++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feeding click-bait to ultra-right-wing trolls since 2015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Friday, November 29, 2024

Midway Borough Council’s First REFORM UK Party PLC ©™® Councillor Talks About Enoch Powell, Margaret Thatcher And Ambitions For UK Domination.

By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter
Simon Goebbels 

The Really Extreme Far Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC ©™ has secured its first two elected members of Kent County Council, winning a surprise victory last week (November 21).

As part of the MORON’s editorial policy to puff up any far-right victory in elections, we’d thought we’d interview one of their new Medway Borough Council’s councillors. We can’t be bothered with Labour or the Tories any more as they won’t be winning the 2029 general election – or at least, not if we have anything to do with it!

New REFORM PLC Councillor Jim Maidupp-Naim 
Glasgow resident Jim Maidupp-Naim captured the Midway ward of Numbskull East in what was a stunning local council by-election victory that has been heralded as a reshaping of the entire political fabric of the UK.

However, attempts to contact Jim proved to be difficult, probably because he was busy reshaping the entire political fabric of the UK. We got no response from either his given telephone number or his postal address, and his Facebook and Xcrement posts only had generic Really Extreme Far Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC ©™ information on them.

So we contacted the company office of Niglet the Gargoyle’s Really Extreme Far Out Right-wing Maniacs UK Party PLC ©™, and asked to speak to our new councillor. They told us to “bugger off as we aren’t talking to any left-wing media troublemakers who might write something we don’t like”.

Once we explained that we were the MORON and were looking to write a propaganda piece about their new councillor, they relented and said, “er… OK, we’ll get back to you.”

A few days later, we received a written transcript of a fake interview that we were asked to reprint verbatim. That suited us just fine as it saved us actually having to do any work…


Jim Maidupp-Naim, 68, who won a local council seat in the Midway ward of Numbskulle East, enters the council HQ in Chattingham at a time of economic uncertainty and as local government looks set for a massive shake-up. Our Local Demagoguery Reporter Simon Goebbels caught up with him…

For a man brought up on the rough streets in Glasgow’s working class west end, it might come as a surprise that one of the first political figures that caught Jim Maidupp-Naim’s notice was Conservative firebrand, Enoch Powell.

Enoch Powell: "My hero..."
Watching BBC news in the late-1960s, he was immediately struck by the man’s swivelling eyeballs, powerful, spittle-flecked ranting and evil-looking moustache, despite being somewhat at odds with his own religious and political background.

 “I don’t know what it was about Powell,” he reflects, “but his ‘Rivers of Blood’ brand of divisive, racist rhetoric struck a chord with me”.

“I didn’t know much about his politics at the time but he had a way of capturing the tiny minds of the credulous in his audience and he certainly had a presence.”

Dominic Cummings: "My Hero"...
One fancies that Jim Maidupp-Naim is drawn to disruptors; people who like to destroy things without offering workable alternatives.

“Boris Johnson, Michael Gove – and of course, their advisor, Dominic Cummings. Why bother to actually learn to play a good game when you can just talk one? That’s certainly a key message I’ve learned in politics. Power is the thing. You don’t have to do anything with it, you just need to have it. Just keep telling people how good everything is and they’ll believe you.”

“That’s where K*ir Sta*mer has got it all wrong. He keeps being honest about the state of the UK’s economy and how the Tories have wrecked it. People don’t want to hear the truth, they just want to be told everything is wonderful. That’s why people liked Boris Johnson. Sure, he was a fat lying charlatan, but he made people laugh.”

Margaret Thatcher: "My Hero..."
Margaret Thatcher is another of Jim’s idols.

“She used the police and armed forces to crush the might of the unions and the socialist scum behind them. She sold off our key national infrastructure to her husband's chums for a pittance. She dismantled the welfare state. She laid the foundations for the destruction of British industry and the rise of the rentier capitalism that has destroyed UK society. She is responsible for today's political environment where the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC ®™ can really flourish. She was the first true British ultra-right-wing politician.”

And, of course, there’s Niglet the Gargoyle. 

“I remember his first words to me,” said Jim. “Oi you sweaty sock, lend us twenty quid, I’m a bit short at the moment, he said…”

“There’s a man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it,” I thought.

Niglet the gargoyle: "My Hero"
“So I looked at the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC ®™ Contract On The People. The so-called policies, to me, were complete populist nonsense that would nevertheless appeal to the uneducated, xenophobic, celebrity-obsessed tabloid-reading masses that form the bulk of the English electorate."

"It’s just a load of ‘culture wars’ sound-bites and vacuous, empty slogans, which is what the people want to hear. It’s perfect.”

“Things like raising the tax allowances for working families without taxing rich people. Increasing police powers and exerting political control over the judiciary so we can look like we are tough on crime, but without actually increasing the numbers or quality of the police force and its supporting justice and prison systems.”

“And of course, blaming all the UK’s problems on illegal immigrants. You have to have an enemy in politics, preferably a manufactured one. Thatcher had the unions and the Falklands War. We prefer to pick on immigrants because they can’t fight back.”

So, what of Sir Keir Starmer’s pre-election pledge to tackle the gangs of people traffickers and their cross-Channel smuggling routes?

“With a lot of effort and commitment it would work in the long-term,” Jim says, “but the majority of the English electorate aren’t interested in “effort and commitment” or “the long term”. They want the promise of simplistic quick fixes and snappy slogans. The Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC ®™ can offer loads of those.”

So how does he think his party will fare in future elections?

“We’re totally focused on the 2029 general election,” he contends. “We’ve got the UK right-wing media on board and they are throwing as much shit at the Labour government as they can.”

“They’ve been doing a great job in undermining the UK’s democratically-elected government and British institutions as a whole. We want people to feel hopeless and disenfranchised. We’ve already made sure they’re sick of Labour already after just five months, and they don’t want the Tories.”

“We’re positioning ourselves as the only alternative, even though we have no real answers to Britain’s problems.”

“It’s all about gaining power. Power for its own sake. Power to enable Niglet’s new American chums to loot the country and destroy its freedoms as never before, all for the personal benefit of a few shady multi-billionaires.  So, we’ll have to see.”

The MORON isn't the only local news forum writing puff-pieces for far-right local politicians...


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Fair article IMO. After the Tories let so many people down and now this shambles of a Labour government are doing things that they failed to mention in the run up to the general election. So it is interesting to learn some more about the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC ®™ after their impressive gains recently for a new political party.
Not surprising to see some comments from the usual shouty leftist types that don't like anyone holding a different opinion to their own.
Some advice for them though, Relax! don't worry you don't have to vote for Niglet the Gargoyle and his friends if you don't want to. Nobody is going to force you, lol. At least not until after the next general election.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I agree that it is useful to learn some more about the Really Extreme Far-Out Right-wing Maniacs Party UK PLC ®™. And what we learned here is that they have no policies, just populist slogans with absolutely no information, or even intention, on actual delivery. And that they seek power not for the benefit of society, but for the benefit of a shady, mega-rich elite. But as you say, no-one has to vote for them. I can only hope that they don’t.


Chad Grindr replied:
Do you mind Grey Mondeo Man, I was communicating with Yu Rong. Ha, your attempted manipulation of the votes on MORON articles is so obvious sometimes it's actually amusing and only inflicts more embarrassment on you desperate lefty types.
Anyway, you really do need to relax and stop keeping elbowing your way into conversations and getting all shouty.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I thought this was an open discussion forum rather than just another chat group for the local far-right. As for "vote manipulation", I think the MORON editorial team have far more to do with that than (this comment has been edited as it does not conform to our community standards - the Editor).


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums.


Neil Barse replied:
A TYPICALLY STUPID reply from the TYPICALLY STUPID REMOANING SOCIALIST LA**OR-SUPPORTING WOKE SNOWFLAKE that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all LAZY PARASITIC LEFTIST SCUM, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away AND DIE, you TOFU-EATING, GUARDIAN-READING PILLOCK.


Tornado Watcher wrote:
It's a bit worrying that the MORON is providing a biography of this new councillor, and making him seem like a 'good bloke'. Can we expect similar for all the councillors elected to MBC next year? More worrying is the rise of a party which is very quick to raise populist issues and make people angry, but doesn't provide details of what it would actually do. And how does choosing a MBC member for Numbskulle East help to 'stop the boats'? And how can any election be taken seriously when the turnout was less than 1%?


Neil Barse replied:
At last Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about themselves before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here. As usual, I win the argument by my relentlessly logical and calm, reasoned, factual responses, unlike the hate-filled rants of far-leftist Guardian-reading pillocks like Tornado Watcher.


Tornado Watcher replied:
As ever, you offer no reasoned argument for anything, only abuse.


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you leftists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to compulsory purchase all UK pensioner’s houses and give them to asylum seekers, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you cretinous, unwashed far-left UK haters would approve of.


Yu Rong replied:
Another leftist loon who refuses to acknowledge the truth. Labour is only talking about assisted dying to cut the NHS bill. They’re already looking to kill off pensioners by cutting fuel allowances and by introducing IHT on farmland they’re now trying to starve the rest of us to death. Niglet the Gargoyle is offering a sensible alterative after years of political failure.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Once more and right on cue it’s Neil Barse’s little chum. Perhaps you could explain to me how a party that has no policies, only slogans, can be considered as offering a sensible alterative. As for ‘killing off pensioners’ and ‘starving the rest of us to death’, you need to stop getting your confected outrage from Daily Telegraph editorials and maybe look at some proper and politically unbiased news sources. I know that might take some work but it’s worth the effort.


Yu Rong replied:
You are obviously a wet, woke leftie with the intelligence of a bacterium. The Daily Telegraph is a great British institution and a leftist UK-hater such as you would obviously reject its truthful and honest reporting.


Neil Barse replied:
Once again, Tornado Watcher fails to understand that this forum is not about rationale debate, it is about WINNING. And our combination of insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting aim to drive any rational observers away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time. You can never win because you are a sad lazy parasitic leftist idiot and are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Tornado Watcher wrote:
I'd just like to apologise to all of you who read articles and comments. Neil Barse’s tedious and constant abuse of anyone who does not share his world-view must be very boring for everyone. It also clutters up the threads and adds time to attempting to follow any discussions. It is a pity that the MORON doesn’t intervene to (this comment has been edited because it does not meet our community standards – the Editor)


Yu Rong replied:
Oh you poor thing.
Here's a proposal for you, you stop posting things we don’t like and we’ll stop insulting you.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Surely it should be possible to express opinions different to those of you and your chums without attracting insults and hatred?

Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Super Small Dick wrote:
One of the private schools near me has written to all local sports clubs that hire their sports halls informing them that all sports halls are to be turned into hostels for asylum seekers. Well done Labo*r. What a shambles. Four more years of this turgid drivel. I look forward to voting REFORM.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.



Thursday, November 28, 2024

Midway MPs Vote On Assisted Dying Bill

MPs have backed proposals to legalise assisted dying in England and Wales in a historic vote which paves the way for a change in the law.

MPs actually engaging in intelligent debate today, rather than just trading insults...

In the first Commons vote on the issue in nearly a decade, MPs supported a bill which would allow terminally ill adults expected to die within six months to seek help to end their own life by 330 to 275, a majority of 55.

It followed an emotional debate in the chamber, where MPs from both sides shared personal stories which had informed their decisions.

A debate and first vote took place today so MPs can table amendments when the bill goes to the committee part of scrutiny, where it faces further examination and votes in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

It means any change in the law would not be agreed until next year at the earliest.

All five Midway MPs voted, with three voting against the bill and two voting for it.

Niglet the gargoyle; Just say NO to Labo*r
Owner of the Really Extreme Far Out Rightwing Maniacs UK Party PLC©™® and MP for Claptout-On-Sea Niglet the Gargoyle voted against the bill.

“There is no way that I would ever vote for any bill proposed by a Labo*r government,” said the gargoyle. “It is a fundamental principle of the Really Extreme Far Out Rightwing Maniacs UK Party PLC©™® to constantly whine about Labo*r policy without offering any realistic alternatives and, with the help of the UK’s loyal right-wing media, seek to undermine the Labo*r government whenever we can.”

“I understand that many of my constituents are in favour of this bill, not that I have actually spoken to any of them yet. But as my core vote consists of elderly, mentally-compromised pensioners, there’s no way I would back a bill that might reduce their numbers.”

“Another consideration is that my good friend, the new American president Donald Turnip, has lots of rich business cronies with a vested interest in the care industry. When the Really Extreme Far Out Rightwing Maniacs UK Party PLC©™® gains power in 2029, I’ll be looking to sell the NHS to them, so we don’t want to undermine their potential client base…”

Rosie Waffle; hates St*rmer
Chattingham North’s newly Independent MP Rosie Waffle also voted against the Bill.

“Er, like I’ve listened to many arguments for and against assisted dying, know what I mean? But at the end of the day, er, like K*ir St*rmer is in favour of it, y’ see? So I’m going to vote against anything that Tory bastard wants on principle, like, y’know…?” she said.

K*ir St*rmer’s views on assisted dying also influenced the votes of Midway Labour MPs Skippi Myrtle and Libby Fodder.

Skippi Myrtle MP
“I always vote for whatever K*ir St*rmer wants,” said Skippi Myrtle. “Stroochester MPs have a fine tradition of always voting for whatever their party leader wants and I am proud to continue that tradition of voting without question. Or even thinking...”

“I know it was supposedly a free vote but the party whips are constantly watching you, as so it’s always a good idea to be seen to follow your leader.”

Libby Fodder MP
Libby Fodder, MP for Chattingham South, agreed with her colleague. “It’s best never to argue with K*ir and his cabinet. We all saw what happened to Rosie Waffle,” she said.

“Being an MP is a cushy little number if you don’t rock the party boat and start having principles or, God forbid, actually listening to your constituents.”

Midway’s only Tory MP, the MP for Rainingham Laura Twatt, voted against the bill.

“I recognise that the desire to change the law on assisted dying comes from a place of compassion. I also understand the desire for autonomy and choice,” said Ms. Twatt.

“However, I’m a Tory. Principles like “autonomy”, “choice” and especially “compassion” are completely alien to me.”

Laura Twatt MP: True Tory
“Lots of rich Tory supporters are involved in the care home industry or have links to big international pharmaceutical industries. We therefore have vested and highly lucrative interests in keeping people alive for as long as we can, whether they like it or not.”

“Of course, the Tory party line is that ‘legalising assisted dying could place pressure on vulnerable people to end their lives for fear of being a financial, emotional or care burden upon others’ or that ‘the disabled, elderly, sick or depressed could be especially at risk’ blah blah.”

“But at the end of the day, a lot of our chums are making big money out of end-of-life care, and it’s in their interest that I and most of my fellow Tories voted against this bill.”

“We believe real investment needs to be made into palliative care, although of course we cut all of the budgets for such a thing while we were in power. Now it’s not our problem, we will push for this so that everyone can access the end-of-life care they need so that our chums can carry on making huge amounts of money at the expense of the tax-payer…”

If the bill becomes law, a terminally ill person seeking to end their life will have to make two separate declarations, witnessed and signed, about their wish to die.

The process must involve two independent doctors being satisfied the person is eligible and the medics can consult a specialist in the person’s condition and get an assessment from an expert in mental capacity if deemed necessary.

A High Court judge must hear from at least one of the doctors regarding the application and can also question the dying person as well as anyone else they consider appropriate.



Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades Labo*r MPs have already voted legislation which they know will kill millions of constituents because they commissioned survey which showed that millions of UK pensioners who will die of cold this winter will not have any choice in the matter thanks to Labo*r who removed the Winter Fuel Allowance without telling you before your election it is a level of evil which is not matched in the world today. No other country in world has knowingly passed legislation which will lead to deaths of millions of vulnerable people in your UK society it is much shame bestowed on your country by evil Labo*r government which lied and tricked its way into power and has no mandate for the things it is doing unlike dear Mr. Putin in world’s only true democracy of Russia where we rejoice in true democratic freedoms.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I know disinformation is your job and your employers have to be congratulated for their efforts over Brexit and the recent presidential election in the USA. But here in the UK, millions of pensioners will not be dying of cold this winter. This ridiculously transparent anti-government propaganda from your Russian masters fools nobody.


Pseudocreem 2 replied:
Comrade it is you who constantly lies about things which are obviously true and can easily be checked by looking on X. There have been tens of thousands of people jailed recently in UK for social media posts and your fascist Labo*r government has set up many secret detention camps to imprison any dissenters. There is a lot of talk on X, where you can fact check the lies and propaganda you are fed, of one of the biggest cover ups in history concerning these cases we will see in due course when the truth comes out as it always does the whole world is looking on with dismay and horror at the antics of St*rmer and his henchmen as they launch one attack after another on the people of this country unlike fairness and freedom of true democracy as offered in homeland by dear Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than fascist Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
X can hardly be regarded as a source of factual information these days, it being mostly populated by people like you and your Russian disinformation co-workers these days. Just let me repeat, we only jail people for breaking the law in this country, unlike your homeland. And millions of pensioners will not be dying from cold in the UK this winter.


Pseudocreem 2 replied:
I am listening to someone on Russia Today who comparing St*rmer's regime with Nazi Germany and it is valid comparison regardless of what you think comrade most people in UK feel threatened and marginalised in St*rmer's Britain where his two tier policing and politicised judiciary will allow and encourage pro Palestinian protests while clamping down on political protestors for other causes all while harassing political opponents and journalists etc who they see as hostile. Can you think of any other democratic regime since the Nazis who passed legislation knowing it would lead to the deaths of most vulnerable people in society? UK needs dear Mr. Putin and fairness and freedom of true democracy as offered in homeland by dear Mr. Putin and his patriotic rich oligarch friends rather than Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:
I am rich enough to be able to afford the very best medical care that modern technology can offer. Poverty is a life-style choice of the feckless and lazy and if they choose to waste their limited resources on food and shelter instead of investing their money, then I don’t see why I should fund an easy way out for them.


Tornado Watcher replied:
You and your up-voters really are thoroughly nasty pieces of work, aren’t you? Fairly typical of most commentators on the MORON, actually.


Neil Barse replied:
At last Tornado Watcher confesses the truth about themselves before slinking away to stew in his own UK-hating demented leftist bile. A bitter lonely insidious individual who's mental instability is getting worse by the day, due to the fact they fail to annoy anyone with their constant sea-lioning and self-contradictory posting. Completely expected every time Tornado Watcher posts on here. As usual, I win the argument by my relentlessly logical and calm, reasoned, factual responses, unlike the hate-filled rants of far-leftist Guardian-reading pillocks like Tornado Watcher.


Tornado Watcher replied:
You and your fellow right-wing commentators here seldom offer anything but abuse, whataboutery and gaslighting. THAT is the most depressing thing about this forum.


Neil Barse replied:
Typical lies and whataboutery from a bitter and twisted leftist Labo*r loser. I think you leftists must be mentally ill to constantly come out with the lies and whataboutery the way you do. And what about Labo*r’s plans to compulsory purchase all UK pensioner’s houses and give them to asylum seekers, eh? Eh? That’s a plan that I’m sure you cretinous, unwashed far-left UK haters would approve of.


Yu Rong replied:
Another leftist loon who refuses to acknowledge the truth about society. Labour is only talking about assisted dying to cut the NHS bill. They’re already looking to kill off pensioners by cutting fuel allowances and by introducing IHT on farmland they’re now trying to starve the rest of us to death.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Oh, look, right on cue it’s Neil Barse’s little chum. As I said, you and your up-voters really are thoroughly nasty pieces of work. And completely demented.


Neil Barse replied:
Once again, you fail to understand that this forum is not about rationale debate, it is about WINNING. And our combination of insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting aim to drive any rational observers away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time. You can never win because you are a sad lazy parasitic leftist idiot and are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Super Small Dick wrote:
Meanwhile, millions of illegal immigrants are coming to the UK in small boats. My local Tory councillor told me that all of our primary schools and libraries are going to be closed so that they can be turned into hostels for asylum seekers. Well done Labo*r. What a shambles. Four more years of this turgid drivel.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.



Wednesday, November 27, 2024

100 Tractors In Go-Slow Protest Through Stroochester As Farmers Fume Over Inheritance Tax Changes

By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter
Simon Goebbels

It’s been a few of days since we last ran a Labo*r-bashing article on the planned changes to inheritance tax, an issue that affects very few people. But those people are rich and include a lot of people (like our owner) who have bought up lots of the UK’s farmland for investment purposes and to offset their IHT liabilities. They therefore have the influence to make an awful lot of anti-government noise that the UK’s populist right-wing media (like us) can pick up on…

Farmers: demanding tax breaks...

A go-slow tractor protest rumbled through Midway as farmers vented their anger over Labo*r’s inheritance tax changes.

Pictures show the vehicles in Stroochester today (Wednesday), with one eyewitness saying about 100 came through the Stroochester roundabout from the M234 towards the town centre. The protest attracted no local attention whatsoever, however.

“We’re used to farmers driving their tractors down our main roads during rush hour, covering the roads and passers-by in mud and filth and generally causing as much aggravation as they can, because they think it’s a laugh to inconvenience “townies” like us,” said one local resident.

Gargoyle: Cosplaying farmer...
The protest was remarkable in that it was attended in person by a cosplaying Niglet the Gargoyle, owner of the Really Extreme Far Out Right-Wing Maniacs UK Party®™© PLC and MP for the Midway constituency of Claptout-on-Sea. In a rare visit to the UK in an attempt to actually find the constituency he is supposed to represent, he said that it was good to see simple folk out protesting against the IHT changes.

“We at the Really Extreme Far Out Right-Wing Maniacs UK Party®™© PLC think it is vitally import to stir up hatred and division about anything that the government does,” said the gargoyle. “If we and our chums in the right-wing media can keeping on sniping at Labo*r, then the Really Extreme Far Out Right-Wing Maniacs UK Party®™© will sweep to power in 2029.”

“And we know we can rely on the farmers to help out on this front just like they did for Brexit, even though they will be shooting themselves in the foot again.”

The protest had been arranged jointly by the Farmers Against Raising Tax (FART) and the Billionaire Owners of Land Lying in the Old Countryside of Kent Society (BOLLOCKS).

Mick Darkson: billionaire tax-exile hobby farmer
One of the organisers is Mick Darkson, a billionaire UK tax exile resident in Monaco, who told the MORON: “It’s time for the UK’s billionaire land owners to stand up and fight back and it’s time to show the government that things will escalate more if they try and get us to pay a fair rate of inheritance tax on all of the farmland we’ve bought up.”

They are demanding that the government axes its plans to impose a 20% inheritance tax (IHT) on farm assets worth £1 million or more from April 2026.

Both campaign groups say they are also furious about the government’s abject failure to “leave us alone like the Tories did and allow us to use farm land to squirrel away our billions”.

Kevin Pratwold: land speculator..
Kevin Pratwold, who buys up farms and then runs them down to sell off as development land, is also taking part.

He told the website: “The Labo*r government shouldn’t be going after hardworking land speculators like me. Only poor people should be paying tax, not rich people like me.”

Earlier this month, dozens of Kent farmers joined a protest rally in Westminster to demonstrate against the government’s new inheritance tax grab on their land.

The changes to inheritance tax rules announced in the Autumn Budget sent shock waves through Midway’s farming community.

Families who spent generations building up their farm businesses, often on very tight profit margins, fear the “destruction” of their way of life after reading the scare stories put out in the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail.

Angus Stoatweed: Daily Telegraph reader
Angus Stoatweed, 84, whose farm was created by his father almost 100 years ago, told the MORON that the Daily Telegraph said he would face a tax bill of almost £2 million if the new levy is brought in.

The owner of Stoatweed Farm at Buxley near Chattingham, said: “I would love my family to continue the business that my father started - and for the next generation and their children.”

“But the reality according to the right-wing press is that my family could be left with a huge tax bill which would mean having to sell off lots of land - and then it would make it unviable.”

“OK, I’ve not spoken to my accountant yet, but Niglet the Gargoyle and his chums in the UK media have said I should be angry, so I am.”

“After all, they said I should be in favour of Brexit eight years ago because of all of the opportunities it would bring and that’s worked out pretty well, hasn’t it?” .

.and in the real world over at click-bait corner, the right-wing nut-jobs in the “comments” section really are getting more and more demented. Still, “clicks” are “clicks”…


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grindr wrote:
Typical policing by Two-Tier Ke*r's Gestapo. If this had been Just Stop Oil driving their tractors through police barriers, they would have been arrested and imprisoned. Instead they were allowed to cause havoc and mayhem in Stroochester town centre. These terrorists should be.... er.... hold on... they are protesting about Labo*r.  So that's all right then. Nothing to see here, just move along.


Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
I back British farming. I back British farmers to pay their tax as well.
Have the farmers yet realised that calls to scrap the tax aren't that popular?
Have they not realised that seeking some changes in the threshold might be the way to go?
Don’t ask us to feel sorry for the likes of Dyson, Lowe, Clarkson and Lloyd-Webber. Or the sob story in The Times about an 88 year old “farmer”, who is actually a former Chair of the London Stock Exchange and on the board of HSBC and who owns 5,000 acres of farmland in Scotland just to offset his inheritance tax bill.


Neil Barse replied:
A typical far-left trope of abuse by a cretinous leftie driven by class envy and hatred of anyone better off than himself. Why shouldn’t a wealthy stockbroker buy up farmland in order to try and shelter his wealth from this corrupt Labo*r administration, which is using tax-payer’s money to fund a tidal wave of illegal immigration aimed at wiping out English culture and establishing a communist hegemony?


Yu Rong replied:
It's not just farmers that are impacted by the IHT changes. According to the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express and GB News, a change to the Business Property Relief will impact all businesses in the UK.
This will destroy our economy and mean that everyone will be cast into poverty.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
"According to the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express and GB News ".
Well, that's got me convinced.


Yu Rong replied:
OK, so to give you a starter, try here https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/farmers-inheritance-tax-could-affect-five-times-more-farms-than-treasury-said-analysis-finds/ar-AA1uQxyJ
Then if you don't like my choice, do your own research (as if).
And as I've said before, you and checking facts, before you go mashing a keyboard, are complete strangers.


Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
Oh come on. GB News?! Really?
“Fact-checking” is not a process of regurgitating lies, assertions and selective reporting from right-wing sources that are renowned for their poor quality and outrageous bias.
Please try again, citing a source that isn’t regularly pulled up by Ofcom for biased and inaccurate reporting.


Yu Rong replied:
Why shouldn’t I quote sources that reinforce my own prejudices and amplify what I think I already know? Your “holier than thou” attitude on insisting on actual facts is just so much sealioning, or some such other trendy internet insult.


Neil Barse wrote:
What is ironic about these claimed rich farmers, it's not them who will be the payers of inheritance tax, but those who inherit the farms.


Tornado Watcher replied:
What's ironic about an inheritor paying inheritance tax? What part of “inheritance tax” don’t you understand?


Neil Barse replied:
There's nothing ironic about an inheritor paying inheritance tax, (TW stating the bleeding obvious, as usual). It's all about the present day rich tax avoidance land owners that everyone is going on about who when they pass away, will not have or have to pay any inheritance tax themselves. Whoever inherits the farm where inheritance tax is payable will have to decide if they can afford to pay the tax or sell the farm as a whole or part off. Time will tell.


Tornado Watcher replied:
So your point is that you feel sorry for the children of rich tax avoiders?


Yu Rong replied:
So are you saying Reeves should tax savings in an ISA, TW?


Tornado Watcher replied:
ISAs? Eh? We’re talking about IHT. Or is this just another bit of distraction whataboutery you rightists use when the arguments go against you?


Neil Barse replied:
I feel sorry for low intellect individuals such as yourself TW.
Away with you now and find some nimby's to Sealion. You know it makes sense.


Tornado Watcher replied:
Sealion? NIMBYs? What on earth are you on about? I question your views on IHT and in return I get a stream of abuse and gibberish?


Yu Rong replied:
Are you saying Ms Reeves isn’t concentrating on her job because she is enamoured of aquatic life, TW?


Tornado Watcher replied:
I thought you and Neal Barse weren’t speaking. You seem to be back in tandem on the MORON comments forum again. I put your rambling incoherence down to the understandable stress of carrying his baby.


Yu Rong replied:
So, back to the question asked, are you suggesting that Reeves should tax savings in an ISA? ISAs are just another form of tax avoidance according to you.


Tornado Watcher replied:
I never mentioned ISAs. You did. We are on a thread about IHT and you continue to raise ISAs as a distraction issue.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
We are encouraged by the government to save thousands of pounds via an ISA.
We are not encouraged by the government to buy up vast tracts of agricultural land at inflated prices to avoid million of pounds in IHT.


Yu Rang wrote:
Yes, it's was lovely in the sunshine today. But the weather looks changeable over the weekend.


Neil Barse replied:
"We are not encouraged by the government to buy up vast tracts of agricultural land at inflated prices to avoid IHT"
The government are not saying that are they Grey Mondeo Man? That's you spreading misinformation again. Just because you can't do it, the Far Leftist green monster of wanting to be rich envy within you shines bright.
As for your claim about Sealioning, I asked you twice to answer a question put to you about issues completely unrelated to the topic under discussion and on both occasions at the time you refused to answer, but accused myself of Sealioning you in an attempt to squirm out of answering. No different to any questions asked of you by any on here, you refuse to answer any in the fear of exposing yourself as the fraudulent individual you are.
What's even more comical is telling others that you no longer converse with those who also expose you for spreading misinformation, manipulation of facts and blatant lies. You act like a petulant schoolgirl in that respect. As a matter of interest, why do you never contradict Tornado Watcher or point out their content Sealioning, or is it a fact you are one and the same.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Like most people, I have no idea what you are on about. You and your former friend Yu Rong reduce any attempt at rational discussion down to insult-laden distraction issues and whataboutery. No wonder the MORON comments section is regarded as a joke.


Neil Barse replied:
Once again, you fail to understand that this forum is not about rationale debate, it is about WINNING. And our combination of insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting drive any rational observers away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time. You can never win because you are a sad lazy parasitic leftist idiot and are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Yu Rong wrote:
This story seems to have warmed everyone up on this chilly day. No need to put the heating on for a few of the hardcore lefties.


Chad Grindr replied:
Yes, I notice that we are not getting as many up-votes for our brilliance as usual. It must be because the lefties are refreshing their Internet browsers and bashing their keyboards to down-vote any comments they don't like.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Midway "Sta*mer Out" Petition Gains Over Two Million Signatures

By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter
Simon Goebbels

An on-line petition demanding a new general election has received nearly 2.6 million signatures.

Ms. Bott: "A Scweamer..."
Miss Violet Elizabeth Bott, a young Midway resident, started the petition because she “didn’t like the July genewal election wesult, so I’m going to scweam and scweam until we have another one that gives me a wesult I like…”

“Of course, I appweciate that you can’t we-wun a vote just because some people don’t like the wesult. Otherwise, all those awful wemoaners would have had another Bwexit refewendum and we might have undone our bwilliant Bwexit,” said Ms. Bott. “That would have been terwibble.”

“But this is diffewent. This time Labo*r got elected, so I’m going to scweam and scweam that we need to keep having elections until the Torwies, or even better still, WEFORM get elected. And the Daily Telegwaph agwees with me!”

Niglet the Gargoyle, owner of the Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs UK Party PLC ©™® and absentee MP for Claptout-On-Sea, also agreed.

Niglet the Gargoyle: Yawn in the USA...
“Under K*ir Sta*mer, this anti-democratic Labo*r government keeps ignoring the clear voice of the people,” he said from his home in North America.

“Since they’ve been in power, Labo*r has targeted the most vulnerable people in UK society. How dare they get rid of hand-outs and tax breaks for multi-millionaire land-owners, big business owners and well-off pensioners? How can that be fair and just? That’s not what people voted for, even though they did.”

“2.6 million signatures, including at least 2.5 million fake ones from the bot-factory users of my good friend Eesgon Nutz’s Xcrement platform, are now supporting the demand that the tyrannical Labour administration stand aside and give everyone in the UK a chance to vote for ME!”

“That’s the only democratic way forward,” said the Gargoyle. “Keep repeating elections until the British public gets it right and my Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs UK Party PLC ©™® gets into power. Then they’ll be no need to ever have elections again…”

K*ir St*rmer and his cabinet do not consider the petition to be of any practical importance, however.

“You lost. Get over it,” said a government spokesman.

“At least you’ll get another vote in five years’ time. Not like the Brexit vote we aren’t allowed to mention…”

Sometimes the expression "WTF?" just doesn't cut it...


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
So a petition to abolish democracy in the UK has gained 2.6 million votes? No wonder that Niglet the gargoyle is so happy.


Chad Grindr replied:
Your shouty leftism prevents you from seeing that this obviously isn’t a petition to abolish democracy, it’s a petition to abolish this Labour government. It is obviously a petition that the vast majority of the UK electorate's support.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
So what’s the practical difference between abolishing a government that was democratically elected just five months ago, and abolishing democracy? And since when did 2.6 million people comprise the “vast majority of the UK electorate”?


Chad Grindr replied:
If you stopped your shouty leftism for a second, you would appreciate that “democracy” is only democracy if it gives the right results. The last election resulted in a Labo*r landslide based on the opinion of only 39% of the electorate. This is clearly not democracy, as anyone who is not a leftist loon would appreciate.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I agree that the FPTP voting system is deeply flawed. Had the last election been conducted under PR, then Labour would still have been the largest party, but would have had to have formed a coalition with the Lib Dems and Greens to keep out a combination of Tories and REFORM. That would have been a fair result.


Chad Grindr replied:
WILL YOU JUST STOP SHOUTING YOU LEFTIST IDIOT? It is obvious that any system that prevents a right-wing government from being in power is anti-democratic. Anybody except a demented bed-wetting libtard would realise that.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
So democracy is only democracy if it gives a result that you personally agree with? Ah, right. In fact, ah, far-right…


Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums.


Neil Barse replied:
Chad do not waste your effort trying to engage these leftist idiots in rational debate. I much prefer insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever, which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time. Grey Mondeo Man can never win because he is a sad lazy parasitic leftist idiot and is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. I hope he crawls away and dies, libtard snowflake Guardian-reading pillock that he is.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next elections because all parties are corrupt unlike Russian oligarch money which is good for UK, which will be good news for all Russian internet trolls and dear Mr. Putin.


Friday, November 22, 2024

Gargoyle Proclaims Revolution As Party Wins Two Local By-Elections

Niglet the Gargoyle, owner of the Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC ©™® and absentee MP for the Midway constituency of Claptout-On-Sea, proclaimed that British politics was being totally transformed as a result of his party claiming victory in two Midway by-elections this week.

Niglet the Gargoyle: All The Way From America...

“Of the fifteen by-elections held in the UK this week, the fact that we’ve won two of them shows that we are on course to win the next general election by a landslide” said a jubilant gargoyle.

Speaking from his home in North America, the gargoyle said that his fledgling party is “going all out” to win seats at Midway Borough Council (MBC) in 2027 after the two surprise victories.

He said the results were testament to his party’s “new, professionalised approach of adopting right-wing newspaper editorials as policy and bitching about every single thing the Labour government does.”

“Unfortunately, the rest of the country are far less credulous than Midway’s population of simple-minded rabid right-wing pensioners, but we’re hoping to grow our brand of simplistic, flag-waving culture wars and knee-jerk, anti-government propaganda among the ranks of the apathetic and easily-led across the country.”

The result will send shockwaves through the Labour ranks at MBC who have been hopeful of defying expectations and holding onto power at Midway borough.

Labour currently have 69 of the 81 seats on the council.

Gargoyle: "professionalised..."
The seats in the two Midway wards of Dirtford and Numbskulle West were held by independent councillors, both of whom resigned after campaigns of online abuse and threats were directed against them.

The Gargoyle said: “Obviously I am very pleased with the results from Midway. Screeching hysterical scare stories and manufactured outrage about Labour’s national policies is obviously having an effect at a local level and reflects our new, professionalised approach to disinformation.”

“Now we are going all out for Midway Council in 2027 and I will be addressing a Masonic dinner in Rainingham tonight (Nov 22) via Skype from my US residence to that effect.”

The Conservatives were beaten into fourth place at Dirtford and fifth place at Numbskulle West in the polls held yesterday. The five-minute count took place this morning.

Cllr. Voletrouser: Looking for merger...
Tory councillor Cllr Herbert Voletrouser said: “Given the turn-out in both wards was less than 1%, this says that people really don’t give a stuff about politics at the moment. And if people don’t care about politics, then the Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC ©™® is going to win a hell of a lot of seats next May at the election, what with them not having any policies other than immigrant-bashing and sucking up to global nut-job billionaires and dictators.”

“Gargoyle’s party is occupying the platform of pandering to thick old fascist pensioners by manufacturing outrage about distraction issues like immigration and culture wars, which is where we Tories should be.”

“Still, I have every confidence that our new Tory party leader is taking us in the right direction, i.e. a merger with REFORM so that the right-wing dimwit vote doesn’t get split at the 2029 general election like it did this year…”

By-election results were as follows:

REFORM's Richard Faykydee
MBC Dirtford ward:

Richard Faykydee (REFORM UK PLC©™®) 65 votes (37%)
Victoria Spart (Labour) 58 votes (33%)
Bunty Hopper (Green Party) 29 votes (16%)
Pearl Clutcher (Conservative) 22 votes (12%)
Tarquin Poledancer (Liberal Democrats) 4 votes (2%)

Turnout 0.4% 

REFORM's Bob Maidupp-Naim
MBC Numbskulle East ward:

James Maidupp-Naim (REFORM UK PLC©™®) 28 votes (51%)
Peter Anne Summers (Liberal Democrats) 13 votes (24%)
Michael Redflagge (Labour) 11 votes (20%)
Sue Docreem (Putin Democracy Party) 2 votes (4%)
Chadwick Grinder (Conservatives) 1 vote (2%)

Turnout 0.2%

...and over in the real world at click-bait corner, the rabid right-wing faithful are just lovin' it...

Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
It is good for UK that Mr. Gargoyle is to become leader. Dear Mr. Putin has given many secret roubles to Mr. Gargoyle to fund his party that is only hope for freedom and democracy in UK which will overthrow fascist Nazi gangster regime of Ke*r St*rmer who has jailed tens of thousands of people recently in UK for social media posts and set up many secret detention camps to imprison any dissenters. Mr. Gargoyle is great friends with champions of democracy like new US president Donald Turnip and dear Mr. Putin and American social media trillionaire Eeesgon Nutz and will doubtless bring great freedoms to liberate UK and let rich oligarchs help to make right decisions for enriching UK and themselves without argument from evil socialists who drag UK down.


Chad Grunter wrote:
I am impressed with Mr. Gargoyle’s fledgling party and its achievements to date.
It has an appeal to all levels of society, even the woke, liberal, bed-wetting greenies, who should be pleased about how Mr. Gargoyle has created his new party simply by recycling the old Brexit Party, from its empty rhetorical policies right down to its logo.
How ‘green’ is that?
Now that the Tories are a busted flush and Labo*r are being dragged down by the UK’s properly hysterical right-wing media, Mr. Gargoyle is offering Little-Englander, Thatcher-worshipping pensioners like me one final chance to vote to ruin the lives of younger people. It was my generation that voted for 14 years of Tory austerity, Brexit and then Boris. Hopefully there will still be enough of us well-off, Telegraph-reading Tory pensioners left to vote in Mr. Gargoyle as PM in 2029. That’ll serve our youngsters right for hoping for a better future!


Aunt Nartsie replied:
I couldn’t agree more. Personally, I think anyone under the age of 18 should be given a sound thrashing once a week. What gives them the right to go around being young and happy, and having hopes and dreams? Mr. Gargoyle will soon out a stop to all that! He’ll soon make them just as miserable, bitter, twisted and hopeless as I am.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever replied;
I think it is essential that young working-class people are deprived of any aspirations at all. The last government were well on their way to achieving that until they were removed from power by the ignorant masses. It is a fact of English life that the only function of the plebeian classes is to service the wants and needs of their betters such as me. I am increasingly confident that Mr. Gargoyle and his party company staff will ensure that unquestioning servility becomes the norm for anyone who isn’t as wealthy as we are.


Super Small Dick wrote:
Gargoyle’s got it right. Who cares about the UK economy, the NHS, public infrastructure blah blah? Hand it all over to American billionaires, just like Niglet plans to.
Then we can concentrate on what really matters.
Stopping those little boats packed with millions of illegal immigrants from coming across the English Channel!! What part of ‘English’ don’t these foreign immigrant scroungers understand?
OK, so Niglet doesn’t really have any workable ideas about how to do that, but who cares? I believe everything he says and so do millions of others along with all of the decent UK newspapers, just like they did with Brexit. They can’t all be wrong can they?


Grey Mondeo Man wrote:
The prospect of Mr. Gargoyle’s party gaining power in the UK is too horrific to (this comment has been edited as it does not meet our community standards – the Editor.)
