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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Met Office Confirms Warmest February On Record

Stock picture of rain clouds.

Last month was the warmest February in England and Wales since records began in 1884, the Met Office has said.

The mean temperature across the whole of the UK was 6.3C (43.3F), the second warmest February for the whole country since the last record of 6.8C (44.2F) was set in 1998.

Our local Midway area also had its wettest February in a time series dating back to 1836, with much of the region experiencing more than twice the average rainfall.

Weather data shows a clear warming trend for average winter temperatures in the UK, one that is expected to continue as a result of human-induced climate change.

This means there will still be cold spells, the Met Office said, similar to the one in the first half of January, but they are likely to be less frequent and less severe.

Midway MP Kylie Trollhouse
“I blame Midway’s Lab**r Council,” said Kylie Trollhouse, MP for Stroochester and Odd Bits Of Chattingham That Got Carved Up So That La**ur Couldn’t Win.

“Ever since Lab**r got elected, it hasn’t stopped raining. The sun always used to shine when we had a Tory council. And we used to have proper, cold snowy winters as well,” she added.

“The only way we are going to get proper old-fashioned weather is if the people of Midway come to their senses and vote Conservative…”


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Chad Grunter wrote:

I’m sure the usual leftist climate-change idiots will be claiming that the recent spell of rain is down to global warming rather than just “weather”.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Man-made climate change is a genuine phenomenon that threatens our entire way of life. Continuing to deny it means we will continue to fail to address it.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**ur-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you K**r St**mer-loving, La**urite bum-boy.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:

Climate change is a myth promoted by left-wing political activists intent on bringing down our wonderful fossil fuel industry in order to impose their own communist utopia. I know that because I read about it on the Internet.:

Global temperatures are, in fact, falling and the polar ice caps are growing at an alarming rate
Made-up-climate-data-produced-by-fossil-fuel-companies that-only-dopey-welshsters-believe.co.uk

I live in Wales and when I look out of the window of my Mum’s attic where I’ve lived for the past forty years, it’s still raining. That proves that climate isn’t changing.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:

I must say that my golf course is far wetter than it has ever been. Still, at least the warm weather means we are spared the usual sob-stories of poor families who can’t afford to heat their cheap, nasty houses. Serves them right for being poor and breeding too much, I say.
