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Monday, March 25, 2024

ULEZ Forces Business To Relocate From London to Stroochester

Business victim of evil Sadiq and his ULEZ

A bridal boutique has relocated to a building once home to a failed local antiques shop after alleging that its business has been “crippled” by the ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) expansion. 

Posh Bride’s Stuff owner Lydia Brown-Binns decided to relocate from Bromley to Stroochester High Street and now claims that the move was as a result of her losing 70% of her customers due to the impact of the charging scheme’s latest roll-out last August.

The 59-year-old first opened her store near the Kent-London border in April 2015. 

She sells a range of exclusive designer bridal gowns, bridesmaid and posh deb's prom dresses, as well as offering one-to-one consultations and custom-made outfits by an in-house seamstress. 

Lydia Brown-Binns: heroic campaigner
“I sell very expensive bridal accessories but the cost of living has really put the brakes on the posh weddings business,” Lydia told KentOnline. “I was either going have to shut the shop because of falling trade, rising costs and the price of rent in an expensive shopping area, or else move my business to somewhere cheaper. 

“I live in Stroochester anyway and the commute was getting me down, to be honest.” 

“Then Sadiq Khan decides he's going to put a ULEZ camera right outside my shop.  I was going to move out anyway but I thought, great, this would be a great opportunity to blame Sadiq Khan for my broken business model and generate a lot of populist hate for London’s Lab**r council at the same time.” 

“And sure enough, the right-wing click-bait press like the MORON have picked up on it and I’ve got loads of free advertising as a result. Fantastic!”

Bexley and Bromley, which were historically part of Kent but are now London boroughs, were included in the expanded ULEZ scheme on August 29. 

Evil socialist Sadiq Khan
It started in central London with the aim to improve air quality by deterring motorists, through a £12.50 charge, from driving older more polluting cars into the zone.

Since it was introduced, hundreds of ULEZ cameras have been stolen or vandalised in protest, cheered on by populist right-wingers and their adoring press who see nothing wrong with breaking the law if it suits their own politics. 

London Mayor Sadiq Khan says the move to expand the scheme to all of London’s boroughs was “one of the toughest decisions” he'd taken but was necessary to address the capital's polluted air.  Introduced by former Tory London Mayor Boris Johnson, the scheme is similar to those that most major cities across Europe have adopted. 

The scheme has proved a success in terms of meeting its objectives. In outer London, 85 per cent of vehicles seen driving in outer London on an average day were compliant with ULEZ criteria at the start of the consultation in May 2022, so their drivers would not have to pay the charge anyway. That figure has now risen to 95%.

The ULEZ is just part of a series of measures designed to reduce London’s air pollution. Despite the fact that these policies work, none of this has stopped a desperate Tory propaganda machine from using it as a stick to beat Lab**r with, however. Click here to find out more.

Kylie Trollhouse: Vote Tory for pollution
Stroochester MP Kylie Trollhouse has been vocal in her opposition to the daily charge which she has branded a “typical Lab**r crack-down on freedom and restricts the right of people to drive their old 30 year-old soot-blowing diesels and fill the air with carcinogenic fumes if they want to...” 

"If we were really worried about costs to motorists, we Tories would be kicking off about the Dartford Crossing Toll. But that's run by a multi-national consortium and taking them on would be, like, hard work. Having a go at Sadiq Khan is much easier."

“So the message is clear,” said Ms. Trollhouse. “Bashing Lab**r is far more important to us than actual facts, the cost to motorists or the health of those who live in London and breathe its air. People voted Tory for the right to let water companies fill our rivers and seas with sewage. So if you want knackered old cars, vans and lorries to fill the air with soot, vote Conservative.” 



Please note that we do not moderate comments. However, we may edit or delete them, or manipulate the voting on them in order to reflect our editorial policy.

Chad Grunter wrote:

Sadiq Khan is attempting to set up a woke, socialist Islamic republic in London and is using the ULEZ tax to fund it. His ULEZ cameras are an attempt to enforce Sharia law on the UK and should be torn down and smashed, as should Khan’s Lab**r Party.


Grey Mondeo Man wrote: 

The ULEZ is just another Tory distraction issue that is being blown-up out of all proportion in order to distract from the economic and social collapse of the UK resulting from 15 years of Tory corruption, lies and incompetence. I expect the usual rabid Tories will be on here soon saying otherwise.


Chad Grunter replied: 

I wish someone would blow YOU up.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote: 

I do not pay the ULEZ nor any parking fees within its zone, or least, as far as I know I don’t. My chauffeur drives my massive luxury Range Rover in and out of London and parks wherever I tell him to. I let my lawyers worry about the various fines or whatever that Khan’s socialist minions have the temerity to send me. Rich people like me do not have to bother about such things, and we don’t.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:

Particulate emissions from so-called polluting diesels are rich in vitamins and beneficial omega-3 compounds that are known to boost cardiovascular and respiratory health.
Sadiq Khan is promoting his ULEZ as a front for his plans to turn London into an Islamic caliphate, which is itself a front for world domination by Bill Gates, George Soros and the Illuminati lizard people.
To avoid being subsumed by the alien lizards, it is best to hide in your Mum’s attic with your head wrapped in tin-foil and until the lizards are driven away by a triumvirate of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinPing, who will liberate the world from tyranny by killing everyone who believes in climate change.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote: 

Comrades, do not vote in next election because all political parties are same. If no-one vote, your Tories will boss again which good news for rich Russians hiding money in UK and dear Mr. Putin.
