By Our Local Demagoguery Reporter:
Rob Funk
Two Midway MPs have stood down as councillors, triggering by-elections.
Skippi Myrtle MP: "Quitter" |
This follows their election to Parliament on July 4 at the general election.
The Labo*r Group currently holds 33 seats on Midway Council, giving Labo*r a majority of seven, however depending on the outcomes of the two planned by-elections it could see this reduced.
Libby Fodder MP: "Quitter" |
We tried speaking to Mr. Gargoyle
but were told by his party company office that he was currently at his North
American residence, hoping to get the new
Niglet the Gargoyle: "At home..." |
Instead, we spoke to Tricke Dice, the treasurer of (and principal donor to) the Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™®.
“My fellow multi-millionaires and I will be looking to buy as much support for our candidates as we can,” said Mr. Dice, who is also chairman of the Society of Millionaires for the Election of Extreme Right-wingers (SMEER).
Trickie Dice: "SMEER campaign..." |
“Hopefully, our relentlessly negative and emotive campaign will distract the credulous UK electorate from realising that we don’t actually have any policies other than just screaming “NO!!!” to everything and blaming ‘foreigners’ for all of the UK’s problems.”
“It worked for Brexit,” said Mr. Dice, “and so we’re confident it will work for Mr. Gargoyle’s Really Extreme Far-Out Rightwing Maniacs Party UK PLC©™®.”
If Labo*r were to lose both contests, their majority would hopefully shrink to just two votes, with the Labo*r group holding 31 members and other parties combined holding 29.
Vic Marbles: "Up against it..." |
He said: “We’ve had two phenomenal cabinet members since when we took that historic victory last May.”
“I was really pleased when they put themselves forward for Parliament and when the people supported them in being their voice in Parliament.”
“At the by-elections we will have a couple of fantastic candidates who I hope will join us on the Medway Labo*r team here at the council.”
“I'm confident, but not complacent. We know we’re up against a shrieking right-wing press and their followers, who’ve been throwing as much dirt at Labo*r councillors, Labo*r MPs and the Labo*r government as they can.”
“Despite the fact that we’re up against candidates who are funded by parties backed by shady millionaires, we hope that the people of both Stroochester and Chattingham South will see through all of the rabid right-wing propaganda they see in both the local and national media and will support our new candidates.”
It’s understood the by-elections will be held on Thursday, February 6 next year.
the real world, just watch the same old pathetic right-wing trolls
frantically up-vote their own comments. As usual…
Please note that we do
not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the
voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.
Chad Grindr wrote:
Probably need to time to concentrate on taking freebies, killing
old-age pensioners, evicting farmers and generally focus on screwing up the
whole of the country instead ;-)
Aunt Nartsie wrote:
Pray tell, why have they resigned? Is it something to do
with that awful St*rmer?
Tornado Watcher replied:
No, it isn’t. It’s because they
are both full-time MPs and have resigned, quite rightly, from the local council
because they cannot combine both roles. I think the article made that clear.
Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. Needless
to say, the truth of the matter never bothers you and your kind.
Tornado Watcher replied:
This would be “the truth” that you
see on GBNews or in the Daily Mail, Telegraph or Express, would it? That seems to
be a rather weak factual base from which to call anyone (even from “my kind” - as
you so condescendingly put it) a liar.
Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. Given
there is a level of criticism aimed at St*rmer and the 'Left' about misleading
the electorate, if you wish to take responsibility for that, that's fine by me.
Tornado Watcher replied:
Another bizarre and other-worldly
response. Why would I take
responsibility for "the Left", whoever they are? Your increasingly strange comments raise so many questions.
Yu Rong replied:
Ooooh get you and your tantrums. I
think, even to someone of your kind with a typically limited grasp of the
English language and equally limited intelligence, my response is clear and
your lack of understanding of current affairs and politics is laughable, given
the nature of the article and your choosing to become involved.
Neil Barse replied:
Yu Rong do not waste your effort trying to engage these leftist idiots in
civilised debate. They deserve only insults, random distraction issues,
whataboutery and gaslighting. This involves no rational thought whatsoever,
which should not be wasted on demented leftists who disagree with us. This will
ensure that wishy-washy, woke snowflakes will be driven away, meaning that WE
WIN all of the time.
Yu Rong replied:
Why won’t you see me in person?
Your baby grows ever larger in my womb.
Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Someone else who’s been shafted by
a Tory and left to manage the consequences…
Chad Grindr replied:
GMM will you just STOP SHOUTING
you drivelling leftist loon?
Neil Barse replied:
A typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist
la**or-supporting woke snowflake that is GreyMondeoMan. Like all lazy parasitic
leftist scum, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort
of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die,
you tofu-eating, guardian-reading pillock.
Daily Mail Bob wrote:
St*rmer thieves Raynor even localy Mr Marbles perhaps the two
have seen the light and like the vast majority of the country extreemly unhapy
about how they have been mislead cheeted and where these comunists are actually
steering the country none of these Westminster eleete apear to care one ounce
for Brittish people Brittish values theyve even given our Post Ofice away to a
Checkoslovakan failing to manage ilegal imigration failing to aknowledge chineese
spies ploting to rejoin the EU killing businesesses through tax along with farmers
and our old age penshuners now they want to have single mayor in charge of Kent
probly Labo*r blocking next years local electshuns Labo*r are the enemmy and
these two councilors have seen the light or paving there way to become the countrees
sole decision maker eether way Kent and the countree is totally doomed under
their anti brittish anti demmocratic dictaters.
Super Small Dick wrote:
My local Tory councillor tells me that everyone in the
Pseudocreem 2
Comrades, dear Mr. Putin says for you to vote REFORM in the next UK elections
because all other UK parties are corrupt Nazi gangster dictatorships who
imprison anyone who criticises them on social media and condemns millions of
old people to death while rest of world watches with horror unlike true
democracy of Russia as led by global champion of freedom dear Mr. Putin and his
rich friends.