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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Protestors march over 5,000-homes plan near Stroochester

Stock photo of protest

More than a hundred protestors gathered to criticise plans for a 5,000-home “new luxury apartment development” which they believe will “destroy” green belt AONB land by the River Midway close to Stroochester.

Midway is currently consulting residents about the plans, which are being imposed upon it by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, as a new Local Plan was never approved during the previous council administration due to an established Tory policy of “kicking the can down the road.”

Midway’s Lab**r Council has now been told that it must build more than 90,000 homes in the next five years.

On Saturday April 20, scores of local residents marched across the fields on the outskirts of Stroochester to protest the plans, organised by the Save the Midway AONB campaign.

The plan proposes building a new estate on protected marshland close to the River Midway on the outskirts of Stroochester.

Speaking from the march, organiser Suzanne Wyuss said: “Today we’ve done a walk the Midway Marshes as part of our campaign to try and show people the impact that a 5000 home settlement would have on this beautiful area.”

The retired teacher, who has lived in Stroochester for seven years, said: “The whole idea of a settlement on protected marshland is ludicrous,” fearing harm to local birds and other wildlife.

Local authorities must have local plans in place to govern house-building and business development over a long period of time. If they don’t have an approved local plan, councils are put into a “state of presumption in favour of sustainable development” - meaning they have to approve development in areas which they would actually prefer to refuse.

Midway Council leader Vic Marbles
At the Midway council meeting in March, Lab**r Council Leader Vic Marbles told Stroochester residents: “These targets have always been advisory but as we are no longer a Tory-run authority, the Tory government have now decided to impose this development upon us as an act of revenge.”

Midway’s consultation on the plan will end on June 3.

The council will then attempt to alter some of the plans accordingly, undertake a second consultation, and then send all of the responses and the final version of the plan to the government’s Planning Inspectorate, which will then be told by central government to reject any amendments and tell the developers to just get on with it, and serve the residents of Midway right for voting Lab**r.


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Chad Grunter wrote:

I dare say that the NIMBYs who are complaining about this proposed development are also supportive of the hundreds of thousands of unwanted immigrants that come to our shores every year. They have to be housed somewhere and if a 7,000 home estate on green belt land annoys a few lefty snowflakes then I, for one, am all in favour of it.


MikeCoynteDevelopments wrote:

I think the planned development is fantastic and anyone opposing it is just a NIMBY.


Yu Rong wrote:

I think the Tories are absolutely wonderful. Rishi “Iron Man” Sunak has now driven through his wonderful plan to send all immigrants to Rwanda and so that should free up lots of luxury housing that had been shamefully snatched from the UK’s army veterans and given over to a bunch of foreigners instead. No-one believes the snowflake, ultra far-left propaganda put on here by the likes of GreyMondeoMan and Gonads, who obviously don’t live in the real world as reported in those shining beacons of truth, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and GBNews.

Grey Mondeo Man:

The “housing shortage” is a myth driven by greedy developers, money markets and banks. If you look at the data, housing stock levels have consistently risen at a higher rate than population growth, even in the past couple of decades. If house prices were working on the law of supply and demand then surely house prices would have gone down? The truth is that the approach from Tory financial policymakers – dismantling credit controls, letting more lenders get involved in mortgages and changing the role of building societies, to name a few deregulations – has helped to create a booming market for housing speculators. This has been great for the asset-wealthy few, but not so much for the rest of us. Building more houses without reforming the financial and lending markets will just feed property speculation, exactly as it is at the moment.
But don’t let actual facts get in the way of blaming immigrants for everything, you MORON readers…

David Simile the Second replied:

As usual, a typically stupid reply from the typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake that is Grey Mondeo Man. Like all lazy parasitic leftist bum-boys, he is a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Who needs facts when I can have pre-digested, emotional opinions from the Daily Express?


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:

Comrades, do not vote in the next elections because all political parties are the same. If no-one vote your Tories will boss, which good news for all Russian money in UK and dear Mr. Putin.
