Stock photo of police at night... |
Chattingham town centre saw
scenes of violent anti-immigration protests last night, following an incident
of littering which saw an empty McDonald’s “Happy Meal” bag dropped in
Sid and Elsie Dreadful: public nuisance |
Two people (Sid and Elsie Dreadful) have been charged with public nuisance offences and another (Sean O’Braincell) cautioned.
Sean O'Braincell: a caution |
It has since emerged that the disorder was started after online speculation about the identity of the suspected litter bug.
Misinformation and disinformation, including false claims about the suspect's identity, nationality, religion and immigration status, were circulated on social media by the high-profile far-right account on Xcrement run by Harry Hardnutt (the pseudonym adopted by Tristan Barbie-Smyth, a local far-right activist and serial shoplifter) who founded the now-disbanded English Violent Idiot’s League (EVIL) in 2009.The claim that the perpetrator of
the littering incident was Mboki Nghala, a local resident born in
Barbie-Smyth: unconcerned |
“We’re kind of used to it,” said Mr. Nghala, whose family have been forced into hiding by the publicity. “Most people we know around here are really nice, but every time something happens, there are always some who say ‘it’s all the fault of you Muslim illegal immigrants’,” said Mr. Nghala. “We’ve lived here all my life and my family and I all go to the local Anglican church, but it seems that being of African descent makes us ‘illegal Muslim immigrants’ in some people’s eyes. Life’s hard and we just want to get by, you know?”
“Bloody immigrants, comin’ over ‘ere and droppin’ litter”, said one carefully-selected local resident. “When’s it all gonna end? And wot’s Starmer doin’ abaht it, eh? Eh?....?”
Gargoyle: confused... |
“It is typical of Ke*r St*rmer’s
left-wing Labo*r dictatorship that true English patriots were denied the democratic
right to express their legitimate concerns about immigration”, he Xcreted from his
“The treatment meted out to those brave patriotic protesters, who were given a cup of tea and a biscuit at the police station and then told to go home and stop making a bloody nuisance of themselves, was in stark contrast to the vicious tazering given to a harmless old lady who was protesting about animal rights a few weeks back.”
“It is clear that left-wing protesters are treated far more severely by the police than those from the right……………hold on………….…that can’t be right…..…er…….…um……”, burbled a clearly confused gargoyle.
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DailyMailBob wrote:
this is a sign that the normal British people have had enough the government don't listen and we are being taken over in this country it's not right all them immigrants dropping their rubbish everywhere was what broke the straw on the camels back I don't support violence but no one is listening we have be come a do gooder country to the detriment of our own someone has to step up people would say racism etc etc this is a strong word to call people and should not be used lightly these people are not racists they are realistic and this county has gone down the pan since we have had open boarders we are letting in all the old **** and our buildings turned into mosques and our young generation can't wear a cap in a shop because of crime and having to identify a Person but these women are aloud to wear a burka which sometimes covers the whole face except the eyes this I find not acceptable could be anyone under that covering it seems you can rule countries rules by a religious belief is disgusting to me one rule for one one rule for another like the protesters are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH all I hear all the time is racist and it sickens me most people are not racist we all have friends from all walks of life but some just dont integrate into society and what to live a diff lifestyle to how we live in Great Britain plus what do these people bring to our economy they also bring crime and a diff culture some are aloud to use the word racist but some are not is this right we are used as a country and we need to look after our future generations who live work hard in this country we don't breed like other cultures either they have plus 5 kids a lot of the time no fathers around or lots of diff fathers our culture is shrinking in this country just look at the schools.
Grey Mondeo Man replied:
You right-wingers really struggle with punctuation don’t you? Do you really think anyone could make sense of your rant?
Neil Barse replied:
You greymondeoman expose yourself every day as the hate filled Far Left anti British antagonist troll. You are definitely condoning this disgusting littering incident that might have been due to illegal immigrants even though it was proved it wasn’t. You Far Left anti British antagonist trolls always want facts rather than feelings and rumour, don’t you.
Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Yes, you are right. Far right, in fact. As a paid-up wishy-washy Leftie, I always prefer facts and evidence to vague emotional feelings and unverifiable internet rumours. I also try to avoid insults in favour of reasoned debate.
Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.
Chad Grindr replied:
These were not riots, they were merely protesters expressing their perfectly justifiable opinions, unlike GreyMondeoman’s far-leftist terrorist chums from Just Stop Oil, who have quite rightly just been jailed for five years for even just threatening to cause mass traffic disruption. Looting shops, assaulting the police or attempting to burn down a hotel full of immigrants and their children all pale into insignificance when compared with the heinous crimes of JSO.
Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:
So it seems that Take The Knee St*rmer is perfectly prepared to impose his own woke agenda upon anyone who protests about the behaviour of immigrants in this country, even though this incident had nothing to do with the behaviour of immigrants. I look forward to seeing how he reacts when the true ruling classes (to which I belong) rise up and oppose any plans he may have to compel us to pay our share of tax.
AudiDriver88mph wrote:
Welcome to St*rmer’s
Grey Mondeo Man replied:
So vandalism, shop-lifting and threatening innocent people is OK so long as it fits with your politics, is it?
Yu Rong replied:
How does it go? Oh yes. You far left excuser. In fact, you far left extremism excuser.
Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says
for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all Russian oligarch money
is good for