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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Treacherous Midway Labo*r Council Traitors Approve Dockside Redevelopment Plans

Plan for Sinkhole3 dockside warehouse development

As part of a concerted campaign to shore up our local Tory MP’s desperate campaigns to get re-elected at the forthcoming general election, treacherous Midway Labo*r have been accused of “treachery” following the approval of controversial plans to redevelop Chattingham Docks.

According to stuff we’ve made up to support that assertion, landowner Rind Riverside wants to close the dockside industrial estate and turn it into a new business campus, to be called Sinkhole3.

At a special Midway Council planning committee meeting, plans to allow the redevelopment of the docks were approved by eight votes to seven, but the application cannot proceed until a final decision is made by the government after the general election.

All of the treacherous Labo*r evil and treacherous councillors on the committee supported the proposals, while the brave and true Conservative group members voted against.

Planning officers had recommended the application for approval on the grounds they could offer greater working opportunities and that the changes would not, in fact, prevent the current businesses from operating on-site if it so wished.

Midway Council Leader Vic Marbles: Traitor
Council leader, the traitorous traitor Vic Marbles, said the committee members had considered the application as it was set out and also the independent advice of planning officers before each making its decision.

He said: “A majority on the planning committee reached a considered decision on an outline planning decision for employment use at part of the site at Chattingham Docks.”

“This has been a sensitive issue, but we value and support our hardworking planning officers who prepared the work on this report and took time to seek expert, independent legal advice on the issue.”

“Unlike the Tories, Labo*r members came to their conclusion based on this advice in a strictly non-political way. Our members behaved in a responsible way to avoid the risk of legal appeals.”

“The truth is, the last lot of Tory councillors left Midway hundreds of million in debt and we simply can’t afford to fight this one in court.

“We’d rather spend money on trying to keep essential services running than paying barristers to fight a losing battle against an overseas company who can afford to keep dragging us through the appeals process until they get what they want.”

“In opposition Medway Labo*r Party had given their support to the Save Chatham Docks Campaign and upon taking control of the council, orchestrated the first meeting between Rind and Steptu & Singh in over a year.”

“This is a dispute between a landlord and their tenant, and we have done everything in our power to mediate that dispute.”

“Steptu & Singh is the largest metal recycling company globally, valued at over 20 billion euros. They could have moved at any time to secure their presence and the current jobs at Chatham Docks by making a serious offer to Rind for the site. To our knowledge this hasn’t happened.”

Current Steptu & Singh site at Chattingham Docks

"The truth is, Mr. Steptu is on record as saying that due to Brexit, it isn’t worth trading in the UK any more. He’s not interested in buying the site and wants to bail out now that the site owners want him to pay a going rate for the ground rent. They could easily carry on as they are, but they don’t want to”

”So now they have an excuse to threaten to slide out of the UK, make people redundant and then blame Labo*r for it, just in advance of a general election where it looks like the Tories are going to get wiped out”’

”Just a coincidence, I’m sure…”

However, Tory activists and members of the Save Chattingham Docks campaign - some of who work at businesses from the site, such as the Indian billionaire-owned metal recycling firm Steptu & Singh - shouted “leftie woke traitors”, “socialist scum”, “vote Tory” and other remarks from the public gallery when the decision was made.

Now the Labo*r group has been accused of U-turning on promises made before they gained control of Medway Council at last year’s local elections.

The Midway Tories accused the ruling group of putting jobs, livelihoods and businesses at serious risk, saying the move amounted to “treachery” and had broken all promises they had made.

Cllr Voletrouser: "Vote Tory"
Cllr Herbert Voletrouser, shadow cabinet member for regeneration, community and housing, said: “I’m not interested in facts, I just want to score a load of political points. So I’m very sorry for those workers that might lose their jobs solely as a result of this treacherous sell-out and not at all as a result of a business decision by the company owners.”

“I am not surprised by Medway Labour and Co-Operative Group’s treachery as they are just socialist scum who should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power”.

“It is clear that in the run-up to general election, residents should not believe any promises made by Midway Labo*r.”

Cllr Voletrouser added: “The planning committee decision was wrong and Conservative councillors were right to vote against the application, even though they would have voted for it had it not been Labo*r that were in power.”

“It shows that you can’t trust Labo*r locally or nationally, who break their promises. It’s only the Conservatives that have a clear plan to enrich themselves, taking bold action for a secure future on behalf of ourselves, our major party donors and offshore billionaires everywhere.”

“The fight to Save Chattingham Docks has lost this battle but the fight goes on until the day after the general election, when it won’t matter whatever the result, so we'll then just forget about it.”

The approved plans pave the way for Rind Riverside Sinkhole3 development, a business campus which would mean the demolition of the old scrapyard and warehouses on the site and replacement with new office and workshop spaces for creative industries.

Mike Coynte, Rind Riverside: "Ker-ching, ker-ching"
Following the approval, Mike Coynte, managing director of Rind Riverside said, “We are very pleased planning has been approved for Sinkhole3.

“Our vision for Sinkhole3 will create a dynamic, employment enterprise destination that integrates with existing communities whilst attracting new employers and business to the area, offering much needed, high-quality, new employment spaces for already established Midway businesses, and bolstering Midway’s economic growth blah blah blah.”

”We’ll get all of the government grants for that, but when nobody wants to invest here because of Brexit, we’ll flatten it all and built loads of flats like we wanted to the first place, and just like we secretly agreed with the last Tory council before they got booted out”.

“Ker-ching, ker-ching, it’s lotsa luvverly money for me and me foreign mates…

We contacted Steptu & Singh for a comment but they just said “bye, bye, suckers….” 

Con candidate Kylie Trollhouse: "Blame Labo*r"
“This is yet another example of Midway’s Labo*r Council looking to destroy the area after 20 years of glorious Tory rule”, said Stroochester Conservative candidate Kylie Trollhouse, inevitably.

“I have taken the matter up with Michael Gecko, Secretarial Lizard of State For Looking After The Vested Commercial Interests Of Rich Tax-Exiles, but of course he had since resigned to spend more time eating flies and taking cocaine. 

Someone will need to decide whether we bail out a foreign billionaire-owned business to save a few jobs, or let another billionaire property developer build a load of flats that will be bought by billionaire foreign investment firms to sub-let.”

“Despite rumours to the contrary, there is no way that the Conservative Party would ever sink so low as to conspire with an overseas company to threaten to close its struggling local factory and make people redundant, just so we could throw a bit of mud at Labo*r prior to a general election.”

“That would be an utter disgrace. So Vote for Me and a shiny, new and not at all snide, partisan future of whining about Midway’s Labo*r council for the next few years, who are to blame for everything…”

Ex-MP Baghman Shifti
We contacted the office of erstwhile Rainingham MP, Baghman Shifti, but he was unavailable to make a comment, as usual.

“He’s on a fact-finding mission to Saudi Arabia,” they said. “Or Qatar. Or America. Or anywhere he thinks he might be able to get a job after he gets booted out after the election, really…”



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GB2016 wrote:
Brown envelopes come to mind…


StroochesterResident wrote:
The Labo*r candidate in the General Election has zero interest in saving Chatham Docks. Whatever your view of Conservatives generally, when it comes down to local issues Kylie Trollhouse is the only viable option. Your choice.


Art. E. Fishall wrote:
I think Kylie Trollhouse is wonderful.


Clint Elligence wrote:
I think Kylie Trollhouse is wonderful.


A Staffer wrote:
I think Kylie Trollhouse is wonderful.


Ann Notherstaffer wrote:
I think Kylie Trollhouse is wonderful.


Boilerplate wrote:
No comment from Labour's top supporter, GreyMondeoMan, wonder why?


Super Small Dick replied:
Probably having a break from the gazillion messages he posts. As someone that tirelessly promoted the EU on these fine pages for 8 long long years, it's really weird they're not supporting the LibDems, the only party to seek rejoining the EU. It's almost like they have no principles or are true to their word. They'd fit right in with the Midway Labo*r party.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I don't know enough about the plans, so prefer not to comment. I'm sure the MORON’s finest can manage without me. After all, you lot never worry about the facts of a case when you have your feelings and emotions (and the Daily Mail) to guide you all.


Kentish Reality Man wrote:
Goes to show it's easy to oppose stuff when you're the opposition, but once you're in the hotseat and have all the facts, you realise you've no choice.

It annoys me because the undercurrent here is that they've assessed the facts and the risk is that if Rind take it to appeal, they'll win. Rind have much deeper pockets than a council that wasted millions buying the Octagon Centre, so Labo*r didn't ever stand a chance with this.
The Tories would have made the same decision.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:
I am pleased to say that the uneducated peasantry are getting what they voted for. This is a microcosm of what the whole country will soon see when they vote in 'Take the Knee' St*rmer. First they refuse to give public money to rich barristers to fight endless losing battles in court, then it will be taxing rich people to pay for social services and public infrastructure as part of their politics of envy. You will only have yourselves to blame when Labo*r destroy the very foundations of this country, as represented by the ruling classes such as myself.
