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Friday, March 29, 2024

Damning Report Closes Popular Sushi Restaurant

The Shiawasena Senshi sushi bar

The Shiawasena Senshi sushi bar in Grott Street, Chattingham, has been forced to close after a damning inspection report resulted in a zero hygiene rating.

The restaurant was issued a hygiene emergency prohibition notice following the visit from a Midway council environmental health officer.

Stock photo of cockroaches
It states that the “health risk condition was fulfilled” as “there is widespread, live active cockroach infestation with all stages of the life cycle seen”.

This resulted in “a significant risk to public health,” it added.

During the visit to the Shiawasena Senshi, the inspector also found rat and mouse droppings in various places around the floor in the main kitchen and also in the rear storeroom with pest control reports identifying rodent activity ongoing for at least the last year.

Stock photo of rat
There was also no hot running water to the wash hand basins and there was no sink available in the kitchen for adequate cleaning.

Dirt and debris were found underneath, behind and in between equipment in the preparation and service and food storage areas.

One of the freezers was also found to be not working, despite it having chicken and other meat in it, whilst another was “sticky and dirty”.  The floor in the toilet was flooded and the toilet itself was blocked.

Meanwhile, structural standards were also labelled “extremely poor”.

Stock photo of mould
The flooring throughout the preparation and serving area had been left in disrepair following water damage, having collapsed in places.

There was damage to the ceilings throughout the storage areas with holes, black mould and flaking plasterboard and paint in places. Worktops were found to be covered in black mould.

The restaurant will be able to reopen when the cockroach, rat, mouse, mould, damp, refrigeration and building structural problems have been addressed.

“My staff are deeply ashamed,” said Tsukutta Namae, the owner of the restaurant. “This is a great dishonour for my workers. They have all since committed harikiri and we hope to reopen shortly with honourable staff.”


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Grey Mondeo Man wrote:

This is appalling. It sounds like the place needs burning down. The current owners certainly shouldn’t be allowed to run restaurants with such a poor regard for hygiene.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. You lot are supposed to be promoting diversity and yet you want this restaurant closed down? Like all K*ir St*rmer-supporting bum-boys, you are just a stinking racist hypocrite. Hate! Hate!



I blame Brexit.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:

Lab**r councils have far greater incidences of food hygiene failures than Tory councils. This is because they wish to infect the wealthier, restaurant-going community (who are better off and therefore likely to be Tory voters) with illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, rabies, typhoid and ebola so that they cannot vote in general elections, thus ensuring a Lab**r government. I know this for a fact because I read it on the Internet:


Vaccines for these common diseases also allow left-wing governments to inject citizens with mind-controlling microchips, thus ensuring their continued political hegemony:


This is why I never go out and have stayed in my Mum’s attic for the past 40 years.
