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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Local MP attends Easter Service

Stroochester Cathedral

Stroochester MP Kylie Trollhouse was among several local dignitaries attending the traditional photo opportunity at the Easter service held at Stroochester Cathedral today.

Kylie Trollhouse MP: "Blame Lab**r"
“Easter is a very special occasion and we must remember that Christ died for our sins,” said Ms. Trollhouse. “We must also never forget that it was Midway’s Lab**r Council that was responsible for the Crucifixion,” she added.

“Council Leader Vic Marbles banged in the nails that were passed to him by Simon Korma, Midway’s Lab**r Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, while K**r Star**r just washed his hands.”

“Vote Conservative for the Resurrection of Boris Johnson…”

A spokesman for Midway Council just rolled his eyes, shook his head and refused to comment.


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Yu Rong wrote:

I think the Tories are absolutely wonderful. The true benefits of Brexit are now obvious to all and anyone can see that we now are living in the promised sunlit uplands. The cost of living is at a record low, industrial productivity is at all all-time high and everyone is well-off, or at least everyone I know. God help us if K**r Starm*r and his bunch of leftist Lab**r loons get elected. No-one believes the doom and gloom ultra far-left propaganda put on here by the likes of GreyMondeoMan and Gonads, who obviously don’t live in the real world as reported in those shining beacons of truth, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and GBNews.
