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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sewage Effluent From 6,000 New Homes At Stroochester Marshes Could Be Poured Into River Midway

Concerns have been raised over a developer’s bid to dump more than 2.000,000 litres of raw sewage into a tributary of a protected river every day.

Stock photo of raw sewage outfall
Coynte Developments have pulled out of a promise to build a wastewater treatment plant which would have eventually served almost 6,000 new homes at the huge Stroochester Marshes “garden mega-town” in Stroochester, on the banks of the River Midway.

Now the firm has applied to the Environment Agency (EA) for a permit to discharge the raw effluent into a stream that flows into the River Midway - a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Coynte insists “stringent measures” will be in place to ensure no harm is caused “to investors and shareholders of Coynte Developments PLC”.

"Cram 'em in": Coynte plans for flats
“Originally, we’d agreed to built a sewage plant that would properly treat all of the waste water from the 300 houses we were going to build,” said Mike Coynte, CEO of Coynte Developments. “Then we realised that by making a £12,000 donation to the then-ruling Tory party, we could cram 6000 flats on the site instead.”

“Of course, we made all the usual promises of schools, roads, doctor’s surgeries blah blah blah, so the government over-ruled the local Labo*r council just like we paid them to do.”

“But that sort of stuff costs money, which we’d much rather give to our executives and shareholders. So we’re just going to welch on all of our infrastructure promises and build all of our flats anyway, just like every other housing developer does.”

“Midway Council is broke and can’t afford expensive lawyers to challenge us, and the new Labo*r government are so desperate for new houses that we’ll be allowed to get away with anything,” explained Mr. Coynte.

Mike Coynte: "...a shit..."
“So it’s ker-ching, ker-ching, all the way to the bank!”

The discharge point would be 2 km upstream of the River Midway, a “delicate and vital ecosystem” home to rare habitats and species - including aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish.

Coynte has applied to dump almost 2000 cubic metres of treated wastewater from the plant every day, which would fill about six 25-metre swimming pools.

“But it won’t be my or my director’s swimming pools, so we quite literally don’t give a shit”, laughed Mr. Coynte. “If the water companies can dump raw shit into the river, then there’s no reason we can’t.”

Local Tory councillor Herbert Voletrouser fears the tributary could be damaged beyond repair.

Cllr. Voletrouser: Free marketer...
“There is not sufficient water going down to make a flow, and so if you add the amount they’re looking for, it will be in pools along the river, and I don’t know what the impact will be on the environment,” he said.

“However, these plans were approved by the previous Tory council and the Tory government, and so I’m not saying anything.”

“As for the developer reneging on his infrastructure commitments, that’s the free market economy in action for you. Not letting big companies do exactly what they want would be socialism. Nobody wants that!”

Natural England rules insist housebuilders must ensure all schemes in the River Midway catchment area are “nutrient neutral”.

This means developers must either install an on-site water treatment facility or offset the impact by providing mitigation measures elsewhere, such as wetlands.

An environment assessment submitted on behalf of the applicants says: “Stringent control measures, maintenance and monitoring will be ignored on-site to ensure that there will be no harm caused to Coynte Development profits”.

“If pollution is detected or an incident occurs, the Environment Agency will be contacted, secure in the knowledge that they don’t have the resources to do anything about it.”

Wicked Housing Minister Ang*la Rayn*r: "green initiative"
The Kent Wildlife Trust is urging the EA to reject the request for the sewage discharge permit. A statement on the charity’s website says the River Midway “faces severe ecological threats” from the proposals.

“This fragile ecosystem could suffer from nutrient pollution and contamination affecting livestock and farmland,” it says.

“The Environment Agency must act to protect this vital habitat and prevent long-term environmental damage.”

An EA spokesperson said: “We’ve had our budgets cut by 40% and lost half our staff thanks to Tory budget cuts over the past 15 years.”

“You know how big our Midway water pollution and environmental compliance team is? Well, you’re talking to him right now.”

“The EA takes these cowboys to court, but even if we win the case they can afford to pay the derisory fine and laugh at us. Environmental non-compliance fines are just a minor cost of business to them...”

In the real world, you’d think a 130-odd comments would comprise a sensible debate about the issue in hand. Instead, the vast bulk of comments are from the regular saddo trolls, hunting in packs and trolling anyone who they don’t like. Sensible contributions from them are absent. So no change there…

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Phil TheMentallyIll wrote:
The current UK housing and environmental crises are entirely the fault of K*ir St*rmer and Housing Minister Ang*la Rayn*r. The removal of the universal Winter Fuel Payment, the imposition of inheritance tax on farmland, VAT on private school fees and K*ir St*rmer’s freebie spectacles are all directly responsible for the destruction of England’s green and pleasant land and the pollution of its waterways. All those who voted Labo*r at the last election should hang their heads in shame.


Ed 2468motorway replied:
Please explain how any of the things you listed are anything to do with housing developers ignoring infrastructure or environmental commitments, which I believe was the subject of this story.


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. Labo*r is in government, so everything that is wrong with the UK must be their fault. Why do you stupid leftists continue to deny this obvious truth?


Neil Barse replied:
A typical comment from a far-left socialist, whose powers of understanding are so limited that they have to ask idiotic questions in order to clarify what is obvious to 99% of the population i.e. Labo*r are totally inept and only the Tories are fit to govern.


Chad Grindr replied:
I totally agree Neil. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their fact-free assertions and insults.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Chad. Ed 2468 really is just a far-left troll, whose continuous stream of gibberish and pointless questions is just designed to clutter up this forum and stop any sensible discussion of the issues raised by this story of Labo*r incompetence and corruption.


Chad Grindr replied:
I totally agree Yu Rong. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their repetitive fact-free assertions and insults.


Neil Barse replied:
I’m afraid Ed 2468 is just a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser, spreading lies and whataboutery. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time he posts on here.


Chad Grindr replied:
I totally agree Neil. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their increasingly boring, repetitive and fact-free assertions and insults.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Chad. Ed 2468 really is just a far-left troll, whose continuous stream of gibberish and pointless questions is just designed to clutter up this forum and stop any sensible discussion of the issues raised by this story of Labo*r incompetence and corruption.


Neil Barse replied:
Chad/Yu Rong - do not waste your effort trying to engage leftist idiots like Ed 2468 in rational debate. They deserve only insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever, which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time.


Auntie Nartsie wrote:
All illegal immigrants should have corks put up their bums so they can’t poo in our rivers. That would solve our water pollution problems overnight. Vote for Gargoyle and his Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC™©® for corks up all immigrants bums!!!


Ed 2468motorway replied:
Don’t you think that exploding asylum seekers may be more of an issue than “poo”?


Neil Barse replied:
Yet more tedious insults, lies and sealioning from Ed 2468. I think you leftists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to force all people in care homes to work in chain gangs to repair potholes in roads as a condition of getting the help they need, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you vicious far-left haters would approve of.


Chad Grindr replied:
I totally agree Neil. These far-left socialists are complete idiots and should not be allowed to clutter up the comments section with their increasingly boring, repetitive and fact-free assertions and insults.


Yu Rong replied:
I totally agree Chad. Ed 2468 really is just a far-left troll, whose continuous stream of gibberish, insults and pointless questions is just designed to clutter up this forum and stop any sensible discussion of the issues raised by this story of Labo*r incompetence and corruption.


SuperSmallDick wrote:
My local Tory councillor told me that Ang*la Rayn*r is going to abolish the Environment Agency and all planning legislation so that developers can build millions of luxury flats to give to illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, millions of English pensioners are freezing to death thanks to the removal of the WFP and thousands of farmers are living on the streets because they have been made homeless by Labo*r’s IHT changes. Four more years of St*rmer’s communist dictatorship, then I can vote REFORM.


Pseudocreem2 wrote:
Comrades this is political decision by Labo*r they are removing taxpayer money from social care budgets and spending it on illegal immigrants, giving it to evil Nazi regime in Ukraine so that they can continue to fight war against democracy of dear Mr. Putin and to overseas climate scams. This all deliberate and designed to punish people of your country who Labo*r have declared war on after tricking them into electing them on a platform of lies and disinformation and vast majority of UK people now realise they have no political party representing them as proved by latest petition any more except for REFORM which dear Mr. Putin and his rich friends says everyone in UK must vote for in next UK election to bring back true democratic freedoms like we have in Russia.
