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Monday, June 10, 2024

Prolific Shoplifter Banned From Chattingham Supermarkets.

Stock picture of supermarket

Mboki Ngahla, of Grott Street, Chattingham, was banned from three Chattingham following a shoplifting spree that saw him steal food from Tesco, Aldi and Sainsburys in Chattingham High Street. 

It follows his appearance at Midway Magistrates Court where a 100 hour community service order was also imposed.

Mboki Ngahla: evil thief and threat to society
Ngahla, 24, of Slum Villas, Grott Street, Chattingham, who had no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to stealing bread, meat and tinned goods and was also ordered to pay £30 compensation. He was also banned from Tesco, Aldi and Sainsburys in Chattingham High Street.

The court was told that Ngahla had recently lost his job at a local warehouse and was struggling to feed his two children whilst looking after his sick wife.

“Tackling shoplifting is a priority for Midway Police”, said Police Sgt. Ted Knacker of the Midway Police Antisocial Behaviour Team after the hearing.

“We appreciate that many of those we arrest are only stealing out of desperation, but theft is still theft and we are determined to uphold the law and protect the livelihoods of local shopkeepers”.


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Gonads wrote:
This story was no doubt run in order to get the clicks from the usual racist head-bangers. It’s funny how the MORON seems to want to stir up prejudice and ill-feeling against a group of the population just before a GE, especially when it could benefit a certain political party. It’s so obvious that (this comment has been edited for brevity – Ed.)


Captain Jock Scratcher wrote:
We have enough of our own rubbish that we can't control or cope with, we don't need another country's rubbish too.


GreyMondeoMan wrote:
Classic right-wing rabble-rousing click-bait from the MORON. Ooooh look, “forren-lookin” bloke gets nicked for shop-lifting and the usual suspects are screaming “DEPORT” even though he is probably a British national. Yet the previous article, where a white middle-class guy is nicked for exactly the same thing, hardly draws any comments at all. Funny that.
Actually, it’s not funny at all…


Audi Driver wrote:
And GreyMondeoMan shows his trolling colours yet again. Now you're all far right if you don't want foreign nationals to steal from your shops and it's so far right of you all wanting some sort of way to stop things like that happening. Mondey, you're a caricature of what is wrong with this country. A comedy sketch, if it were funny.


GreyMondeoMan replied:
I don't want anyone to steal from shops. It is neither better nor worse if the offender is from Ascot or Azerbaijan, Bolton or Brazil, Carlisle or Croatia, Dundee or Dominica...etc.


Ancient Arseolien replied:
The premise of your constant refrain however is that having plenty of home grown undesirables is somehow an argument for importing more.


GreyMondeoMan replied:
The premise of your bizarre, other-worldly response is that being of foreign descent makes an offender, ipso facto, worse than domestic offenders. I and others believe the offence and not the nationality or ethnicity of the offender is what is important. I mean I suppose Tony Blair might have said he was going to be "Tough on crime, especially if the criminals are foreign". But he didn't.
David Cameron might have asked us to hug a hoody. He didn't add "but watch out if they have a foreign accent".


Ancient Arseolien replied:
Nope my constant refrain is that in some cultures behaviours that are at odds with our own are common. The principle of "when in Rome' doesn't seem to apply to them, in a very one way street kind of way. Look at knife crime in what's euphemistically referred to as ' the black community '


GreyMondeoMan replied:
Is that you, Nigel…?


Chad Grunter wrote:
The sentence for this miscreant is a joke. Some of the comments from the usual far left clowns are also a joke. Unable to comment on the actual article they seem more motivated to attack other commentators and accuse them of being far right if they are appalled by this example of thievery by the immigrant “community”. See these far left fools for what they are!


Just A Thought wrote:
Always diverting to see the comments from right-wingers, demanding justice when it is their policies (like locking up harmless old grannies who protest against climate change) that have left no room in our prisons for any new convicts…


The Usual Suspect wrote:
Can he be deported after his sentence or is he a 'white Briton' now...?


Wankenator 2 wrote:
If you needed proof that the MORON's resident far-left do-gooders are nothing but a bunch of clueless little trolls then just read through their comments on this article, it's mind blowing. If you're tired of immigrants robbing shops, they will defend him. Provided he's black or imported & there's plenty of virtue signalling brownie points available, if he's white & British they'll show zero interest in the article. FACT


SuellaB wrote:
I don't mean to cast aspersions, however with a name and address like that I would say this is another boat dweller roaming the country doing exactly what they want…..send to Rwanda!!!


Millwall Mick wrote:
Well, our politicians have foisted the world's rubbish on us since Blair. Next month we've a chance to tell them what we think of that decision. Vote for REFORM PLC!!!


Rightwinger wrote:
Another one that has slipped through the net. How bad could this have been? Come on you weak lefties let's have your thumbs down! Unbelievable how this country is going down the drain.


[Note: Sadly, the gist of these horrifically racist comments above have been published by a real local on-line news source. I have only changed them slightly to fit the imaginary context of the post. Comments like these are all too common in real life and are why this parody blog exists]