We know the Labo*r government was democratically elected by a landslide majority just six months ago, but why should we respect democracy when it coughs up a result that right-wingers like us don’t like?
Simon Goebbels |
Upping the minimum wage sounds like a good thing but rest assured, we’re going to put a emotive, negative spin on it for all its worth…
By our Local Demagoguery Reporter
Simon Goebbels
Evil Labo*r Chancellor R*chel R*eves |
Compared with many care service providers, US-based global care provider GranFarm™® is in a relatively strong position. Of world-wide revenues of around £900 million, 48% goes on care and the rest on executive salaries, bonuses and shareholder dividends.
In the
Most of GranFarm’s™®
GranFarm’s™® chief executive of
Sian Granihater: "Executives and shareholders first" |
“We’re going to have to find an extra 11% if we want to keep shareholder dividends and executive benefits at their current level. This is a tax tsunami,” she says.
“Our parent
"Our entire ethos is to take care of the UK's most vulnerable people - our UK shareholders and executives. Evil Labo*r Chancellor R*chel R*eves's budget is threatening their comfortable lives. That's unacceptable,” says Ms. Granihater.
“We can’t afford to pay our workers the decent minimum wage, or our fair share of employer’s NI contributions, without penalising our hard-working executives and shareholders”, she continued.
“Urgent action is needed. We hope this outcome is unintended and we call on evil Chancellor R*eves to review the budget’s impact on the social care system, especially for the mega-rich multi-national care providers such as us.”
“Otherwise, we’ll be making
loads of care workers redundant and blaming Labo*r for it, rather than our own
greedy executives,” warned Ms. Granihater. “And the
Crina, one of GranFarm's™® employees, is far from optimistic about the future.
Crina: "Hard work, long hours, low pay..." |
She says: “It’s putting workers
like me in an impossible position because companies like GranFarm™® know they have young migrant
workers like me at their mercy. They pay us minimum wage and know we will find
it hard to get work elsewhere in the
“The pay is bad and the hours are long but we dare not complain. The lucky ones are leaving jobs they love and are good at for less stressful lives working in warehouses or supermarkets for marginally better money”, she says.
“GranFarm™® do not care though. I care about the people I help but they do not. To me, it is all about the person - how are they doing, what are their needs and how can we help them? For GranFarm™® it is all about money.
“They tell me that ‘care doesn’t have to be great, or even good enough. Just tick the boxes’.
“If they cut costs even more
just to keep their profits up, then I may have to return to
And remember, this is all evil Chancellor R*chel R*eve’s fault, and
nothing whatsoever to do with 14 years of Tory incompetence. Or their rich overseas
chums who have bled the
As usual.
More Labour-bashing disguised as news in the real world. And sure enough, the usual suspects are giving them the “clicks” they crave…
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Chad Grindr wrote:
R*chel R*eves certainly is a piece of work :-(
Grey Mondeo Man replied:
Thank you for that thoughtful, in-depth analysis of the complexities of the
care industry and the implications of the Labo*r government’s first budget upon
the situation.
Yu Rong replied:
Oooh get you and your tantrums
Neil Barse replied:
Yet more tedious insults, lies, gaslighting and disinformation from Grey Mondeo
Chad Grindr replied:
Yu Rong replied:
But R*chel R*eves looks great. New outfits gifted to her from the most
expensive fashion designers and even a pair of free spectacles for Kier Starmer
to admire it. Never mind the people in care homes or OAPs struggling to pay the
gas bill or the farmers that will be evicted from their land when they can’t
pay their IHT bills.
Chad Grindr replied:
Absolutely, I doubt R*eves and her Labo*r chums are short of a few quid, unlike
the disgracefully treated Boris Johnson, our great, honest and hard-working
former Prime Minister who had been shamefully reduced to begging to keep a roof
over his family’s heads. Neither will they be worried about putting the heating
on this winter.
Pseudocreem2 wrote:
Comrades this is political decision by Labo*r they are removing taxpayer money
from social care budgets and spending it on illegal immigrants, giving it to evil
Nazi regime in Ukraine so that they can continue to fight war against democracy
of dear Mr. Putin and to overseas climate scams. This all deliberate and
designed to punish people of your country who Labo*r have declared war on after
tricking them into electing them on a platform of lies and disinformation and vast
majority of UK people now realise they have no political party representing
them as proved by latest petition except for REFORM which dear Mr.
Putin and his rich friends says everyone in UK must vote for in next UK
election to bring back true democratic freedoms like we have in Russia.
Super Small Dick wrote:
My local Tory councillor tells me that Angela Rayner has been given billions to
build hundreds of new prisons in pensioner’s back gardens to lock up anyone who
writes anything bad about Labo*r on social media. Meanwhile, millions of
illegal immigrants are crossing the Channel in small boats every week and get
to be housed in luxury hotels at the taxpayer’s expense. What a shambles. Four
more years of this turgid drivel. I look forward to voting REFORM.