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Saturday, December 28, 2024

TfL Fines Rainingham Mum In Monster Truck ULEZ mistake

Simon Goebbels
By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter

Simon Goebbels

Given that it’s Christmas and the news is a bit slow, we thought we’d blow the old ULEZ dog-whistle just to try and stir up the usual trolls for a few easy clicks. We know the ULEZ hardly affects anyone in the Midway area, just like the IHT changes, but it’s been a while since we ran a Sadiq Khan/Labo*r-bashing anti-Tfl article, so here we go….

Rainingham mum Chelsey Tract-Torr and her school-run car: ULEZ problems...

A furious Rainingham mum took on Transport for London (TfL) after she was slapped with a £90 ULEZ fine.

Chelsey Tract-Torr was stunned to receive the charge because she’d checked her new £152,000 9-litre Monster Truck was compliant before entering the controversial zone.

Chelsey explained how she checked the ULEZ website on November 23 before driving to Orpington.

The zone, which was expanded by evil socialist London Labo*r Mayor Sadiq Khan last year, targets polluting vehicles with a £12.50 daily fee as they enter the capital.

The site said Ms. Tract-Torr could travel without paying as her vehicle was compliant with the set environmental standards.

However, the motoring misunderstanding came about because Chelsey had swapped the personalised registration plate from her old Nissan Micra to her new truck.

Labo*r's London Mayor Sadiq Khan
“I know it’s a bit on the big side but my truck runs on methanol, not petrol or diesel, and so is very environmentally-friendly,” said Chelsey. “I bought it for the school run as it’s so easy to park. I just park on top of all of the Range Rover and huge SUVs the other mum’s use…”

On November 28, the young mum was “shocked” to receive a £90 bill and was threatened this would rise to £270 if not resolved before Christmas Eve.

She rechecked the website, which confirmed the truck was compliant, and sent a screenshot of the page as part of their appeal.

It was not until 9am on December 18, that a TfL reply reached them asking for more in-depth information.

Ms. Tract-Torr said: “I checked on their own website putting in my car details and it clearly states ‘This vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards, you do not need to pay a daily ULEZ charge’.

“But they demanded a letter from the vehicle’s makers, a copy of my four-page logbook and a copy of the vehicle’s compliance certificate.

“It is utter madness. It’s not about the money it’s the principle.”

“I could have understood if they admitted their own website was not fit for purpose but they just dug their heels in and asked me to jump through all these hoops.”

Frustrated by the arduous task set by them, Ms. Tract-Torr decided to call up TfL headquarters.

She said: “I explained the website said we were compliant but was told I needed to send all of this information to them within 14 days of the date of the letter.”

“The TfL official then told me that just putting the number plate from my Nissan Micra onto a 9-litre 1500 bhp monster truck didn’t make the truck ULEZ compliant and that the fine needed to be paid.”

“I explained that the fuel was environmentally friendly but the official still insisted my monster truck was not ULEZ compliant.”

Annoyed by the car confusion, Chelsey says her case could be one of hundreds and TfL needs to “look it into its system”.

She added: “How many other people out there get fined just because they drive methanol-powered six-ton 9-litre 1500 bhp supercharged trucks into London?”

“I’m expecting some form of compensation...”

In the real world, another non-story about a rescinded TfL fine fails to get the trolls going as anticipated. Maybe trolls take it easy over Xmas as well. Or maybe they are just as bored with the ULEZ as the rest of us are…


Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Gonads wrote:
I think everyone’s getting bored with the non-story of the ULEZ these days. Even the usual trolls can’t be bothered to spend ages up-voting their own comments and down-voting everyone else’s like they usually do. As for someone expecting a monster truck to be ULEZ compliant, it makes you wonder if the MORON is making this story up just to (this comment has been edited as it does not meet our community standards - The Editor).


Aunt Nartsie wrote:
Who does Sadiq Khan think he is, trying to discourage the people of Midway from driving their 20-year old soot-blowing diesels through London, just so that inner-city children don’t develop preventable respiratory diseases? Who cares about them, can’t they just hold their breath or wear masks or something? Selfish leftie snowflakes the lot of ‘em. Why should I have to pay for such wokery, even though I don’t drive. It’s not the money, it’s the principle. Sadiq Khan is a Labo*r politician, so anything he does must be wrong.


Chad Grindr wrote:
Sadiq Khan is attempting to set up a woke, socialist Islamic republic in London and is using the ULEZ tax to fund it. His ULEZ cameras are an attempt to enforce Sharia law on the UK and should be torn down and smashed, as should Khan’s Lab**r Party.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
The ULEZ is just another right-wing distraction issue that is being blown-up out of all proportion in order to smear London’s Labo*r council and by association, the Labo*r government. Most vehicles are ULEZ compliant and the ULEZ hardly affects anyone in Midway.


Chad Grindr replied:
If you stopped your shouty leftist bellowing for a while, you would realise that at least half the population of Midway drive 20 year old diesels into London every day, so your statement is the sort of typically out-of-touch, elitist nonsense we have come to expect from you.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
“…half the population of Midway drive 20 year old diesels into London every day…”
Really? I think you might just be making that one up, Chad. Or is that something you saw on GBNews or read in the Daily Mail?


Chad Grindr replied:
If you are too lazy and shouty to check the facts then I don’t see why I should do it for you.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
You are the one quoting the numbers, not I. If you want people to believe you, show your sources.


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. The ULEZ is a Labo*r invention and is therefore an evil socialist excuse to tax ordinary working people and raise funds for wokish causes like climate change.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:
I think you’ll find that it was Boris Johnson who instigated the ULEZ scheme in 2015 when he was Mayor of London. But don’t let me spoil your prejudiced and factually-devoid rants.


Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. You lefties are so arrogant, insisting on facts all the time rather than the feelings and made-up assertions of the high-calibre journalists on GBNews, the Daily Telegraph or the Daily Mail.
Who on earth do you think you are?


Neil Barse replied:
Chad/Yu Rong - do not waste your effort trying to engage leftist idiots like GMM in rational debate. They deserve only insults, random distraction issues, whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever, which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE WIN all of the time.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:
Particulate emissions from so-called polluting diesels are rich in vitamins and beneficial omega-3 compounds that are known to boost cardiovascular and respiratory health.
Sadiq Khan is promoting his ULEZ as a front for his plans to turn London into an Islamic caliphate, which is itself a front for world domination by Bill Gates, George Soros and the Illuminati lizard people.
To avoid being subsumed by the alien lizards, it is best to hide in your Mum’s attic with your head wrapped in tin-foil and until the lizards are driven away by a triumvirate of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinPing, who will liberate the world from tyranny by killing everyone who believes in climate change.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in next elections because all political England parties are anti-democratic police state dictatorships unlike truly free Russia as run by champion of democratic freedoms dear Mr. Putin and his Russian oligarch friends whose money is good for UK.
