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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Prolific Shoplifter Banned From Chattingham Supermarkets.

Stock picture of supermarket.

A prolific shoplifter has been banned from three Chattingham supermarkets following a persistent spate of shoplifting. 

It follows an appearance at Midway Magistrates Court where a three year criminal behaviour order was imposed following an application by Midway Police.

Tristan Barbie-Smyth: naughty boy
Tristan Barbie-Smythe, of Smythe Manor, Buxley, who has numerous convictions for theft, pleaded guilty to stealing stationery and cosmetics and was ordered to pay £76 compensation. He was also banned from Tesco, Aldi and Sainsburys in Chattingham High Street.

Barbie-Smythe was told that any breach of the order could result in a prison sentence.

After the hearing last Wednesday, Police Sgt. Ted Knacker, of the Midway Police Antisocial Behaviour Team, said “Tristan Barbie-Smythe is sadly well-known by local business owners for his persistent thefts.”

“Tackling shoplifting is a priority for Midway Police and having to deal with an immature, spoiled kid from a well-off background who appears to shoplift just for fun is a waste of police time.” 

“What he needs is a good slapping but unfortunately, that exceeds our authority,” added Sgt Knacker.

“Perhaps the magistrate’s order will give local shop-owners a rest from his activities”.

“OK, yah, whatever,” said Tristan Barbie-Smythe afterwards.


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Chad Grunter wrote:
Sounds like the lad needs some psychiatric help for his kleptomania


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:
I know this young gentlemen’s family well. They are very embarrassed by their son’s behaviour and we should be thinking of them in these difficult times. Seems like the boy fell in with a bad crowd at Eton, which could happen to anybody of course.


Super Small Dick wrote:
The copper got it right. Good slapping, job done.


Chad Grunter wrote:
And if the “good slapping” doesn’t work, what then? Slap harder?


Super Small Dick wrote:
