,” said Nick. “All Weatherforks pubs are exactly the same anyway. Lots of cheap beer we can soak up with cheap food, lots of sticky carpets and lots of shouty, leery old pensioners just like us!”

Eventually, the four wound up at the Rees-Mogg’s Head in Stroochester.

“Fortunately, they let anyone in,” said Sid Dreadful. “So we all got pissed, started our usual fight, got a good kickin’ and got chucked out just before closin’ time, just like we always do.”

“Another brilliant Saturday, all thanks to brilliant Weatherforks boozers.”

“What other pub chain would put up with shouty, punchy old gits like us?” laughed Sid.

In the real world, another excuse to
“swoon over ‘spoons” is gleefully embraced, with the regular trolls celebrating their spiritual home with the usual invective…


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy. 

Chad Grunter wrote:
It is always amusing how some (usually self-entitled dribbling left-wing loons) start frothing at the mouth and looking down their snooty noses when ever somebody mentions Weatherforks. They are what they are, with no frills. They are not pretentious or do they pretend to be anything else than a cheap watering hole for all, including mainly old working-class fascists and those that are not inserted up their own behinds :-)


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
The real reason that people with your political views pretend to like Weatherforks pubs is that the owner is a right-wing millionaire who was a huge supporter of your precious Brexit. I very much doubt if you or any other of your chums actually use them regularly, purely on the basis that you appear to know how to read and write.


Chad Grunter replied:
Then don't visit them then, you shouty, simpering lefty. Nobody is forcing you go.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I don’t “visit then”. So your point is? And I’m not shouting at anyone…


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums


Chad Grunter replied:


Neil Barse repiled:
Interesting, Grey Mondeo Man. Why would patriots (as you claim) not visit a UK corporate chain such as Weatherforks in this instance? And what evidence do you have to support your supposition that they do not necessarily prefer local independent pubs please?


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Er, what? I didn’t say any of that.


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums


Neil Barse replied:
More lies, gaslighting and disinformation from Grey Mondeo Man. I think you leftists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to force all pensioners to work in chain gangs to repair potholes in roads as a condition of getting their state pensions, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you vicious far-left haters would approve of. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Super Small Dick wrote:
My local Tory councillor tells me that all pensioners are going to be forced to hug illegal immigrants in order to keep warm this winter. Meanwhile, millions of Albanian shoplifters are crossing the Channel in small boats every week get to be housed in luxury hotels at the taxpayer’s expense. What a shambles. Four more years of this turgid drivel. I look forward to voting REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next UK elections because all other UK parties are corrupt Nazi gangster dictatorships who imprison anyone who criticises them on social media and condemns millions of old people to death while rest of world watches with horror unlike true democracy of Russia as led by global champion of freedom dear Mr. Putin and his rich friends.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Midway Council Denies Plan To Force Pensioners To Work In Chain Gangs For Fuel Allowance.

Chad Grunter wrote:
Only six months into a Labour government and the economy is collapsing and inflation is running riot. That never happened under the Tories.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Er…Liz Truss…?


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labour’s plans to force all old age pensioners to work in chain gang to fix potholes eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you woke, hate-filled far-left St*rmer worshippers would approve of.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Does it ever occur to you that the MORON might just have made up these “plans” as a click-bait headline, just to attract people to yet another subscription begging post?


Neil Barse replied:
At last, Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Thought not.


Phil Thementallyill replied:
Chad, just like all of the UK’s Tory-supporting media outlets, I sincerely hope that the UK economy crashes, inflation spirals out of control and the entire population of the UK is forced into starvation and poverty. Then all patriotic UK-loving people such as ourselves will all be able to crow about how awful Labour are and how much better off everyone is under the Tories.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Labo*r are planning to make assisted dying compulsory for anyone over the age of 65 to free up beds in the NHS . Meanwhile, another 800,000 Albanian shoplifters crossed the channel in small boats last week and are being housed in luxury hotels while all of our pensioners freeze to death and our farmers are reduced to living in tents as a result of being evicted from their land because they cannot afford to pay their IHT bills. Four more years of Starmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.



Monday, January 6, 2025

Fantastic Weatherforks Pubs Are Offering 99p pints!!! What Do Other Midway Pubs Say To THAT?

Our Undercover Imbiber has been warned by his Lodge to keep out of trouble for a few weeks, or risk being expelled from the Freemasons after his latest spot of bother. Now he's dried out a bit, we thought it was safe to send him out on his own again. With a warning not to try and blag free drinks...

By Our Pub Reporter: 

January is always a quiet time for boozers. Some people are looking to recover from their festive season excesses. Others will have spent whatever disposable cash they have on the Christmas and New Year celebrations, and need to watch the pennies in the chilly new year.

Many boozers hope to do well enough over Christmas and the New Year so they can get through the remaining winter months.

The MORON's favourite boozer, the Rees-Mogg's Head...

But our favourite, the five-star-rated Sir Rees-Mogg’s Head, is looking to buck the doom and gloom trend for local boozers. As one of the boozers belonging to the mighty Weatherforks mega-chain owned by multi-millionaire and Brexit hero Sir Martin Timms, the newly-refurbished Sir Rees-Mogg’s Head is looking to pack the punters in with a fantastic offer of a 99p pint on selected brands - an almost impossible-to-match challenge for the vast majority of local Midway boozers.

Just down the road from the Rees-Mogg’s Head, we talk to Alf Standpipe, landlord of the oldest boozer in Midway, the Ordinary Fellow.  He remains somewhat philosophical on the challenges he - and all other boozers – face at the moment.

Alf Standpipe: pub landlord...
“Weatherforks have been doing 99p pints in January for a long time,” he explains, “ I’ve even had that Martin Timms in here, boasting and shouting at me about how he’s going to drive all the little pubs out of business now he’s free of EU anti-monopoly legislation, so why don’t I just sell up to him now. "

"I told him to bugger off. Typical rich Tory bastard...”

“But they do have the buying power of the biggest fictional pub chain company in the UK, owned by an imaginary man who's on the top 10 rich list and who’s bought more politicians than I’ve had hot dinners, so best of luck to the bugger is what I say.”

“I’m not even in the top 10 rich-list in my pub.”

Being stoic in the face of such aggressive competition is, it seems, all part of running a boozer.

Alf adds, “Timm’s cheap beer doesn't really bother me so much. We have a good core of regulars and we pick up a lot of people who don’t like the sad old alkies, coked-up psychos, elderly right-wing thugs and shouty old Tory pensioners you get in the Rees-Mogg all the time, fighting, shouting and swearing.”

“Our carpets and tables aren’t sticky and we have the character and the friendly staff which Weatherforks doesn't have. We are still an old traditional pub, which a lot of people still love.”

Alf does admit that Weatherforks has hit his food market though.

“Their food is cheap and quick,” he explains. “Since the Weatherforks came along, it’s hit us over 30% on food. But then Moseley’s has been doing the same sort of thing for a while as well.”

And it is food where so many pubs hope to make the essential extra money to cover hikes in utilities and beer prices.

Sir Martin Timms: "Typical rich Tory..."
“Unlike Weatherforks, our food is mostly fresh, not frozen and we cook it properly. We don’t do ping and ding. But a lot of people do want quick and cheap. We’re not in that market, but around here we’re a bit of a niche, selling properly cooked, fresh food. A lot of folks prefer quick, even if they can afford better.”

What bothers Alf the most is not competition from Weatherforks, but his spiralling overheads.

“Most fellow landlords I know are extremely worried they may have seen their last Christmas, given the combination of hiking the amount employers will have to pay in national insurance, increases to the minimum wage and the business rates discount being slashed from 75% to 40% in 2025.”

“I voted Labo*r, but rather than putting income tax up, it seems St*rmer is still running scared of the bloody Daily Mail. So he’s trying to raise money by hitting businesses instead. They’re not all run by rich Tories, though.”

“The Budget is really going to hit pubs in April. It’s the worst I've ever known for both retail and hospitality. It's not encouraging anyone to grow their business or employ young people. It's a very difficult Budget. They really need to rethink it.”

Stock image of pub bar...
“I’m fed up with government policy being shaped by fear of what the right-wing papers might say. I thought we’d done with all that. Whatever Labo*r does they’ll scream bloody blue murder about anyway, and they have. St*rmer just needs to grow a pair.”

And the budget affects Alf’s suppliers as well.

“Some breweries are already thinking of putting their beers up 30-40p a pint,” he explains, “and that’s a massive increase.”

“I have my other overheads, so if I get a 40p increase I've also got all the other costs going up too, so I have to put the price up even more to swallow it.

“The whole situation is going to lead to fewer jobs and less investment into pubs like ours. And that's a very sad thing because we need to make sure that as a pub, we’ll be here this time next year and the year after and the year after that.”

Then of course there’s so many of us opting to go alcohol-free during January - and frequent reminders to us all to reduce our intake all year round.

Stock image of pints of beer...
“I ain’t so fussed about that,” says Alf. “Lots of people do ‘Dry January’ and they do other non-boozy things during the rest to the year as well.”

“Pubs aren't just about alcohol, they're more about socialising. They're about getting together and meeting with friends and colleagues. That’s another plus we have over Weatherforks. The cheap booze means most people just go there to binge-drink, fight and throw up.”

“That’s good for me, cos’ it means all the alkies, the young druggies and the old shouty fascists go to the ‘Forks rather than make a nuisance of themselves in my pub. Decent folk know they’ll be OK in here.”

“And, to be honest, the new alcohol-free products mean people are quite happy coming out now and drinking non-alcoholic drinks to have that social experience.”

“The zero-alcohol stuff is getting really good now. I’ve got regular Guinness drinkers drinking Guinness Zero these days, saying that they can’t taste the difference.”

“So maybe things will get better,” says Alf. “We’ll see…”

In the real world, a click-bait “swoon over ‘Spoons’ ” advertorial for their favourite pub chain (a regular occurrence) provides a headline for what otherwise is an unusually thoughtful piece on the problems facing the UK pub trade. Still, it served its purpose and got the trolls out defending their favourite Brexity pub mega-chain…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
Is it just me or does the MORON over-use the horrible slang term “boozer”? Why not just call them “pubs”?


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums.


Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid comment from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Phil TheMentallyIll wrote:
Over 100,000 English pubs have shut down since Labo*r’s reign of economic chaos began. The removal of the universal Winter Fuel Payment, the imposition of inheritance tax on farmland, NI rises and Keir St*rmer’s freebie spectacles are all directly responsible for mass pub closures, earthquakes, extreme weather and the return of bubonic plague to the UK. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Auntie Nartsie replied:
So true, Phil. Everyone I know hates this Labo*r government. St*rmer out! General election NOW!


Gonads replied:
Do you ever talk to anyone outside of your fascist knitting circle?


Auntie Nartsie replied:
Of course not. I might meet some young people then and that would be awful. If I had my way, anyone under the age of 21 would be given a sound thrashing once a week. That’ll teach them for going around being young!


Victor Laudanum wrote:
Weatherforks bulk-buys short-dated beer from breweries at bargain basement prices. It’s stuff they would otherwise be pouring down the drains in a week or two. You’re welcome to pay 99p a pint for it. I’d rather pay five quid and get a decent pint that won’t give me the squits later on.


Chad Grindr replied:
Oh, the old “short-dated beer” chestnut, doubtless put out by some UK-business-hating lefty to try and drag down the Weatherforks chain and its far-sighted entrepreneurial owner whom the green-eyed remoaners hate so much. I know you woke bed-wetters don’t like facts, but here’s the proof that shows up your socialist lies for what they are:


Victor Laudanum replied:
Thanks for the link, Chad. I was expecting to maybe see some details of invoices and quality certs, but instead your “proof” just consists of the pub chain owner simply asserting that he doesn’t buy short-dated beer.
So that’s all right then.
I mean, we all know Brexiters always tell the truth, don’t we?


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to tax all Weatherforks pubs out of existence to punish the owner for not being a woke, bed-wetting leftie, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you woke, hate-filled far-left St*rmer worshippers would approve of.


Victor Laudanum replied:
So I ask for a better standard of proof than “because I said so” and I get a tirade of demented abuse? Par for the course on here, I suppose. And as for the “Labo*r plans” you refer to, I presume you are able to provide some evidence of these. I’m sure they’d be headline news, after all. Or do they only exist in your head?


Neil Barse replied:
Your constant sealioning is a typical tactic of a hard-left, bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. You are provided with facts and you choose to ignore them because they demonstrate to the world that your opinions are those of a hate-filled, ultra-far-left socialist bed-wetter. In making ever more strident demands for information, you merely show your mental illness by constantly coming out with lies and whataboutery.


Victor Laudanum replied:
Once again, you confuse unsubstantiated assertions for facts. But I’ll leave it at that. I can see you are getting angry.


Chad Grindr replied:
Talking of unsupported assertions, Victor, what is the source of your assertion that “Weatherforks bulk-buys short-dated beer”?


Victor Laudanum replied:
Oh, some bloke I heard talking down the pub.
That should be good enough for you, shouldn’t it?
Of course, the real reason ‘Forks can sell cheap beer is their buying power and sales volumes. But I’d thought I’d pull you and your rightie chums’ chains.
And it worked!


Neil Barse replied:
Chad – this is why you should not waste your effort trying to engage leftist idiots like VL in rational debate. They deserve only insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever, which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that all pubs are going to be shut down so that they can be turned into accommodation for the millions of illegal immigrants that arrive in the UK every week. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labo*r’s IHT changes. Four more years of St*rmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.



Friday, January 3, 2025

Midway Braced For Freezing Blizzard Storm Disaster Conditions. Again.

Met Office warning; freezing killer ice-age hell this weekend....

Midway is bracing itself for freezing Arctic conditions after the Med Office hinted that "it might be a bit chilly" over the coming weekend.

Gargoyle: "Killer winter..."
Temperatures are set to plummet to a freezing hell of -3° overnight, as Midway MP for Claptout-On-Sea Niglet the gargoyle warned that tens of thousands of Midway pensioners could be at risk of freezing to death.

"Thanks to the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance by this wicked Labo*r government and its evil Labo*r chancellor R*chel Re*ves, millions of UK pensioners are likely to die of hypothermia," it frothed.

"Now that the country is faced with the unprecedented threat of cold weather in winter, I call upon Keir Starmer to accept the will of the people and resign immediately."

"Then we can hold a general election, so that the people can choose a thoughtful, caring government, i.e. one dominated by my Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™®."

Snow: will be abolished by the gargoyle...
"As Prime Minister, I promise to abolish winter, along with lots of other things that I know are impossible to deliver. But then people voted for the promises of "Sunlit Uplands" for Brexit, so I know I can get away with spouting any old nonsense, just so long as it keeps me and my Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™® in the public eye..." 

Midway Council has announced that its refuse and recycling collection is currently under review, although that has nothing to do with the weather.

Midway Police are advising motorists to only travel if necessary if it does actually snow, as any snowfall could turn to ice, making driving conditions in many parts hazardous.

Chief Inspector Mike Grabber, head of Midway Police's roads policing unit, said: "Driving in snow and on icy roads is very difficult, even for experienced drivers.”

"Tyres can lose traction when the road surface is wet or icy, which can result in skidding and a loss of control of the vehicle.”

Killer blizzard terror...maybe...
"Drivers need to ask themselves whether their journey is necessary if there is very heavy snowfall. If motorists do have to travel they should take a fully charged mobile phone, food, water and warm clothes with them in case they get stranded, quick recovery cannot be guaranteed in periods of severe weather."

“However, as there’s virtually no risk of any snow in the next few days, we suggest people stop worrying about scare stories in stupid Tory news sites…” 

No schools or nurseries in Midway are closed, despite the vanishingly small risk of bad weather.

A spokesman for Tesco said, “there’s no need whatsoever to panic buy. There’s no imminent threat of bad weather in the next couple of weeks, despite a certain local news-site trying to drum up panic to boost its “clicks”.”

ex-MP Kylie Trollhouse: Blame Labo*r
Former Stroochester MP Kylie Trollhouse was quick to point out that the threat of bad weather is undoubtedly the fault of Midway’s Labo*r council and K*ir St*rmer.

“I was a Tory MP for ten years and during that time it hardly ever snowed. Now we already have a weather warning saying that Midway is about to be transformed into a freezing socialist-style hell not seen since the last Ice Age.”

“This can only be the fault of Midway’s Labo*r council and K*ir’s St*rmer’s incompetence.”

“People of Midway need to sign a recall petition to get rid of our totally useless Labo*r MP Skippi Myrtle after her vicious racist rant on Twitter, which is surely a serious criminal offence under Two-Tier K*ir’s war on hate tweets.”

“Then they can vote me back in again. Pleeeeeeeeeaase!”

Saw the seasonal scare-story headline and just KNEW what the usual trolls were going to be saying in the comments section. 
And sure enough, WFP blah blah blah...
Seems even the weather is a dog-whistle for them, now.

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Let's hope that all the pensioners are not too afraid to put their heating on now and manage to keep warm, despite the efforts of this evil Labo*r government


Aunt Nartsie replied:
And I would suspect that the pensioners that voted for St*rmer and his foul mob would never do so again. Vote Gargoyle!


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
"All the pensioners..." I think most pensioners who used to receive the Winter Fuel Allowance won't be scared they can't afford to run their heating. I don't suppose you will be.


Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**ur-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you K**r St**mer-loving, La**urite bum-boy.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
Climate change is a myth promoted by left-wing political activists intent on bringing down our wonderful fossil fuel industry in order to impose their own communist utopia and enslave all to the alien lizard people fronted by George Soros and Kamala Harris. I know that because I read about it on the Internet.:

Global temperatures are, in fact, falling and the polar ice caps are growing at an alarming rate
Made-up-climate-data-produced-by-fossil-fuel-companies that-only-dopey-welshsters-believe.co.uk

I live in Wales and when I look out of the window of my Mum’s attic where I’ve lived for the past forty years, it’s still raining. That proves that climate isn’t changing.


Gonads replied:
Climate is changing but you aren’t. You’re still a boring know-it-all tw*t


Super Small Dick wrote:
Thanks to St*armer taking away my heating allowance I will probably die from hypothermia soon like millions of other UK pensioners. Meanwhile, millions of illegal immigrants will be nice and warm in their luxury hotels that I’ve helped pay for.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Come off it. You used to spend your heating allowance money in the nearest “Spoons”, just like all the other well-off Tory pensioners who populate the comments section here.


Super Small Dick replied:
So what if I did? It’s the principle that matters. And what about those illegal immigrants, eh?


Tornado Watcher replied:
What about them? This article was about bad weather (or lack of), not “illegal immigrants”.


Neil Barse replied:
At last Tornado Chaser confesses the truth about themselves before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Chaser posts on here. As usual, I win the argument by my relentlessly logical and calm, reasoned, factual responses, unlike the hate-filled rants of far-leftist Guardian-reading pillocks like Tornado Chaser.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Ah, Neil Barse, the very muse of Shakespeare himself.
“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale, her infinite variety”…


Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is Tornado Watcher. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Quod erat demonstrandum…


Neil Barse replied:
Your inevitable vile abuse is now written in French, the language of pathetic leftist remoaning socialist scum that is so often prevalent on this forum.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:
I see that K*ir St*rmer is encouraging his MPs to debate the question of assisted dying. I dare say his government is also hoping for a severe winter now he has cut the winter heating allowance. Both are part of the Labo*r master plan for easing the pressure of the NHS, no doubt. Fortunately I am rich enough not to care about the NHS or poor people, although R*chel Re*ves is doing her best to make things otherwise.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.



Thursday, January 2, 2025

Patients left in corridors as Midway Hospital Trust continues to struggle amid A&E crisis

Simon Goebbels
By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter
Simon Goebbels

Everyone loves British New Year’s traditions. And sure enough, one of the great New Year’s traditions of the last 15 years is to write “why-oh-why” articles about how our hospitals are “in crisis” and “overwhelmed” in the winter months.

And now we’ve got a Labo*r government, we can blame them for everything and undermine anything they try and do to fix 15 years of ‘austerity’- driven under-funding, constant central government policy changes, social care cutback and infrastructure neglect. Happy days…!

Stock image of patients in hospital corridors

Any visitor to Midway Hospital will be appalled by what they see. Beds filled with patients line the emergency unit’s corridors in scenes likened to a “war zone” by worried relatives.

These scenes are a damning illustration of the crisis facing the Midway Hospitals Trust. And the pressure isn’t easing, with winter set to bite and almost 1,200 patients last month enduring delays of more than half a day for a bed - up from an average of three just five years ago.

But how have things got so bad so quickly, and what is being done to ease the strain on a system at breaking point?

We could have sent some investigative reporters over to the hospital to talk to the managers, hospital staff and to local GPs, but all of our unpaid interns have gone back to university.  So we looked at GBNews archives on Google for the answer. And what we found quite clearly shows that the current crisis in the NHS is entirely the fault of the new Labo*r government.

This graph shows that since Labo*r came to power in July 2024, NHS waiting lists are at the highest levels ever seen.

Highest NHS waiting list ever: all Labo*r's fault...

Newspaper headlines include ‘My Sick Son Waited Two Years In A Hard Chair’, ‘Doctors Prioritise Asylum Seekers Over UK Nationals’, “How dare Whinging Lazy Overpaid NHS Managers Complain About Collapsing Concrete In Tory-Built Low-Budget 80’s Hospitals?” and “Hypocritical Tories Turn On Covid Healthcare Heroes When They Ask For A Pay Rise” (can we drop that last one? – Ed.)

Labo*r Health Minister W*s Str*eting
This damning indictment of Labo*r’s Wes Streeting and his healthcare policies provides some indication of the struggles endured recently by the trust, which runs Chattingham Hospital, Midway’s main hospital.

This bleak picture of the crisis engulfing Midway’s emergency departments is supported by monthly statistics published by the NHS.

All trusts are required to record how many people are attending their A&Es, how long they’re waiting to be seen and, if they need to stay in hospital, how long it is before they’re given a bed.

Since the start of this year, an average of 1,250 people a month in East Kent have waited more than 12 hours to be admitted. That’s almost 40 patients a day.

Among them is great-grandmother Mrs Elsie Dreadful, who went to Midway Hospital with a bad headache.

Sid and Elsie Dreadful: "Disgraceful..."
Her husband Sid spoke to the MORON from her side on Friday morning - almost 48 hours after she had arrived at the hospital.

“She’s been left on a bed next to a desk in the waiting area of the A&E assessment area,” he said.

“All the bays are full and they don’t have a bed on a ward. The corridors are also lined with beds filled with patients - it’s like a war-zone, like something you’d see in a third-world country."

“It’s disgraceful. Her headache was really bad, and all the nurses did was give her some paracetamol. Her headache did get better though, so we went home…”

Many patients enduring long delays, including Mrs. Dreadful, are given treatment while they wait - a practice known as “corridor care” and branded “dehumanising” by leading doctors.

“It’s so degrading to be treated in front of others with no privacy, especially someone my mum’s age,” he said. “There’s no dignity at all. It’s heartbreaking to see,” said Sid.

One of the reasons most cited for causing the long waits is ‘bed-blocking’ - where people well enough to be discharged from hospital can’t be for various reasons.

Another stock image of patients in hospital corridor
Across Midway’s four hospital trusts in October, 52 people a day were still on wards despite no longer needing inpatient care.

Of these, more than 60% were waiting for a long-term care package to be put in place so they could return home, such as daily visits to help with dressing and feeding. Others could not be discharged until a suitable care home was found for them.

The knock-on impact is a backlog of patients needing to be admitted, but with no ward space free to accommodate them.

With Midway Borough’s Labo*r Council responsible for the region’s social care, there can be no doubt that they should be taking the blame for the crisis facing our hospitals.

Cllr Dan Hapless, the authority’s cabinet member for adult social care and public health, accepts it will be blamed for everything, despite the legacy of the previous 14 years of Tory cost-cutting and neglect.

“Midway is the most challenged region, generally speaking, because we don't have enough quality care providers with the capacity to take on an increasingly elderly population with complex health and care needs.”

“The number one reason for that is that we don't have enough skilled workers able to provide that care. The last government axed the training programmes and froze pay so that people won’t or can’t get into the profession”.

Gratuitous and intrusive soft-porn ad...

“And the old standby of recruiting cheap workers from abroad has been blown away by Brexit. Visas and their associated costs and bureaucracy means that most migrant healthcare workers simply prefer to go elsewhere. It’s less hassle and they can earn more in the EU.”

“And all the anti-migrant sentiment being spouted by UK politicians and their chums in the right-wing media has created a hostile environment that not only discourages overseas staff from coming to the UK, but drives away the ones we have….”

We didn’t like those answers, so we stopped talking to leftie councillor Dan and went for blaming old people instead.

The older a patient, the more likely they are to be affected by multiple conditions and the longer it takes for them to recover.

Midway is particularly impacted by this as the three districts with the highest average age in the county are all in the geographical area covered by the trust.

Elderly people are often more frail and less mobile, which means that a prolonged stay in a hospital bed - rather than moving around their home as normal - can affect their muscles and their long-term ability to walk or do everyday tasks.

This means they can develop more complex care needs by the time they are ready to leave hospital, meaning plans have to be put in place before they are discharged.

Lavinina Matron; "Get the Jab"
In the winter, things like Covid and Flu also affect the elderly disproportionately.

The MORON spoke with the trust’s chief nursing and midwifery officer, Lavinia Matron.

“I can’t emphasise enough the importance of the over-65s getting their flu and Covid vaccinations,” said Ms. Matron.  “It greatly reduces the number of people coming to hospital with severe symptoms.”

Nevertheless, flu and Covid play a big part in the increase in hospital waits during the winter. One such victim was Bessie Nartsie.

Bessie Nartsie: "Bloody Ke*r St*rmer..." 
“I was in a corridor for a whole day when I got the Covid,” she said. “And all those forren doctors kept askin’ me was, ‘Have you had the Covid vaccination?”

“I said to ‘em, ‘Not bloody likely’ I said. That jab has killed millions. That’s wot the Daily Mail said anyway. So it must be true…” Bessie continued.

“Bloody forren doctors. Why can’t we have English ones? Bloody Labo*r and bloody Ke*r St*rmer, lettin’ all these forreners over here in small boats to steal our jobs…

Have patient numbers in Midway increased? Yes, and quite significantly.

Tory housing plans meant an extra 25,000 homes were built in the area in the past 15 years, but with no expansion in healthcare provision. Neither Midway’s Labo*r council or the Labo*r government have done anything about that in the past year since being elected .

Does the East Kent trust need more staff?

Dr. Tinkle: "Infamy..."
Dr. Kenneth Tinkle, the chairman of the Concern for Health in Over-stretched Medical Practices (CHOMP) has spent years at loggerheads with NHS bosses and is calling for more funding to be provided to the trust.

“I keep telling them that unless the NHS can transform the services in Midway and have more staff, they're trying to do too many things for too many patients at the same time,” he said.

“The reason it's never got any better is because they cannot transform or do the services until they get some investment in Midway. It is actually quite as simple as that.”

"That simple message has nevertheless gained me a certain amount of infamy amongst local senior NHS officials. Infamy, infamy - they've all got it in for me..."

While more beds on wards would help, the trust believes increasing capacity outside of hospitals so people can be treated at home or in the community is as important as having the right number of beds and staff for patients needing acute care.

It says all NHS and social care partners are working together to support patients with complex needs so they can be admitted and discharged at the right time.

The winter months are also traditionally a time of additional pressure for hospitals, with more patients needing to be admitted with illnesses such as Covid and flu.

The trust is urging people to only turn up at its A&E departments in an emergency, and to contact NHS 111 online or on the phone to find alternative services for non-urgent medical concerns.

Dr. Tinkle told the MORON that he has serious concerns about what lies ahead in the next few months.

“I know it's probably wrong to say it, but you think hospital services are going to collapse because there's got to be a point when they've just got too many people there and they can't deal with them anymore,” he said.

“When this winter comes now, I think it's going to be probably the worst pressure we've had on the A&E in East Kent since this time last year. And the year before that. And…”

Over in the real world, the perennial trope on overburdened hospitals scores click-bait gold with the regular comments trolls…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Neil Barse wrote:
Another Labo*r kick in the teeth for women pensioners.
BBC News - Fury as women hit by pension age rise denied payouts


Tornado Watcher replied:
Nice try on the distraction front, Neil. But this is an article about the dire state of our hospitals which, despite the spins it tries to put on things, is clearly yet another outcome of Tory austerity.
It’s not about women pensioners.
Who, incidentally, were stitched up by pension changes made by John Major’s Tory government. But hey, everything is always Labo*r’s fault, isn’t it?


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you far-left socialists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to abolish old-age pensions altogether, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you woke, hate-filled far-left St*rmer worshippers would approve of.


Tornado Watcher replied:
So what plans are they, then, Neil? Are they the ones that exist solely in your head, like every other piece of whataboutery and gas-lighting you come out with whenever you post here?


Neil Barse replied:
Once again, Tornado Watcher fails to answer the question. Instead he resorts to puerile insults and whataboutery, as ever. In doing so, Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about himself before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here.


Gonads wrote:
The Tories cut, cut and cut again over their 14 years of mismanagement...so hardly any surprises that Labo*r haven't managed to fix that in a few months. This is why farmers are now asked to pay tax (though only 50% of normal people) and other non-ideal taxes are needed...and the Tory voters moan (until they need a service).
Having recently walked through A&E at Midway Hospital, I can vouch for people in corridors, the stench of human faeces and general poor acceptability for human dignity. This is not the fault of those frontline doctors and nurses...even though they get the hassle...but wholly down to Tory cuts.


SuperSmallDick replied:
NHS funding rose under the Conservatives, even more so under covid. It's now at a record high in absolute terms as well as percentage of GDP.
What are these 'cuts' that you're talking about?


Gonads replied:
They reduced annual increases in NHS expenditure from an average 3.5% to a below-inflation level of 1.5%. That’s a cut. Except if you are a Tory of course.


SuperSmallDick replied:
Well they were just putting money aside for if a Labo*r government got in, ‘cos they knew those useless lefties would open the floodgates for millions of illegal immigrants to come into the country and need putting up in luxury hotels just like what has happened under useless St*rmer.


Phil TheMentallyIll wrote:
The crisis in our hospitals is entirely the fault of Ke*r St*rmer and Chancellor R*chel Re*ves. The removal of the universal Winter Fuel Payment, the imposition of inheritance tax on farmland and Ke*r St*rmer’s freebie spectacles are all directly responsible for the complete collapse of the NHS and the deaths of thousands of people every day. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Gonads replied:
People go on about it all being Labo*r's fault, but it was the Tories who chose austerity for ordinary people as a way to pay-off the wealthy so they didn't lose their fortunes when their get-rich-quick ponzi schemes inevitably hit the rocks.
And then of course we had their brilliant Brexit, which has decimated overseas recruitment of medical staff.


Chad Grindr replied
The NHS is not underfunded.
It's the most mismanaged and inefficient organisation in the UK.
Anyone involved in supplying the NHS will all say the same thing. Their procurement departments have no desire to obtain the best purchases as "It's not my money"


Gonads replied:
Sorry Chad, that simply isn’t true. My wife is a manager for a Midway Hospital Trust. In 2013, the Tories fired lots of NHS managers, then had to rehire them when it became obvious that front-line staff simply couldn’t do their day job as well as run hospitals. Then in 2019, they did exactly the same thing again. The mismanagement and inefficiency you refer to resided entirely with the Tory central government of the times.
I know you Tories don’t like facts that don’t fit with your world view, but here’s an IoG report that sums the whole Tory NHS shit-show up quite nicely.


Chad Grindr replied
Do you honestly expect anyone to believe a woke, leftist independent review by the Institute for Government, in favour of the unbiased editorials of the Daily Telegraph? No wonder you shouty lefties are so misinformed.


Aunt Nartsie wrote:
Everyone knows that privatisation is the answer to inefficient nationalised services. REFORM PLC UK has the right idea. Sell the NHS off to Niglet’s USA chums. We’ll get much better value for money by handing it to huge American health-care insurers than we will by letting our taxes pay for our lazy woke NHS managers and greedy doctors and nurses who are always out on strike.


Tornado Watcher replied:
The facts are that the US actually has the highest per capita spend on health - but by far the worst outcomes for patients as a whole.
The UK has maintained high value in terms of care provided against one of the lowest per-capita spends on healthcare among OECD countries. This metric is worsening, but highlights the value we benefit from through our collective NHS healthcare system. An increase in funding results in an exponential increase in quality of care relative to privatised health systems.
The Blair government from 1996 to 2010 proved that.
The Tories dismantled those gains with ‘austerity.
Privatisation has been a disaster on the railways, buses, water companies and so on, hasn't it? But of course, it's bound to work on our NHS...


Neil Barse replied:
Tornado Watcher believes old people are to blame for the hospital crisis and thinks they should all be killed. It's nothing to do with anyone else, purely the oldies.
Here's another fact, Grey Mondeo Man has been on holiday today or mysteriously absent from his beloved Labo*r supporting debates and the 'midnight red thumb fairies' that vote down our brilliant right-wing observations are nowhere to be seen. How strange, must be coincidence!


Aunt Nartsie wrote:
Neil it is obvious that these woke lefties have more than one log in and use other 'names' in an attempt to undermine our incisive and factual comments. Why else would our comments get down-voted rather than receive hundreds of “green thumbs” as usual?


Yu Rong replied:
Very true Aunt N. Devious lot those lefties.


Neil Barse replied:
Exactly Aunt Nartsie. Raise questions, speak of your concerns on certain subjects and immediately you are accused by a few hard leftists on here as being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, fascist, far right, etc. Purely done in an attempt to shut you down. It's their stock attack when they know what you are saying or questioning is correct. Everyone is allowed an opinion, but in their hard leftist ideology, only that they agree with.

(Note: On New Year’s Eve, the MORON’s IT bod introduced some software that blocked multiple votes on comments from the same IP address. We don’t like the results that’s been giving, so we’ve now disabled it. - The Editor.)


SuperSmallDick wrote:
The reason our hospitals are full is that they have been overwhelmed by millions of illegal immigrants coming over here in their small boats to take advantage of our free NHS. Everyone’s taxes are going to go through the roof to pay for it all. And yet Ke*r St*rmer scraps the Rwanda scheme because it isn’t cost effective! Four more years of this turgid drivel, then we can vote REFORM.


Aunt Nartsie replied:
Indeed. Charity begins at home. Not to those illegally entering the country for no good reason.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all other political England parties will introduce anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.
