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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Revealed: Just One In Four ULEZ Fines Paid In Midway Since London Mayor’s Controversial Expansion

Evil roaming socialist woke ULEZ camera

Evil Socialist Sadiq Khan
Another blow was dealt to London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s plans to fund an Islamic Republic in London when it was revealed that Midway residents had paid less than 25% of the penalty charge notices issued by Transport for London for non-ULEZ compliance.

“That’s because we’ve only issued about 40 fines to people living in the Midway area” said a TfL spokesperson, “and as Midway is about 40 miles away from the nearest ULEZ and most modern vehicles are compliant with ULEZ criteria anyway, it’s not really surprising”. 

“But rest assured we’ll be following up any non-payments with all of the means at our disposal,” added Sadiq’s Jihadist TfL lackey.

Alf Nozzer: pays nothing
Alf Nozzer, who works in construction and commutes from his Midway home to his work recycling lead from roofs in and around London, has received “countless letters”.

The 36-year-old says he has even had bailiffs turn up at his door but scares them away with his shotgun.

He added: “I haven’t paid anything and I won’t ever pay it; I don’t agree with it. But then I don’t ever pay for anything, me."

“I’ve had countless letters though. I’ve got a huge pile of them dedicated to ULEZ. It makes me laugh, mostly ‘cos I can’t read. Or count…” 

The ULEZ debate continues to rumble on and today a protest organised by local Tory activists is due to take place in Midway High Street, near McDonald’s, between midday and 3pm. 

Cllr. Voletrouser
“We’re planning to drive up to the nearest ULEZ camera and then blow it up,” said local Tory councillor Herbert Volestrouser. “We have the full support of top Tory brains like Iain Duncan Smith, so that makes criminal damage legal,” he said. “Tories are well-known for being tough on crime, except when Tories are committing it…”

It comes ahead of both the London mayoral elections and national elections in which ULEZ has become a key Tory distraction issue to divert thick people with short attention spans away from worrying about 15 years of Tory governmental corruption and incompetence.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, who continues to give an impassioned defence of his indefensible, woke, leftist decision to push ahead with Boris Johnson's scheme to clean up London’s air, will go to the polls next month in the mayoral elections on May 2.

He goes up against Tory rival Susan Hall, who is standing on a single-issue platform, “Scrap ULEZ expansion on day one because it won the Tories a by-election”.

MP Kylie Trollhouse: "Blame Lab**r"
Last month, Midway MP Kylie Trollhouse, who is opposed to the scheme because Tory head office is, put forward a bill in Parliament aimed at reversing the charge.

She has described the daily charge as an “absolute publicity gift for the Tory party which we’re going to milk for all it’s worth” and a “charge which hits the poorest hardest, although less than the Dartford crossing charges that everyone has to pay rather than just 5% of drivers, but we don’t intent to rock the boat on that one because that would be, like, taking on a big business consortium of the type which we Tories approve of, unlike that evil Socialist Sadiq Khan…”.

But despite getting government backing for her private member’s bill her bid appears to have been blocked after evil Lab**r MPs talked it out. 

“How dare Lab**r support clean air for London residents,” huffed Ms. Trollhouse.  “Vote Tory if you want the freedom to drive old soot-blowing, carcinogenic diesels through London and give little kids preventable lung diseases…”

More rabid twaddle from the MORON about ULEZ here and here...



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Chad Grunter wrote:

Why should hard-working English people and their businesses be forced out of London by Sadiq Khan and his attempt to set up a woke, socialist Islamic republic in London via his corrupt ULEZ scheme? Smash the cameras now, I say. If Tories are doing it, it’s not illegal.


Grey Mondeo Man wrote: 

The ULEZ is just another Tory distraction issue that is being blown-up out of all proportion in order to distract from the economic and social collapse of the UK resulting from 15 years of Tory corruption, lies and incompetence. I expect the usual rabid Tories will be on here soon saying otherwise.


            Chad Grunter replied: 

I wish someone would blow YOU up.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote: 

I do not pay the ULEZ nor any parking fees within its zone, or least, as far as I know I don’t. My chauffeur drives my massive luxury Range Rover in and out of London and parks wherever I tell him to. I let my lawyers worry about the various fines or whatever that Khan’s socialist minions have the temerity to send me. Rich people like me do not have to bother about such things, and we don’t.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:

Particulate emissions from so-called polluting diesels are rich in vitamins and beneficial omega-3 compounds that are known to boost cardiovascular and respiratory health.
Sadiq Khan is promoting his ULEZ as a front for his plans to turn London into an Islamic caliphate, which is itself a front for world domination by Bill Gates, George Soros and the Illuminati lizard people.
To avoid being subsumed by the alien lizards, it is best to hide in your Mum’s attic with your head wrapped in tin-foil and until the lizards are driven away by a triumvirate of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinPing, who will liberate the world from tyranny by killing everyone who believes in climate change.


Yu Rong wrote:

I think the Tories are absolutely wonderful. The true benefits of Brexit are now obvious to all and anyone can see that we now are living in the promised sunlit uplands. The cost of living is at a record low, industrial productivity is at all all-time high and everyone is well-off, or at least everyone I know. God help us if K**r Starm*r and his bunch of leftist Lab**r loons get elected. No-one believes the doom and gloom ultra far-left propaganda put on here by the likes of GreyMondeoMan and Gonads, who obviously don’t live in the real world as reported in those shining beacons of truth, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and GBNews.

Pseudocreem 2 wrote: 

Comrades, do not vote in next elections because all political parties are same. If no-one vote, Tories will boss again, which good news for all fellow comrades hiding big money in UK and dear Mr. Putin.
