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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Police Response to Animal Rights Protest Closes Stroochester High Street

Stock picture of police emergency response

Stroochester High Street was closed as a result of a police emergency response last night.

Riot police, supported by a dozen armed tactical weapons specialists, descended on Stroochester’s Tesco supermarket, where Edith Nibblit (83) had been seen giving out leaflets headed “Meat Is Murder” to customers in the frozen food aisle.

Cheered on by onlookers, officers tazered Ms. Nibblit (83) and subsequently charged her with Expressing A Woke Opinion In A Public Place, which is a serious offence under the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.  

Mandy Gormless - "wants compensation"
“It was frightening,” said mum-of-six Mandy Gormless (23). “I’d just popped into Tesco to do my weekly shoplift, and there was this old dear handing out leaflets and asking us to think about how our food was made and where it had come from.”

“How dare she ask me to think!? Even the thought of thinking makes me ill. Now I’ve got Possible Thinking Stress Disorder. I want compensation…”

“Officers were summoned to a serious outbreak of civil unrest in Stroochester today,” a police spokesman later said. “Fortunately, none of the 40 officers who were called to the scene were injured and we were soon able to kick the crap out of an old lady, serves her right for being a wishy-washy leftie. We love the PCSCA, no messing about being nice to protesters now. Thanks Priti Patel, we love you.”

Kylie Trollhouse - "beating up Lefties"
“I’m so proud of the quick response of our local police,” said Stroochester MP Kylie Trollhouse. “Beating up leftie protesters is just the sort of thing my re-election campaign team can make a noise about”.

“In the last five years, the Conservative government has recruited over 20,000 new police officers. OK, that doesn’t quite make up for all of the police officers we’ve lost since 2010 due to Tory cost-cutting. And OK, we couldn’t properly train, equip or house those new recruits because we’d shut loads of police stations, retired all the experienced police officers and closed the police training academies as well.”

“And OK, we haven’t built any new prisons or expanded the old ones, and we’ve got 4000 less prison officers than we had when we first came to power in 2010, so now we’re having to let criminals of jail early just to fit in all of these woke, leftie protestors.”

“But hey, we’d much rather have robbers, rapists and psychos on the streets than those evil, woke, leftie Just Stop Oil protesters who are upsetting all of our fossil fuel Tory party donors, wouldn’t we?”

“So vote Tory for proper law and order, i.e. locking up leftie snowflake protesters and anyone else we don’t like!”


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Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
I checked on Google and it says that the tofu you get in supermarkets in the British Isles would be banned in places like Japan.

This is due to the processing. The production involves adding calcium sulphate and magnesium chloride, leachate and emulsifier into the soya bean pulp. Also, the majority ingredient, the soya bean crop, is grown on huge farms using fossil fuel fertiliser in cleared rainforest. The traditional way is also to simmer the mixture for hours, but factory production involves boiling for shorter periods in a high pressures vessel using vast amounts of energy.

The factories then put in nanochips so that Bill Gates, George Soros and their evil conglomerate of left-wing alien lizard people can control the thoughts of all vegans, which is why they are all mad. 

This is why I hide in my Mum’s attic and only eat what she cooks for me.


GreyMondeoMan wrote:
I can't see the problem with the protest. The lady left one entrance to the aisle and just gave out a few leaflets. Seems rather respectful, tbh. And as for "I don’t want to think", purleez!

And she has a point about factory farming and animal welfare. But we aren't (including me) going to a plant-based diet. In fact confusing the two is unhelpful. We should be able to eat meat from well-treated animals. That should be her focus.


David Simile the Second replied:
A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Chad Grunter wrote:
There is nothing worse than a load of sanctimonious leftie vegi-Nazis making life difficult for the rest of us who actually have a life and things to be getting on with. Personally I blame it on a loveless childhood dumped in front of Bambi or Watership Down on the VCR while their useless woke snowflake hippy parents were busy saving the planet by drinking red wine with their mates in the kitchen. I note that Hitler was a vegetarian. Enough said?


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
"plant-based food is better for you" - Caitlin Brown.

Not true. My Google research on this subject found that both long term vegetarians and vegans have an increased risk of stroke, cancer, syphilis and dementia. It was published by the Tesco Journal of Self Serving Data. This is due to missing food groups causing weakened body tissue like blood vessels in the brain. Can also manifest as anaemic skin tone and joint weakness.


It is true that someone who is already morbidly obese would benefit from switching to a wholly plant based diet for a period. This is purely down to the drastic decrease in calorie intake. This reduces risk of ischaemic heart disease (furring of arteries). Even then, this has to be done carefully to ensure the lack of vital nutrients like some vitamins, minerals and proteins are supplemented.

The most healthy diet does include meat, dairy and oily fish, in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Definitely avoid highly processed food often marketed as 'plant-based' because the factories put in nanochips so that Bill Gates, George Soros and their evil conglomerate of left-wing alien lizard people can control the thoughts of everyone.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever Wrote:
I do not intend to ever let a few unwashed lefties get in the way of my enjoyment of caviar, roast pheasant, pate foie gras or freshly-killed venison. In fact, the crueller the treatment of the animal, the better it tastes. That said, anyone who is compelled to obtain their victuals from an outlet as déclassé and plebeian such as Tesco deserves everything they get. My domestic servants buy my food only from exclusive farm shops or Fortnum and Mason’s, as benefits my superior status as a member of the rich and exclusive class.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, do not vote in the election because all political parties are the same. If no-one vote your Tories will boss, which good news for all Russian money in UK and dear Mr. Putin.


Dailymailbob wrote:
Don't believe a word of it folks we all know people change their mind in big numbers when they realize what starmageddon will do to this country bankrupt it and let it be invaded you will not put that x in the box no one's prepared to admit they will still vote conservative because it's better than lab**r liberal democrats on totally invisible they will only get an MP because those Tunbridge Wells residents are EU ramonas that's the only reason they have no policies to help anyone and Canterbury MP will not get a huge majority she only gets the votes of the students and the younger folk if all the older and middle aged hard workers come out conservatives will win it back I'm being practical because I don't support any of them they are all corrupt even reform farage is not interested anymore so I'm none of them would get my vote but don't be surprised st**mer will not get his big majority as he is now smoking about probably you will be surprised it will probably be a hung parliament and he will be seeking the help of libDems and SNP when the back stabbing starts and when these politicians show us what it will be like with a new prime minister you will lose your bottle and not vote for him that map has not changed from the past lab**r have always one seats in East Kent and Midway the working class heartlands of Kent so that's not the surprise is it the more affluent millionaires row in West Kent will obviously always stay conservative dover and than it for years and Medway always had lab**r because it is working class and poor areas but they will be let down by lab**r rest assured nothing will improve for them basically that maps says east Kent lab**r West Kent conservative nothing has changed sheets in Midway and Thanet went back to the conservative because lab**r let the working people down in those constituencies under Tony Blair so be warned you will not prosper under the red jez and Kier st**mer the same man who got off curry gate having a curry and a few beers in an office with his colleagues during lockdown and covid but he got off because his mate told the local Durham constabulary not to bother the lab**r PCC shame on any of you who dare put your vote on voting day they do not deserve it from anyone any of them


Yu Rong wrote:
I think the Tories are absolutely wonderful. The true benefits of Brexit are now obvious to all and anyone can see that we now are living in the promised sunlit uplands. The cost of living is at a record low, NHS waiting lists are now non-existent, our rivers and seas are sparkling clean, industrial productivity is at all all-time high and everyone is well-off, or at least everyone I know. God help us if K**r Starm*r and his bunch of leftist Lab**r loons get elected. No-one believes the doom and gloom ultra far-left propaganda put on here by the likes of GreyMondeoMan and Gonads, who obviously don’t live in the real world as reported in those shining beacons of truth, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and GBNews.
