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Monday, March 18, 2024

Pauline on Politics: This Week - Immigration

Our political editor Pauline Popkins gives her fearless and in-depth opinion on matters of national concern. This week: The English Channel Migrant Crisis...

So, we seem to be on the brink of World War 3, yet funding for national defence is at an all-time low. Our much-vaunted and mega-expensive Trident nuclear deterrent can only fire a missile about 30 feet.

It looks like Britain is soon going to be facing food and fresh water shortages. And what little food we can get into the country is full of salmonella because we aren’t able to do the food quality checks that the EU used to manage at point of export. 

Our economy is tanking. Shops, restaurants and pubs are closing down in droves. The only things “high” on our High Streets are the hordes of drunks, druggies and rapists. And where are the police? Oh sorry, they ARE the police…

Doctors and teachers are leaving their professions and leaving the country in droves because things are so bad. We can’t attract skilled people from overseas and our education and industrial systems are so broken we can’t train our own people any more.

Brexit has made the UK an international laughing stock. The country is f*cked after 15 years of “austerity” and the government is too busy posturing and fighting amongst themselves to actually do anything about anything.

All leftie socialist LIES of course! But never mind all that.


OK, so boat people only make up about 5% of the immigrants coming into the country. But let's not allow facts to get in the way of a good distraction issue.


MILLIONS OF THEM crossing the Channel every day, waived through by Froggie cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Demanding to be put up in five-star hotels and given benefits as soon as they set foot on shore. THEY’RE WORSE THAN COCKROACHES! We could give them work permits and maybe get them doing the jobs we won’t do, of course. But that would be a humane and sensible solution. We mustn’t fall into that woke, snowflake trap.



British people like me want to see performative cruelty and expensive, ineffective punishment, not namby-pamby socialism!!! So our Trident missiles can only fly about 30 feet? That’s fine. Just get our submarines alongside a few immigrant boats and then NUKE THE BASTARDS!!! WHAT’S THE POINT OF HAVING A NUCLEAR DETERRENT IF WE DON’T USE IT?!!!

I blame K*ir Starm*r and his bunch of Lab**r socialist snowflake cronies.  What are they doing about the UK’s problems, eh?  NOTHING, AS USUAL.  Just opposing everything.  Always saying “NO!!!”  HATE! HATE!! HATE!!!  BASTARDS!!!!

Deep state communist civil servants left-wing investment bankers bring back Liz wibble wibble evil BBC socialist London metropolitan elite gibber gibber STOP RINGING THOSE BELLS STOP RINGING THOSE BELLS bloody LBGT Guardian-reading tofu-eating wokerati…

There’s only one answer. ROUND THEM ALL UP AND DEPORT THEM ALL TO RWANDA that’s the only language these Islamic Jihadi fifth-columnists understand meep meep bleep whirrr HEEATHCLEEFF IT’S MEEE I’M CATHEE I’VE COME HOME WHOAROOWHOAR LET MEE OUTTA YOUR WINDOWOOWOH FZZZZ BEEEP bibble babble bobble LOOKIT ME I’M FLYING I’M FLYING ARRRRGH ARRRRGH NOOOOOH MY GOD my brain’s exploded!!!! 


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David Simile The Second wrote:

A wonderfully concise and accurate summary of the appalling state of this country, caused by the hordes of stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflakes. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, they are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillocks. Keep up the good work, Pauline!


Grey Mondeo Man wrote:

I hope your brain gets better soon, Pauline.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.
