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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Midway Mum In Woke Bun Furore

The Co-Op bakery is at the centre of a “culture wars” storm after it put its traditional Easter goods on sale in its Stroodchester mini-market.

“I picked up a pack of hot cross buns and I couldn’t believe it,” said young mum of six, Mandy Gormless, 22. 

Bun-Loving Mum-of-six, Mandy Gormless (22)
“The cross was all yellowy-white! What happened to the good old red and white cross of St. George? Even our hot cross buns have been hijacked by the “woke” brigade!”

“First our football shirts, now this. When will this “woke” nonsense ever end?” said a distraught Ms. Gormless. 

“Now I have bun-induced PTSD. I want compensation!”

A Co-Op spokesman rolled his eyes and refused to comment.

MP Kylie Trollhouse: "All Lab**r's Fault"
Local Tory MP Kylie Trollhouse was quick to join in the chorus of condemnation.

“I blame Midway’s Lab**r council,” said Ms. Trollhouse. 

“They have obviously spent millions of pounds of council tax-payer’s money in order to persuade the Co-Op to disfigure our traditional English hot-cross buns with a symbol of rank wokery. This virtue-signalling is a typical Lab**r affront to all hard-working people living in the Midway area.”

“Vote Conservative for non-woke hot cross buns…”


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Chad Grunter wrote:

These socialist lefties are literally stuffing their woke agenda down out throats. We should boycott all stores that sell these symbols of leftie LGBTXYZ wokery and insist on hot cross buns with a proper red cross of St. George on them, just like they always had until the trendy virtue-signalling libtards got hold of them.


Grey Mondeo Man replied:

Hot cross buns have always had a whitish cross on them. The cross is just short-crust pastry and has never been red. It’s a symbol of the Christian cross, not the flag of St. George. I think Tories like you are just misrepresenting the facts and then attacking your own misrepresentations to suit your own demented “culture wars” distraction agenda, as usual.


David Simile the Second replied:

A typically stupid reply from Gay Mondeo Man, a typically stupid remoaning socialist La**or-supporting woke snowflake. Like all lazy parasitic leftist scum, he’s just a blight on society and as such is unable to hold any sort of discussion without resorting to vile, frothing insults. Crawl away and die, you tofu-eating, Guardian-reading pillock.


Kent’s Greatest Prick Ever wrote:

Anybody who buys food from such a plebeian outlet as the Co-Op deserves everything they get. My domestic staff buy luxury bespoke buns for my own pantry from Fortnum and Masons. I would not want to think that my food would have been sitting on shelves in the presence of the unwashed peasantry.


Boring Welsh Tory wrote:

In Welsh tradition, it is hypothesised that the contemporary hot cross bun originates from the Britpop band Blur, whose front man Damon Albarn developed a recipe called an "Albarn Bun" and distributed the bun to the people attending their gigs in 1992. In 1993, during the reign of Elizabeth I of England, the London Clerk of Markets issued a decree forbidding the sale of hot cross buns and other spiced breads at Oasis gigs in Wales. The punishment for transgressing the decree was being actually forced to listen to such dross as “Don’t Look Back In Anger”.
I do not eat hot cross buns because the cross is actually a conducting aerial for aetheric vibrations broadcast by climate change supporters led by Bill Gates and the secret Illuminati cabal controlled by alien lizard people.


Pseudocreem 2 wrote:

Your hot cross buns are symbol of failure of your decadent democracy, comrades. Do not vote in next general election as all parties are same. Then Tories will boss again and dear Mr. Putin and his rich friends will all be happy as they were when we got you idiots to vote Brexit.
