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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Local politician quits due to politicians “playing politics”

Cllr Pearl Clutcher
A Midway Tory councillor says her decision to quit as a Tory was triggered partly by decisions taken by the former Tory administration over the development of Midway’s Whatt Peninsular in accordance with a Tory development plan devised by the previous Tory council.

Cllr Pearl Clutcher has resigned from the council’s Conservative group, citing a range of issues she felt had not been properly addressed.  Asked what had contributed to her decision to leave the group, she said she was unhappy at the nature of the political debate, saying it was “too political”.

“It was a really difficult decision; I am a Tory and I hold Tory principles,” she said. “In accordance with those principles, it is therefore right that I resign in a sulk because we now have a Lab**r Council”.

A particular concern was the money that had originally been allocated to meet the infrastructure costs associated with the development of the Whatt Peninsula.

“The Housing Infrastructure Fund was something I was not comfortable with; as it was never going to be enough for what we were boasting we were going to deliver,” she said.  “However, the government then withdrew the funding altogether once a Lab**r council got elected. They’re not going to give tax-payer’s money to an area that voted out Tory politicians, after all. Can you blame them?”

“This is entirely the fault of the current Lab**r-led Midway council administration, of course. So I’m off…”

Kylie Trollhouse MP
“This tragic resignation is yet another failure that is down to Midway’s La**ur Council,” said Kylie Trollhouse, MP for Stroochester and Odd Bits Of Chattingham That Got Carved Up So That La**or Couldn’t Win.

“Cllr Clutcher would never have resigned if we still had a Tory-run council. How dare these Lab**r councillors go around offering Midway voters an alterative to the past 20 years of Tory administration? Not content with starting two world wars, sinking the Titanic and dropping the A-bomb on Hiroshima, La**ur now taken over our local council. This has to stop.”

“I’m hoping that Rishi will come up with an excuse to cancel the next general election. Why should we have another vote? We didn’t re-run the Brexit vote just because it’s been a disaster, did we? The public elected a Tory government in 2019, so that should be good enough.” 

In other news: Priest Resigns Due to Church Being Religious.



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Grey Mondeo Man wrote:

These Tories keep repeating themselves. They’ve been in charge for a decade or so and yet everything is still La**ur’s fault.  Why don't they come up with something new in the way of "attack lines"?


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid comment from a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, you are a blight on society and as such are unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.
